The more I read about this guy, the more I'm enthralled by him

The more I read about this guy, the more I'm enthralled by him.

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The more I look at him, the more he gives me nightmares about la criatura de la oscuridad.

go read about the fedex bomber
and his mistakes

la criatura de la florida

Check it out, anti-racemixing memes are starting to go mainstream.

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>tortured, dismembered, killed little animals for fun
>threw rocks, coconuts, and vandalized property
>bit off a kid's ear in the 3rd grade
>was a perv who peaked in a little girl's window
>started fights with the neighborhood kids
>got into fights at his own school
>threatened his gf numerous times
>>pulled a rifle on his adoptive mom
>got cops called on him more than 20 times
No wonder he got bullied, he was a serial killer in the making


well there you go

His biological mother was apparently also a Jew.

why didn't he shoot himself like all other school shooters? why didn't he write a manifesto? he could've been the new elliot

As long as we're pulling out dog whistles here, did you also know he was a fervent alt-righter type?

Yeah, I was confused when I heard he was arrested. I assumed he was going to kill himself like the other schooters usually do.

Wasn't he bound to receive a hefty inheritance in a couple years? He should have waited until then and used the money to fund a r9krobot army armed to the teeth with black market weaponry and bombs to set a new record for highest death toll

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The kids that bullied him had their colleges drop them.

if hes such a badass why does he avoid eye contact with people?

I can't see the part where that guy said he was badass. Care to point it out?

I think the weirdest part is that his mom died of the flu.

The only good thing to come from him are the amerimutt goblino memes.

People like this should be either harvested for organs or forcibly conscripted into a special group in the military that is sent into warzones to just recklessly kill as many people as possible.

Yes bring back the Forlorn Hope for these people. If they survive 10 suicide missions, give them 3 acres of land in the middle east and a harem of muslim girls

That stuff is just normal psycho behavior, not nearly as interesting as the Rodge, Anders Breivik, Adam Lanza or even Dylan and Eric

>"Items recovered by police at the scene included gun magazines with swastikas carved in them. One student reported that Cruz had drawn a swastika and the words "I hate niggers" on his backpack.[68] CNN reported that Cruz was in a private Instagram group chat where he expressed racist, homophobic, antisemitic, and anti-immigrant (xenophobic) views. He said he wanted to kill gay people and Mexicans, and talked about keeping black people in chains. Cruz said he hated black people "simply because they were black," and Jewish people because he believed "they wanted to destroy the world." He also referred to white women in interracial relationships as traitors.[69]"

Cause he was a butthurt Jow Forumsfag. They have no common sense.

>I must save the white race!
>*dies in jail*

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lanza is very interesting IMO. hope they release his documents eventually. so many corny shooters leave dumb ass manifestos and stuff behind but adam literally smashed his hard drive and deleted his internet presence more or less lol

The poster. The poster made me laugh.

How did this ugly son of a bitch have a gf?

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The gf thing seems to be a rumor. From everything I've read about him, nothing so far mentions a gf.

huh? she died of pneumonia? isn't that weird desu

what's interesting about killing literal children?

i've never seen such a hiki in the west. the kid lived with his mom and they only spoke via email for the last few months of his life. he was so isolated that it's mind blowing.
as for the attack, i find mass murder to be very interesting especially compared to serial or other types of murder

>the Rodge
Can't dislodge the Rodge

he seemed legit low IQ, wouldn't be surprised if his biological mom drank or smoked crack while pregnant

there was a pic of him and his gf, google seems to have scrubbed it. It was reported he threatened his ex's new bf

realize I don't get it
can somebody explain this to a brainlet like me

That is fucking facistic and inhumane glad you're not in charge of things

It implies that mixed race people are not really people. See 'the 56%' meme for more info

Cute, I ship Robot and Goblina.

pic related

orignality of a post

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Emma Gonzalez = the goblin
Nikolas Cruz = the guy with the hoodie
It could very well be an anti-miscegenation poster as well, though.

Let me guess, every detail in that article came from an anonymous source or according to police "evidence" that will never be published or made public.

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he reminds me of based Gary from bully

im surprised more women arent into him, that gonzales girl seems to not be attracted to him at all even after he shot up the school, it's weird, maybe she's secretly shlicking to him

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>Wow this kid is exhibiting disturbing behavior, it seems like he could snap one day
>I know! Lets ostracize and provoke him until he snaps all the way instead of trying to befriend him or get him professional help!
>Yeah! And then we can baww on TV to lobby for the removal of American constitutional rights!
I have literally zero sympathy for the so-called victims

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ay santa muestra su identidad verdadero, goblina del norte

dat positive canthal tilt though HNNGGG i bet his piercing stare makes lookism ovulate

i might be wrong but he seemed more like an edgelord than a robot like adam lanza or elliot were

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>threw coconuts

>:( adfsertcsffwev

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Wut? Translation pl0x

Does anyone have that pic of him smiling when he's like middle school aged?