I just beat my wife. AMA

I just beat my wife. AMA

Attached: Beat_wife.jpg (510x340, 31K)

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Congratulations on being a piece of shit mate.

Calling your penis your wife is kind of weird.

It felt good. You should try it.

What a cishet. Stop posting as soon as you make it to the news.

Did she even deserve it?

>did a woman deserve a beating
What do you think user?

when the fuck dont they deserve it? at this point women should be grateful men share OUR civilization with THEM instead of letting them all freeze/starve

How can you beat something that doesn't exist?

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How horny are you afterwards, OP?
Did you get to bust a fat nut on her nose whilst in the act??

if you have any kids they are gonna turn out like me

I bet you had crazy sex afterwards.

what lead to this happening how did she react?

>my wife

Why are you even here, normie?

Bitch Slap!!!!

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what game? What console?

A robot has no wife or gf and if anything he'd be the one ending up getting beaten.
Begone normie!

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Get outta here wife beating normie scum.

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What did she do this time OP?

You didn't even ask why he did it lol pussy

Are you including a chapter on this in your next book, Mr. Peterson?

What happened OP? Why did you beat her? How did you do it? What was her reaction afterwards?

Just tell us the whole story in graphic detail and then go and take pictures of her bruised ass

Atleast you're not this faggot.

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