
Post a picture of your eyes, fellow robots.

Attached: eyes.png (345x82, 66K)

Look at my eyes and tell me there is a God.

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R8 em fellow bots

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how do you liek?

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hello ladies and gentlemen :)

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Can you do another steam sale please?

Fat and ugly
Shit colored eyes are shit tier
Bug eyes
Meme spouting retard

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same pic as always originolli

Attached: 2018-03-29 14.11.47.jpg (2733x1829, 1.99M)

pls no bully may may

#nobullyingallowd #preventbullies #autismrules

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Boogie2988 cominf atcha

Oooh you think so???

woooooooah ooooooooooooooooooooah

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I'm too lazy to crop but I'm a black dude so y'know ugly brown eyes and all that jazz.

I've always been jealous of blue eyes t b h

Poor guy almost got cucked to death

You high boyo? Can I get a hit?

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>Can I get a hit?
I'll share with anyone willing to share back

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i got a lot of compliments on Jow Forums but im still a shut in autist lmao

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this is obvious data collection, how is Jow Forums this dumb?


Boogie1488 yuo moust jooce.

>living a long life full of social opportunities.
>eating an above average amount of food.

Gas fatbots

Are we /soc/ now?

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Begone, shitskinned subhuman.

I'd rather be a shitskin then have the autism necessary to tripfag

ah, the negative canthal tilt, a hallmark feature of a robot.

>tfw perpetually look sad because of it

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You know its over when I can exactly tell what your chin looks like from just your eyes

think ive seen you once before here, about a year ago or so
saved that time, saving this time

These are my eyes, I have the same as my mother

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Daily reminder that if your eyes aren't brown you're sub-human

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Shit tyrone is comming for our fembots again. We must scare him away to protect the flock

I think anyone can tell everything about me from my eyes

i disagree despite my own trait
i like yours, very bottomless

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Stop saying shit like this you insufferable turd gobblers. Post your eyes, if you got the balls.

You look nice, bruh.

>tfw always look angry/sleepy/mongoloid cuz my forehead and the rest of my face are overlapping my eyeholes like edges of a cave, rendering my eyes unadjusted to sunlight

At work right now, if the thread isnt dead by 19(Paris) I will

wat. i was just saying a negative canthal tilt is a robot feature because it makes you look sad all the time. no bully

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they're lighter irl

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They say these are the windows to the soul, what do you see user?

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Shave the pubes off your face soyboy

I see a monitor and a Tommorow style Jow Forums tab on screen

How the fuck is your hair a lighter color than your eyes

>tfw shitty brown eyes
Every day is torture.

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Brown eyes are the best

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Wanna be my feminine bf?

Hapa eyes

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Phone screen and on mimi, because in class.
I've no clue why my hairs that way.

there is a lot of beautiful sorrow in this one

Well, I am mentally ill.

I'd rather have green eyes to be honest.

Sorry user.

Kinda look like Anya Taylor joy desu
Ur a Qt3.14

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Never been compared to a girl before. Thanks

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sweet little child, may you find comfort

All you niggas have ugly eyes.

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I hate my self florbidorb

Attached: muheyezos.jpg (668x338, 67K)

Thank you. You're very kind

Im high as fuck atm

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They're a bright blue when I'm not uber high

here are my eyes, here are more words

Attached: eyes.png (1004x263, 530K)

An unconfident pussy.

You appear to be female. You're either an ugly one or a very effeminate man.

I see eye, I post eye.
>tfw I will never have green eyes

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very very young, possibly underaged
lest i hope so, would be dreadful for you otherwise

Ur a faggot,.she clearly very pretty

I'm a dude, dudes

You look really sad, is everything ok user?

Yes I'm ok, thanks for asking though

You got prettier eyes than Are you gay

no idea, ive only posted my face here once so the chances are pretty low.
can you post that pic?

i disagree completely
perhaps you are the home of sex here
ill try, but no promise

No, sorry, I'm not a fan of penis

Why does suicide seem so alluring some times.

Attached: Absolute state of my life.jpg (746x165, 83K)


You faggot white knight. He's a dude. Faggot faggot faggot.

>White knighting for a dude just because he looks like a bitch.

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Everything about this post makes me think you're 13

What's that? An original response, let me get my glasses. Oh... oh, another person pushing their vision of themself onto me. Coolio

i have eyes!

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17 y/o. Still pretty shitty.

Dude are you just trying to get yourself banned or something?

I recognize those, dyke-chan

If I do I'll just use another ip.

Kryst=scratch=Kroni 25 year old Juan lives in Kentucky works at Macdonalds Puerto Rican descent dropped out of high school been into rehab.

I like my eyes. And yes my eyebrows are kinda fucked.

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youre dead inside like me!

LOL faggot I bet you wish I was 13, you dirty old pedophile.
Cool story bro, lol u mad?

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Fucking hell my eye is even more swollen than on the pic right now, can only see on my other eye. What do? i suppose it's an allergic reaction

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looking at my full face prior to cropping this made me feel bad

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Fuck no, my eyes is the place on my face that's actually ugly, they're slightly misaligned.

yeah, now you can be like 95% of the world with your totally unique brown eyes

you look like youve been crying
i like your eyebrows

my eyes are those.

Attached: damn.jpg (370x333, 16K)

tired and annoyed
latinofag here

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See your doctor faggot
And start taking antihistamines

tfw gook eyes

you guys have beautiful eyes wtf

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Yeah i know, because it's swollen as fuck
I have some, the problem is that i wanna get blackout drunk later on and they will make me tired

>inb4 acne


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