How ya holding up, Jow Forums?

I frankly feel like I want to kill myself and that the unrelenting madness that is this world is too horrible to bare. Only reason I havent put a .45 in my skull is because I can't stand the thought of my parents crying over my sorry ass corpse.

What about you?

What keeps you going?

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Other urls found in this thread:

into buddhism

I wanna heal! I wanna feel!
Like I'm close to something real!

well, my daughter, primarily.
i was real close to an heroing for too may years until this happy little accident came along. now she, instead of my parents, is my reason. it's getting better though. she started reading me the chronicles of narnia and i gave her her first pocket knife a couple days ago. going camping tomorrow.
weird shit happens, there is beauty all around, dont give up.

I dont ever see myself reproducing, or having sex again for that matter.

I dont care for religion

>wants to put a bullet in brain
>thinks his opinions are beneficial to himself
it's more of a philosophy anyways, It's basically stoicism with the kinks ironed out

Sorry you feel so down OP. I've been there. Was there for many years.

Had to change everything and got kicked around. Changed some more. Got kicked around more. Finally came home after half a decade in a lonely region of the US. Decided to let go of the past. Dropped FB. Got a decent part time job. Went fulltime. Lost 30 pounds. Cleaned my room every day. Thinking about going back to school.

What keeps me going is hope. Hope for something better than yesterday. Hope for my dreams. Hope because I've been hopeless and realize I needed to change.

We are the architects of our own despair or success. If you need to make a change, make it. Do it. Read philosophy. Listen to Dr. Peterson. Take a walk on a nice day. Put down the pipe and the Vidya. Put down the bottle. Cut out people who aren't helping. Go hermit for as long as it takes. Have faith. Say prayers. It works.

Pretty much that, user.
You are young though and have a life to live.
There will be moments
I am old and have lost everything
I trulyl have nothing to live for
I am taking a flight to Thailand to begin my web business b/c I can life for $750/mo there.

how old are ya? I felt like I was at an absolute dead end in my mid 20s and saw no future. It's been a roller coaster since then, mid 30s now.

start helping me meme ww3 into existence. ww3 will give our lifes meaning.

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the prospect of ww3 keeps me going trough this horrible thing called life

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>What keeps you going?
Some days it is to see my enemies crying, crushed and broken. Other days chocolate chip pancakes. It all depends on my mood.

29, and not looking forward to rest of my hopefully short life span. Knowing my luck though, Ill die because someone accidentally unplugs my life support after laying infirmed in a hospital bed, years and years from now.

I am deeply waiting for any “HAPPENING” to occur.
I want to see for myself what mass civil unrest looks like. I want to see how destructive a society can be when pushed to the brink.

Wouldnt hold my breath

I'm pretty sure the majority of Jow Forums is on the verge of an heroing

Wouldnt surprise me, though its hard for it to not enter one's mind when you've see the writing on the shit house wall

I guess a better question is, what do I do when my parents die? They're the only people who actually love and care about me? Whats a life worth living if no one gives a shit?


Who? Myself?

I recommend changing your chemistry. Find an activity that changes how your brain works. Could be something passive and light like yoga or meditation, religion, or something harder hitting like learning about nootropics / phenibut / modafinl. shit, get addicted to something, or if you are, get clean.
change your chems, change your mind. do *something*

pee in your mouth

tastes great
feels soft

Humanity has been under a constant state of duress for decades by government actions that violate their god given freedoms...

When are people going to defend their freedom?

me too lad

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They are far too content and distracted now

Im afraid of death, Id rather live miserably with the chance of things improving then to die. imagine not being able to think, what state would you be in, would be like remembering years before you were born, pure nothingness

Let the main thing stopping you be the hell that will unleash on your parents. Don't do it, browse pol, get inspired and be better

Get inspired by what, exactly? Shitposts, some dumb cock sucker telling me to clean my room, and the truth that its not going to ever get better?

If I am not conscience or non-existent, then I lack the capacity to give a shit.

Sounds like a dream.

Jesus. Not churchianity.

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I wanna know where it's all going and, Almighty forbid, if it goes south during my time on this Earth, I intend to do all I can to save as many people as I can and try to guide them to the Truth

The only thing that keeps me going is waiting for the happening, but it'll never happen.

The truth is that we are no different than animals and we consume infinitely more resources that they ever would on a planet of finite resources. I would be very surprised if this species lasts another 1000 years.


The world isn't the problem you are. You just don't want to do anything about it or admit your mistakes

We'll be fine. There's a whole solar system to exploit.

>What keeps you going?
the bible my man

I'm the same way, but I'm probably putting a bullet to my brain or trying to be a welfare-nigger out of spite by the time I'm early 30s. Especially as a Canadian, life is even more depressing.

I've been slandered by people I thought were my friends because I was on a downwards spiral. they've slandered me with exactly what I'm not sure, but now I get followed everywhere and have a few patch members of less heat groups hanging about when I take public transport. I've started driving around again since even though it's hard to afford in school. I don't know what keeps me going some days, I cant even be sure that my heat is from those guys, I made some serious mistakes during a bad time and I pissed off people in my community. You've gotta decide if it's worth it. I wake up every day thinking, "Fuck you, I'm still alive", no matter the level of stress with which I fell asleep. Find something to fight for.

But I NEVER fucked anyone over. I just goofed and pissed off a bunch of soccer moms essentially, although it was warranted

maybe they need a spark. A true act of justice.

Arrest Podesta if you are on the verge of being an hero

Fucking tired of all of the non happenings. Waiting for the next great war to give a tinge of purpose to life, cause it's too late for me otherwise.

It's tough times in canuk land. In this bad economy being straight laced is important,

Same reason keeps me alive. I would use a shotgun though100% success rate.

Money, I want enough to afford to leave Cucknada or buy an AR-15 and prepare myself for the Day of the Rake

Day of rake?

You keep me going, user.

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Never asked to come here, shithead. I was ripped from the void to pilot this meat bag for a relatively short amount of time and I hate it.

Let nihilism be your guide then, if nothing matters, do as you please for better or for worse

dying as an old ass virgin who can exploit his self-imposed insanity for better or worse.
preferably i'd die on iceland or finland so that i get a shot of either reincarnating as a white man or force my soul to go to agartha in our hollow earth

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Thoughts like this have crossed my mind, it sounds like a good death. If I could save countless children in exchange for my own life, it's a fair trade.

good luck not having depression next time around then, comes with the genes, the only good thing about finish ancestry is height and white. Athough being a national would be nice


i'm a fucking lazy cunt that'll never achieve anything in life and it's kind of depressing

Good. Weather is starting to get warmer. I'll have my motorcycle soon. Things are looking up.

being a random fingol next time will fix my brainletness, since i want to be a engineer who can build impressive machines
as for now, i'm doing magick to dispel my unnaturally high bad luck

The hope that someday I'll work my way into a position where I can change some of the shit that hangs over us.
Or at the very least, understand why it's there.

All the times I tried to quit drugs because they were bad, it didn't work. When I went into it thinking "let's see how bad I can really get", I got clean. There is something to be said for depths sometimes becoming heights in an instant. I think we're getting there.
10 years ago, I'd have said you were right, but today? I work for AT&T, and we're supposed to sell ******1****** DTV package PER MONTH. Just 1, and to max commission, you just need 2. Still, every single person struggles with it. Why? Because these new opiates of the masses, TV, cellphones, videogames, etc, are wearing thin, and nobody wants to be lied to all day by talking heads puppeted by Jewish fucks only to be charged 100s of dollars for the pleasure.

If you know of the 100th monkey effect, I, personally, would posit that we are at the 97th, maybe 98th monkey, as it sits right now.

fair enough, you have access to internet and time, you can learn everything you need to on youtube to be an equivalent first year at any decent institution. all you need is school cash

Commies. I have to throw at least one from a helicopter

Life is good my sorry little sad bitch.

>Every single person struggles with it.
That's because they're all retarded ex-druggies like you and know fuck all about sales.

Family. Plus I have a business to take care of that makes me happy. Life is good.

I hope everything works out for you OP

This isn’t what you’re supposed to do; even if you just redpill people you’re making the world a better place.

Nothing really.
Honestly don't know why i haven't poped myself already. Most likely due to jow owning any firearms yet.

Civil war soon brother. Gun control will win, we can escape modernism.

every suicide is a victory for the jew, just dont do it

>What keeps you going?

If you believe that you can exist in the void (as do I), then why would you think that you didn't ask for this? Every soul is on its way to becoming God, it is evolving over countless lifetimes, from atom to cosmos. Even cancer is chosen, if it helps you grow as your truest self deems necessary.

You don't need religion, though. That's bullshit, and don't take anyone at their word when they spout it at you like I just did. What you want is to be removed from dogma; you don't like faith, but you want to know divinity. There is a way to do this, and it is called gnosis. Enlightenment is the process of believing your way to divinity, and having light be put into you. Illumination is the process of knowing your way to divinity, and putting the light into yourself.

Read that.

Then move on to Itzhak Bentov's Stalking the Wild Pendulum. From there, look into Robert Monroe. To >know

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The ones who feel superior because they "know about sales" are nothing more than predators, in action and ethos. They take advantage of the addled; they sign up old women who they know won't catch the mistake until after they get their commision. They fuck with systems, break rules, and generally have this mentality of "I'mma get mine 'fore I get got, doh".
You can be like that all you want, while the rest of us try to repair the damage.

I need to learn to accept my absolute loneliness, then I will be ok. I've been working on a book, it's kind of comfy

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Your suicide isn't going to fix any shit in the world. It's just going to pile onto our already massive pile of shit we have created. If you want to just say fuck it and jump in the garbage heap go right ahead. No one will stop you and few will mourn.

I've contemplated suicide plenty of times and still do. That's the Devil or the Shadow in your mind that leads you to darkness. Call it whatever you want. The same shit that makes you drink, do drugs to excess, drive fast, or nut inside a girl you ought not nut in. That suicidal thought is what your body wants in the moment. Release from the bullshit. But you don't know what's on the other side of that portal. It could be hell or it could be an empty void where your conscience evaporates. You should enjoy your conscience while you have one user.

Get a fucking grip. Once you’re dead there’s no second chance. Just keep your head down and put one foot in front of the other

truly words of wisdom

Buy guns and ammo and prepare yourself for the unavoidable Race War

No, that's not what sales is about. You just sound like a shitty sales person.

fear of death is all that keeps me going. I am a 25 year old virgin with aspergers. I've got infatuations with a bunch of women who don't know I exist. I'm unemployed. I have 0 dollars. I'm ugly. I'm dumb as fuck too. I have no hope of change or turning my existence around.

I do know what's on the other side of that portal, more of the same.

Death is nothing to fear. Finding out your immortal, now that's some freaky shit.

When you get old enough, you learn that the World is far more fucked up than you first realized and grow to accept it. Be strong and be patient.

>killing yourself
And let those who bring madness to this world win? Go ahead, you weak excuse for a human being who cares more about how bad it makes him feel instead of working on solution for problems, one step at a time. Why won't you try to come up with strategy that will help you, your family, your friends, your neighborhood, your nation, all other people you care about? The more there's wrong with your life and your place in this world the more responsibility to set it right you should feel. Work on it, connect with other people, you're not the only one struggling so stop whining and keep fighting.

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Satan can't be more destructive towards me than Mutti

You're wrong. I'll never accept it. Now I just want to kill.


why would you kill yourself just at the moment where the pendulum already has swung in our directions. You lived trough retardation managed to come out on the other side witouth mental issues and now as we are winning you call quits?
Doesnt make no sense what so ever, wait it out dude not much longer.

Then the point of suicide is what exactly? Raising the net amount of chaos in this instance of reality? If you hate yourself now do you think it will change when you reincarnate as a screaming, shitty baby? You have full autonomy in your current state. You can enact real change around you. You can manipulate nature and bend it to your will. Why would you start back at 0?

That's not a pendulum it's a guillotine.

You don't reincarnate. You just simply keep existing. Suicide will accomplish nothing. You'll fail every single time.

Last few years have been a rough ride for me. I woke up to the realization that at least the previous two/three generations have been systematically brainwashed by Jews. I think it was Sam Hyde that once said
trying to (pic related) and trying to orientate myself in a world where I no longer know nothing, and can't really talk about it to anyone... it's been tough.

Turns out it was Satan that provided me with an axiom. Evil exists. Luciferian, child-sacrificing cults exist. They obviously wield great power. Thus it's all real, and so by definition, so must be God.

This is what orients me to this world now. Now I need to find out what they know, what the Nazis knew, about occultism. One step at a time, guys.

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Oi m8 got a source for that?

I am the source.

Ride the Tiger you stupid nigger. Take pleasure in the farcical spectacle that is the modern world and don't let its idiocy affect/corrupt your inner self.

If you can't then just detach completely and stop engaging in the world. I'm never in lower spirits than when i spend time reading the mind-numbingly idiotic news and media and allowing myself to be bothered by how stupid it is--it makes you feel powerless, but really, you shouldn't care.

There actually is a proper source for that. Give me a sec.

My father always says that every time a White dies, the government imports 2 shitskins to replace. Here's something to think about going an hero

Are you still here, OP?

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EXCERPT ON SUICIDE from Journey of Souls by PhD Michael Newton
-- it's a book about past-life regression therapy through hypnosis --

During our session, I learned this subject had experienced a recent series of male
lives, culminating with a short life as a prosecuting attorney called Ross Feldon in
the state of Oklahoma during the 1880s. As Ross, my client had committed suicide
at age thirty-three in a hotel room by shooting himself in the head. Ross was in
despair over the direction his life had taken as a courtroom prosecutor.
As the dialogue progresses, the reader will notice displays of intense emotion.
Regression therapists call this "heightened response" being in a state of
revivification (meaning to give new life) as opposed to the alternative trance state
where subjects are observer-participants.

Case 13

Dr. N: Now that you have left the shower of healing, where are you going?

S: (apprehensively) To see my advisor.

Dr. N: And who is that?

S: (pause) ... Dees ... no ... his name is Clodees.

Dr. N: Did you talk to Clodees when you entered the spirit world?

S: I wasn't ready yet. I just wanted to see my parents.

Dr. N: Why are you going to see Clodees now?

S: I ... am going to have to make some kind of ... accounting ... of myself. We go
through this after all my lives, but this time I'm really in the soup.


Get a hobby, man. I live for my hobbies. It's actually kind of nice.

Anime (tiddies) and my siblings.

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Nigger I was ranked #7 in all of AT&T last month based on my metrics. My team was #1.


Dr. N: Why?

S: Because I killed myself.

Dr. N: When a person kills himself on Earth does this mean they will receive some
sort of punishment as a spirit?

S: No, no, there is no such thing here as punishment-that's an Earth condition.
Clodees will be disappointed that I bailed out early and didn't have the courage to
face my difficulties. By choosing to die as I did means I have to come back later and
deal with the same thing all over again in a different life. I just wasted a lot of time
by checking out early.

Dr. N: So, no one will condemn you for committing suicide?

S: (reflects for a moment) Well, my friends won't give me any pats on the back
either-I feel sadness at what I did.

Note: This is the usual spiritual attitude toward suicide, but I want to add that those
who escape from chronic physical pain or almost total incapacity on Earth by killing
themselves feel no remorse as souls. Their guides and friends also have a more
accepting view toward this motivation for suicide.

Dr. N: All right, let's proceed into your conference with Clodees. First describe your
surroundings as you enter this space to see your advisor.

S: I go into a room-with walls ... (laughs) Oh, it's the Buckhorn!

Dr. N: What's that?

S: A great cattleman's bar in Oklahoma. I was happy as a patron there-friendly
atmosphere-beautiful wood paneling-the stuffed leather chairs. (pause) I see Clodees
is sitting at one of the tables waiting for me. Now we are going to talk.