>one chance at life
>one chance at life
5'8 suck my dick while you're down there
Holy shit OP that must suck. I'm so sorry.
Is it good if i am 6'6
You are going to have to speak up
i cant hear you from down there
Get amblyopia and become a philosopher
>tfw amblyopia but 6'0
I dont get why men breed with tiny women. Do you really want your son to suffer being a manlet. I would never breed with a sub 5.5
> tfw 5'6
Itll be fine my dude
Probably not, you are probably ugly.
How much do you weigh? orgnl
I'm 5'11" and I met a cute weeb girl who's 5'4 who likes me. I hate roasties so much but she's actually cool and not a normie I can't just ignore her because she's too short in case we have kids
>measure myself today
>5 foot 7 instead of 5 foot 6
later bros, hope you all make it some day
i never stood a chance
>Has never helped me in life except have a lot of people saying I'm tall
This board is absolutely fucking delusional.
Poor little guy. I hope you find a big tall 6ft+ girl that has a short guy fetish to toy around with you.
I'm also 5'3".
It fucking sucks.
This shit is too cute.
I'm something like 5'4. Could be 5'3 or 5'5, i suck at measuring myself. Funnily enough, my short height comes from my maternal grandfather, who is even shorter than I am
Are you also a guy?
You little shitlets are making me giggle.
>popping pills
If I were a girl, I wouldn't be complaining about my height
i'm 5'5 but i'm taller than the average girl in here (south america) so idgaf
>be me
>High standrds
>Literally only get with 7-9/10s
>Have never failed to have a girl I'm talking to for an extended period want me sexually
We got 3 possiblities
1. I'm getting lucky
2. I'm attractive
3. Personality counts
My opinion, it's personality, getting with girls is honestly so easy you just have to be likeable dude.
OP should definitely be gaining weight and gyming, that being said I have 2 inches on you dude you can do this.
same here user
I may be a manlet but at least I'm still lucky enough to live in a place with lots of other short people
Nibba, you just gotta pump yo kids full of growth hormones.
What kind of pills? Inspire me
You have to have an attractive face and not be fat as well.
benzos, fluoxetine, mirtazapine, sertraline...
im also 5,4 23 khhv btw its ok brother, in the afterlife we will have our revenge
I'm 5'2 and skinny as fuck. I hate my body and everything about it. I wish there was a legit way to get taller
There's leg extension surgery
Too much money though about it before
1. take testosterone blockers and estrogen
2. become a cute girl
3. blend in better bc of your height
4. become more attractive to lesbian cis women and trans girls
5. ????
Don't fall for this meme
I wonder ((((who)))) is behind this post
>Become god of Gains
>Despite your height, no one can beat you in hand to hand combat because you can bench press 200 pounds
Unironically is it possible for a turbo manlet to live a fulfilling life?
same dude.
I have money for leg surgery but scare something will go wrong and lose my legs.
>walking to the shops
>group of 12 year old girls behind me
>hear them giggling
>"he's so short haha"
>pretend i don't hear them and walk faster
you can't even reach the knot.
You short twat