Do girls usually wash their ass after they shit? Ive personally only experienced one girl who didnt before sex and it was horrible.
Do girls usually wash their ass after they shit...
I dont even wash my ass after I shit...
Just wipe with TP.
>tfw guy and wash ass after wiping
How do you not do this? Are you a fucking pajeet?
I try to time it so I shower right after and I always shower before I have a chance of getting action from a girl, that horrible smell from that fat roastie's ass gave me ptsd and I never want anyone to experience anything like that again.
Is there a reliable way to do it in America apart from showering? Bidets arent exactly common.
Its not a big deal desu, Im not a fat fuck with a shit diet so I dont have sloppy wet shits when I go..
Mine come out relatively clean, I barely have to wipe.
Get your ass on the counter and wash your anus with a bit of soup and water. It only takes 30 seconds.
Fuck you faggot. My diet is immaculate and I have the cleanest shits of anyone on this board.
>getting ass/toilet germs on the counter
I never said otherwise you dumb fuck...
People typically don't do this unless they're about to have sex.
Im 18 and have never washed my ass. It's just a meme only gays do it
t. rajeesh
If you dont at least use wet wipes then you are a fucking disgusting human being.
I do, about three times a week.
This thread originaIly
>socially anxious neet
>the only people I see are occasional deliverymen
>still take a shower every time after I shit
there are no excuses for poor hygiene you disgusting pajeets
wet/baby wipes. It's not rocket science.
Bidet > anything else, though.
You dont take showers? Origd
Why should I? I always smell nice and my ass doesnt reek of shit? IF you aren't doing anal and dont stink then it doesnt matter
>wanting fecal matter to stay in your shower
>washing asshole in hand washing sink
Please do not reproduce
I mean, it doesnt stay in the shower. That's sort of the point of running water and a sinkhole. Besides, we're literally surrounded by fecal matter and particles of it are on literally everywhere. If you ever touch anything in the underground you're wiping at least 50 other people's shit on your hands. What's the issue?
itt people with prolapses that think everyones ass smells bad after shitting
stop stuffing things into your asses homosexuals
Hello everyone. Please don't ass wash in the sink. Do invest in a bidet. Thank you and goodbye.
>No Degeneracy
Terrible bait desu, Turks are subhuman homo's
>had sex with multiple women
I think a lot of you are being way too socially anxious about this. You're washing your ass in the sink because you're paranoid about people you socialise with always smelling your shit everytime you're around when you only wipe your ass?
Think about it this way. When dogs shit. that shit can be super sloppy, all over the place. They never wipe their ass. Fecal matter all over the damn shop. Regardless, when you're hugging your dog and even have your face near it, do you smell shit? No. Maybe if you put your face too close to their ass, but even then it's a stretch.
So if you wipe your ass, and then put at least two layers of clothing over the top of it, how the fuck is anyone gonna smell any hint of shit on you unless they shove their face directly into your buttcheeks? And even then, over trousers, they wouldnt smell a thing.
I hope that clears up some of your anxieties about this and you dont have to go through some ridiculous ritual anymore that dirties the shit out of your sink.
The difficulty involved in getting a girl into that position and you have to worry about this too. A lot of them don't floss either. Pointless trying really.
I think its reasonable to expect that they'd clean the shit off their ass if my face was going to be near it.
r9k btfo original