Enter your bathroom

>Enter your bathroom
>See this in the bathtub
Wat do?

Attached: girl.jpg (522x810, 63K)

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>"sorry, I should've knocked."

reminder that only whores shave their vagina. all femanons that dont have a bush are WHORES

shave her pits and scrub her tits

>"need help with shaving? "

Look up the definition of vagina you tard, what you are referring to is the 'vulva'

t. shaved toasty roasty

>"oh shit, I'm sorry"
>"sorry for what?"

Sorry that no matter what I do this post isn't original.

Yet again, armpit hair is peak female physique.

>"Get out of my bathroom, or I'm showering with you there"

>80% of the disgust in women with body hair is worrying they smell like shit
>doused in soap
Looks like im getting rugburn

Implying that there are women on the internet

hello sweetheart,o wait,i dont have a bathtub, this is not my house, and im not married

Brutally fuck her and then kick her out of my house, bleeding from her holes

"i hope you don't mind" *sits down to take a shit*

Attached: 1511468203142.png (762x754, 61K)


Act totally unphased and proceed to take a bath myself

>jesus christ sis! lock the door!

Attached: tumblr_mvuf21KlqH1rby082o1_500.jpg (500x750, 76K)

dive head first into that pussy

Strangle her while fucking her then dissolve the body in acid

bitch u picked a bad time to bathe since i got to take a mad shit

Is that a boy in OP or not?

wonder when the fuck I had a bath tub installed and the tiles changed
force the invader from my home at the threat of physical harm whilst calling the pohlees

Weirdly, the hairy pits seem kind of attractive, makes the woman seem more human. Of course, this can only be pulled off with an attractive face and body so don't get any weird ideas femanons.

Hairy armpits are the ultimate pleb filter.

Attached: IMG_0535.jpg (683x1024, 110K)


just letting the days go by

>cute face

Ask her if I can fuck her

Call the cops if she says no

Try to remember when I got a bathtub

Why shouldn't I call the police if I see some stranger getting into my flat?

Cause people here are the biggest gay


Maybe she originally gets raped?

Attached: 1517187486149.png (554x400, 52K)

no woman should have hair that isn't on her scalp.

Attached: 137593505136.jpg (240x320, 14K)

soy levels off the chart lmao

tell her to marry me
i'm a fucking neet though

>not into bestiality
>somehow makes me a soyboy


>H-hey, t-thanks for installing a bathtub
>Walk away

How the fuck is fucking human body hair bestiality related cunt

can you even fucking criticize anything without vomiting a socially acceptable buzzword you fucking retard?

Defective genes.

well at least now we know you will never breed, so that's a good thing

It's a mature taste, shitty guys don't know how to appreciate some hair in women, it's just natural.

guess again cunt. 7 of the 8 women I've had were shaved.

shit myself, faint, knock my head on the bathtub and die

Look up the definition of "colloquialism", you failed pedant.

Holy fucking shit I'm so fucking lonely.

shave her head and then rape her cut her throat and leave her in a ditch for the animals

>lock the door behind me
>reveal my sig sauer 1911
>slowly undress, never breaking eye contact
>stand over top of her
>one leg on each side of the bathtub
>squat down low
>my balls are mere inches from her stomach
>a grumbling sound erupts from my abdomen
>now she will face judgement
>my asshole prolapses to reveal the deathly brown serpent
>i'm bent forward, pointing the gun at her head from between my legs
>she screams in terror
>clearly this is not what she had in mind
>she is now covered in shit
>i tell her that if she moves she'll be shot
>make her sit there in the tub with a foot long on her chest

>'what the fuck are you doing in my bathtub, you don't even live here'

Tell her to get the fuck out of my bathroom because I need to use it

>not just using it in front of her.

Who are you and what are you doing in my bathroom?