/big/ big boy general

hello """"men"""

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184cm here, am I invited?

>anything under 6'1

Also known as the virgin general.

6'4 here am I in the big boy club?

Tall men are obsolete, why would I care about you?

i-i belong r-r-right

You're 6,5? Is a full 10 already a human then?

5'10" female confirming guys under 6'0 are women

sure you do... in the trash manlet scum

>he under 6'2" and thinks hes a man


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Keep coping manlet, you'll always be a woman.

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>6'6 reporting in
Are you guys even trying?



No cope here.
The future is unironically tall woman short man. Tall men are obsolete.

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sorry that my genetics are superior

but you're a lesbian, right?

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You are a woman(male), your genetics will never be superior.

yes i am a slight lesbian

>yes i am a slight lesbian
oh my

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are you fucking retarded lmao

Keep telling yourself that from your computer. While the real men fuck, you will just cope and cope on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. Women love tall men, it makes them feel safe.

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Sit on my face you freak!

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lmao keep coping tall "man". You're obsolete, women love the more efficient superior small man. I've had 4 gf's taller than me and many more will come in the future.
The future is tall woman short man. You ogres are nothing but oafish now lmao

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>tfw only 6"1.5'

I'm still only 21. Will I grow any more?

I'm not the one that posted about being a girl on Jow Forums. Enjoy your (YOU)'s

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dont call her that you scumbag

she is a lady

>tfw 6'1.75 duke of manlets

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Have fun being an eternal virgin.

>Still no gf.
My personality must be utter shit, because I'm still losing with a winning hand.

i'm posting about being a girl to confirm that girls don't like manlets, little man

Just round up and tell people you are 6'2

>tfw 5'10" pygmy pope

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>tfw no giant gf to tie up and force orgasm while spanking

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5'6'' here

what is thy bidding my masters

1. girls just want a guy taller than them, preferably in heels. They don't actually know what tall is because they are so short.
2. only tall girls over 5'10" will settle for same height guys
3. being shorter than a girl is a massive turnoff, nothing can compensate, not even chad face genetics. you need a girl with a short fetish, good luck.

anything over 6'2 is faggot lanklet territory 6'2 is the perfection of human form

>7'4 and Jow Forums
You're all like specks on the ground.

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this is true but not always, some girls dont care about height

but yeah the vast majority of cases it's like this, you must be taller then them or at least the same height as them when they're in heels

Meme manlet=under 6ft
True manlet =5'6" and under

>some girls are liars
all women are wired the same, they don't have a diversity of taste like men, they don't love like men.



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what is the name of that halloween cartoon

No way. imagine being too tall to be a midget but too short to be a manlet. No sympathy from anyone.

5,8 male here

Manlet society doesn't accept me nor does chad society, where do I fit?

nah man ive had taller women into me

though they werent your typical stacies, they were more weirdo or tomboy types, one was a really sweet nice girl


you are on r9k no women has ever liked you it's all your fantasy

well why did one of them drag me to her bed and have sex with me? did someone secretly put a gun to her head or something?

3 is objectively false. Tall girls do not care about a guy's height and will date shorter guys.

ALL GIRLS prefer the more efficient superior small man. Tall "men" are obsolete.
This thread is nothing but cope, it's quite sad desu.

literally this, been seeing loads of tall woman/short man relationships lately.

>get laid all the time because big benis
>girls at the club always grinding on me and feeling me up
>fucked stripper last month because got massive erection after 1 week of no fap
>she laughed and all her stripper friends laughed as well as I'm sitting there laughing with a Bonner
>two strippers sit next to me and start grabbing and playing with it
>whispers some shit in spanish
>friend tells me they want me to go buy them a drink
>tell them we should go back to my place instead
>fuck both of them raw in the changing room because everyone was already tipsy and horney

Take that lankies

The trend over generations is that men get taller and taller. Not to mention the statistically significant, persistent, easily verifiable fact that women tend to prefer taller man on average. These two facts are not a coincidence and it's easy to see the natural selection at play here.

Terrible b8 m8

Most girls don't care
>5'5 Manie who has no problems with girls because super charismatic and confident

More coping from a tall "man" subhuman.
When will they learn?

Lol, why the hell would I wanna be tall?
When the world is about to end, I'll have the speed and height advantage to be able to run and hide, while all you trees will be sticking out and falling on your feet.

People getting taller over generations has more to do with improved nutrition than women only fucking guys who are 6'6.

If those are scientific facts, how come you, like most lanklets, are a kissless virgin?

Migrate southeast

>5'5 Manie who has no problems with girls because super charismatic and confident
>Posts on Jow Forums
pick one
then do the right thing

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Look at MALE Olympic runners and tell me how short they are :)

I'm 5'6" and fuck girls easily, including taller girls. In fact pretty much every player I know is shorter than average. They (and I) have good looks though.

Impressive, but people that tall die earlier. Enjoy that grim reaper's sprint.

Dexterity and small surface area are what you want in modern combat. Not even memeing or making it up, small men are unironically superior in modern fighting styles (firearm combat).
Look at the average heights for special forces men, they are shorter on average, the tallest average height is 5'9" with most of them being 5'6".
If you can put the same firepower down range (you can) you want to be as small as possible. In the future men will be really really tiny while women are tall amazonians.

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Mo Farah........... 5'9

>spending more time as a manboy

Even if I were (I'm not), that would be irrelevant. Small sample size, brainlet. Try and keep up with basic statistics

>Not even trying to address key points of argument

Brainlet troll confirmed

To bad you're not an Olympian. Just tall and useless, ya big giraffe!

Can't it be both? It's likely at least those two factors.

There is no point, it's wrong. We will genetically engineer the superior species of tiny male super-soldiers and giant amazonian women. Tall men are obsolete.

>True manlet =5'6" and under

I guess it's time to off myself..

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>3cm away from the master race height
why is life so fucked up

I am sure you have beautiful hips and nice pair of big tits!

Ahhh yes, the classic cuck

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>>short not ugly men
just get a tall 6ft5qt girl
>they're all lonely due to they're height
>have kids
>kids are taller
>teach your kid how to be better than you were
>live vicariously through said kids
>die happy

holy fucking shit this


but what do u look like?

This is unironically true I can't think of any argument against it desu

you're master race height if you wear sandals.
>become gladiator

IF that was how genetics worked.

First of all, short men have always been superior in armed combat. Shorter Swordsmen were covered more by shields and the smaller frame harder to hit. Without the need for mass during hunting to overpower prey, it would seem like men would have only gotten smaller as time passed by this logic.

On the contrary, with a surplus of food, In the past, and the way humans pair up, humanity has gotten taller. Furthermore,Taller men were chosen by women. Smaller women were chosen by men. (All instinctual of course.) As a matter of fact, there was no sexual dimorphism when we were cavemen. It was because of this that we have the gender height gap we do today.

Trust me, amazons are my fetish. I've researched this shit extensively. Short (pun not intended...) of magic, shrink ray or min maxing your CHA and LUK it's impossible.

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>tfw 6'6

Honestly it sucks up here. There's a point when you're too tall and I think that's when you break 6'3.

>get fit
>be tank
>laugh at all those below you

>IF that was how genetics worked.
That is how genetics works, size is genetically determined.

It's literally not impossible whatsoever, just engineer women to desire cuteness as a sexual qualifier so they will prefer your super soldiers.
There is also the (very strong) argument to be made that women don't actually have a preference for size and that it's culturally conditioned. For example, in ancient China smaller men were considered the ideal beauty and women would select AGAINST tall men (this is why Chinese and to an extent other Asians are short on average, generations of sexual selection for it).
The future is unironically amazon women small men.

>6'6" getting fit
Good luck with that. You need to make going to the gym a full time job.

Godspeed user, convince the roasties for me and we'll make our dreams come true.

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>Honestly, it sucks being Chad.
Just shut up. You don't know what pain is and you never will know.

How can a 6'6" guy be Chad? It's impossible.

>tfw 6'4
End me

>mfw 5'11

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Well i can grow a somewhat nice beard, i have a strong jawline but i have dad bod and i am way too lazy to work out. Also i have a very high pitched voice that makes me sound like a girl. It's like i never stood a chance anyways

>tfw 6'4
>tfw no tall gf to make mammoth children with.

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I'm 6'ft on the dot ... Am I manlet?

tfw 5'9 female.

How should I feel, Anons?

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date qt short boys and feel good

grow out that beard
also, haven't you heard, dad bods are in fashion again, you might be able to snag a cutie
but can you put on a deep voice? slowly it'll become your normal one if you just get used to it.

im 5'11 and trust me, that's plenty tall enough for anything in the dating game.

5'7" and not a single fuck was given

I heard East Timor is nice at this time of year

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