Why do so many white men want to date an Asian woman?

Why do so many white men want to date an Asian woman?

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i want to date asian men

They're too beta for white women

It's the youthful girl-face appeal

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Asian women are the only race of women who like me. that's probably the case for most other white guys.

I just don't want to date white women and Asians are more into white worship which I need because there's nothing else appealing about me

Asian bf >>>>>>>any other race bf

Hey remember this guy? His name is Jeremy Meeks and he's the scumbag that has been in and out of jail for the majority of his teens and adulthood....and now he's speculated to be worth close to a Billion dollars. because he knocked up Chloe Green who is the heir to a billion dollar company.;

BTW the arrest photo that made him famous was an arrest due to beating up an adolescent child, and now he's richer than all of us will ever be if we had multiple lifetimes to live.

This is why nobody wants white women.

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Did he change eye color?

>lets compare mid-20 to 30 year olds to teens and early 20s

Goddamn, gotta respect a brother for making it, especially since his hairline on life support

They can't handle banter and think that getting a gf is like unlocking an achievement in a video game.

Personally, i blame JAV. It was the first exposure to porn for me, and i feel like that shit wired my brains differently.

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>far slimmer on average
>dress far nicer
>far less man haters
>get a headstart in dating in asian countries by being foreign
>dark eyes and hair on pale skin is god tier
>age infinitely better
>better cooks

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>Asian women hit on me
>Have no attraction to Asians
This shit sucks man.

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Because anime? What world are you from? A thrid one?

>Having Yellow fever THIS BAD

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>south korea is literally the capital of plastic surgery
>he thinks his popstar idol is indicative of what actual asian girls look and age like
holy shit, youre actually retarded arent you?

>Dress far nicer
>Uses that image

Because it bothers a lot of people for some reason.

This is a true reason t b h. Betas will go on to justify it for themselves with empty claims of "asian women being pure" etc (factual data suggests otherwise) but the truth is that microdicked asian men are the only ones you can perceive yourself being sexually competitive with. Strong Black Bull simply makes you look like a dickless ant by comparison, so you gave up your own kind of women to them

they are cute! CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!

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>white women
>lost virginity at 13
>fucks dozens of guys a year
>biggest sluts on earth
>the vast majority of all porn is white women despite white women being the extreme minority of all women on earth

>Asian women
>virgin in their 40's
>waiting to find a husband and raise good kids
>wants to make a family and build for the future
>loves and respects their husband and family

Yeah, I wonder why.

>Strong Black Bull simply makes you look like a dickless ant by comparison, so you gave up your own kind of women to them

bbc is a meme dude, the difference is like 0.4 inches in NA. only dumb roasties and sad men fall for it

All of these had pastic surgery done
Half of these would look like goblins without make-up

It's because you can't handle real women!

White women are the only race of women on earth that works against their own men. Modern day feminism is just anti-white men. It's why you'll see feminists act outraged and protest in the streets because white men piss standing up or they have jobs while they won't say one word about white women getting enslaved and raped and girls getting genital mutilation done to them by Muslims and Africans. White women will defend that happening in the West but will attack white men for wanting a wife and pissing standing up. That's all you need to know. They fought with every fiber of their being to live the whore lifestyle and to get fucked, beaten, and raped by immigrants. I want nothing to do with white women. They are absolutely garbage whores that destroy everything they touch. They don't want to make a family, they don't want a future. And that's the future of white people. Death.

100% truth. they are the biggest traitors in history. let the white bitches get what is coming to them, let them live among the muslim and black men they seem to adore so much and see how that ends up for them. i certainly won't be lending a hand when they inevitably regret their retarded decisions and living around a load of non-white immigrants isn't the glorious big-dick gangbang they want to believe it is

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>White women are the only race of women on earth that works against their own men.
Other than Asian women. No educated woman will ever be happy with a servile role, it just isn't human nature to compromise your security and self-interest.

What do you think caused them to act this fucking way retards

White men being pussies; Soyboy behaviour,, the ego generation, the materialism and gluttony

You know why women didn't behave like this in the fucking Zulu tribes?

Because the men fucking behaved like men.

So it's time to get yourself to the fucking gym, stop blaming women for all of your problems, stop listening to them, stop marrying them, start behaving like a real man and this shit will stop forever

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Why did he stop looking like a nig?

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asian women are feminine
white women act too masculine. hell, they're more promiscuous than men these days

Already fell for the (((white woman))) propaganda. It is not a servile role to be a wife. Men can take the same stance about being husbands, having to work hard and provide and protect the family.

Meanwhile in reality, white women are actually the least likely to marry outside their race, and asian women are the biggest racemixers

Sorry, they just don't want YOU, not your race

Um, no sweetie. White women don't get married. They either fuck around on the cock carousel or they become single mothers with 7 abortions under their belt.

>least likely to marry outside their race

yeah because they all marry beta providers while cheating on them with tyrone

>And that's the future of white people
unless you choose otherwise

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All this shows is that Asian women marry and white women slut around. Sad. White women can't even defend themselves. Just go suck a black cock.

Time for them sweet mental gymnastics

b-but i can still play vidya, right?

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Op, you can phrase your post better by saying "this is why people want to date Asian women"

>on earth

what's wrong with plastic surgery?

Actually this is very true. I go to a university with a great deal of Chinese and South Korean students. All their women actually dress themselves properly. White 'women' simply cannot compete.

>watching anime

Sentence: 100 years in Iso-Cube

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Nothing, if you want ugly children

your children can also have plastic surgery

it's a massive cope by beta white men who think they're bothering white women by dating asian women when in reality they couldn't give less of a shit

Holy shit this user.

As long as you force her to abort boys

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>posts this
>meanwhile white women are literally killing themselves because they are turning 30 with no bf/husband

The real question is: Why would anyone want a white woman?

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>myh yellow fever

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You should pat yourself on the back for being a retard. Who else would they marry? Niggers can't provide for them. They're also highly likely to divorce, the divorce rate in the states is probably like 40-50%? They're likely to take your kids, and half your shit. You kids don't remember way back in old women hate threads when we found forum posts for professional divorce raping, where women plan out methodically how and when to divorce their man and other women give her advice. Too bad your statistics don't show sexual history, dating history, or what kind of people they are.

Wow, white women really did a good job for marrying with the highest population of men who have higher incomes. It's not like it statistically makes sense based on numbers. Let me put that in perspective. If every muslim refugee fucked or married a swedish woman in sweden, that would mean they still have majority white marriages. Great job.

yup me too
from a young age as well
I think I was like 10 or 12 when I got into JAV

No, it fucking won't. We are nothing but a drop of water in the ocean.

White women literally, unrecoverably btfo itt. They can't even defend themselves.

user.. these arent even close to bad..

because the ones that want to date (not just fuck) white men usually want to get BLEACHED and start a family which is something you have to convince the average modern white woman to do

>hating white women so much that you deceive yourself into thinking 2/10 asians are attractive

Where did u get this data mr robot?

>t. guy who fucked an asian girl under 40

They dislike me I dislike them, its mutual.

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It's preference. Normies want someone strong and sexy and outgoing which is honestly shit taste.

robots and people who don't care about social heiarchy just want a cute asian girl whos homey and only wants to hang out with you. and cuddle and watch movies.


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This is the reason why you are a virgin.

Behold the white female roastie rage

Western white women live under the assumption that they are the beauty standard, that they are the most attractive women and any men who doesn't agree must have something wrong with them, hence 'yellow fever' being attracted to Asian women must be some sort of fetish comparable to a disease right? Wrong. Asian women are simply more attractive than they are. When they are confronted by that truth however you'll see the meltdown we are now witnessing.

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2D > Slavic > Asian > Hispanic >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mutts

No shit sherloc.

As a Slav I can confirm you have horrible taste. Slavic women are trash.

It makes Korean men very, very angry.

Literally the only reason.

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Because they've never seen an actual asian woman in real life. They think that pictures of models and super stars is indicative of how most of the asian women look like.
The fact is, they look just as bad as white women on average, if not worse.

>slavic that high

Slavic women are the biggest type of whores of white women. Africans and Muslims literally travel to Eastern Europe to fuck ready and willing Slavic women.

I'd put Mediterraneans higher but Slavic women have classical beauty.

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You guys can put asian girls on a pedestal because you have no frame of reference.
Its easy to not get bitter about a specific type of woman you've probably never met irl.
Basically if you'd be turned down by asian bitches all your life you'd probably be a bitter virgin about that too.
Its like you don't like the asian girls, but you like the idea of them.
Also ofcourse its all the fucking hentai you've all been watching
Do you think there is no bitter virgin robots in asian countries?

>t. normie guy w/ asian gf of 3 years

and are massive roasties unless from super religious rural areas

Well user, I hope you like getting murdered...

They're not as bad as western women. They're not great though. You need to get them when they're young.

robots arent bitter they are sad and filled with despair
incels are bitter and angry
fuck off normie

also its not about specifics its about averages
asians (in asian countries) are more collectivist, they are far more hierarchical and have a culture of respect
so the average asian grill will be more society oriented and respectful instead of the "ME! ME! ME!" disrespectful white thots
there are exceptions to both of these of course, but the odds are better are better in asian women (in asian countries) if you want a pure trad waifu

This is a known hoax, thanks for spreading fake news faggot


lol look at the black guy's speedo
I recognize that bulge

Nah. Even when young, they are bad. Only hope is some very religious and rural areas.

Does anyone else besides me just want westernized Asians girls?
Basically white girls with an Asian face and body

t. cucked Ivan

I'm just telling it how it is. But you can believe whatever you want.

I don't, I want to date a hapa

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asian here. date me

Are you entirely oblivious to the irony of judging women for dating outside of their race, in a thread dedicated to the very same thing desired by white men?
>inb4 its justified because I'm sad and bitter

it's a dude you dumb beta cuck faggot

>'Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me'
God I love chinks

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if i was her parents i'd write her out of the fucking will
