Tfw there are actually libtard trump haters in this board

>tfw there are actually libtard trump haters in this board
How the fuck can someone browse Jow Forums and not get redpilled?

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you vote republican you're basically saying "Yes, I want poor people to fork over every single dollar they earn so a couple of boomers can live a life of luxury and big corporations can fuck everyone in the ass and run gigantic monopolies."

If you vote democrat you're saying "Yes, I'd like all human beings to be treated like human beings."

Republicanism is a mental illness.

you dumb bluepill

understand that identity politics is not a "democrat" idea but a leech that has drained the lifeblood of the party to promote slay queens and other stupid shit not based on merit

the true democratic party was the party of FDR. bernie sanders is closer to FDR than any democrat since JFK

Jow Forums's "redpilling" (that doesn't have to do with it's muh jews fault) goes against any progress because it wants a return to traditionalism where men still have no value unless they are good little wage slaves because the GOP licks banker dick, that can provide muh lifestyle for betty homemaker

brainwashing too stronk

>implying he's for the people

Didn't he propose a gun ban recently?

The more I browse Jow Forums, the more bluepilled I become. Been here since 09.

Conservatives shitting up the place for the 1000000000000th time

>hurr durr i vote hillary cuz im poor and lazy and need a safe space

if you want everything for free and dont have the will to work for anything move to venezeula or north korea and see what happens libcucks

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Because generalizing people to make yourself feel better is the very definition of being bluepilled.

Both are complete trash. Obama was an idiotic warmonger and Trump is just plain stupid. America isn't a democracy anyways so your vote doesn't matter.

You ever notice the people who aren't Trump supporters are generally unintelligent as a whole? They're just dumb close minded people who literally can't think for themselves.

It's just a thing that is paired with them, not all of them are like this and I understand it is present on both sides but it's much more prominent in anti-trump fags

because robots and Jow Forums for that matter have awful, awful arguments

If you care about politics you are mentally deficient

Highly deluded

Shhhh user don't spoil it for them

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Which is why national socialism is the answer.

>electionfag Jow Forumsniggers are so delusional that they think their little newfag cesspool is the entirety of Jow Forums

Love hearing dumb ass high school drop outs say Trump is stupid. Makes me laugh.

>still thinking Trump is a good president
How them blue pills taste, boy?

>poor people are people

this, i cannot believe people unironically willingly engage themselves in and identify with political matters and are proud of having strong ethnic affiliations. it actually disgusts me
its one of the most disgusting things about humans. i would tell you to fucking kill yourself but you're very likely, very afraid of dying
fuck you

yeah yeah, we all can see how much of a fucking brain that guy is. How could anyone call him stupid is beyond me

He's not stupid but he's very awful as a president. If any average person became president tomorrow, the smartest of us would seem like complete retards.

> buzzwords buzzwords muh hillary buzzwords buzzwords
try again with actual augments you dumb fuck

I would vote Bernie if he promised internment camps for the Japanese again.

>he thinks either party actually exists or has political leaning
Wow, how can you browse Jow Forums and still be so uninformed and unintelligent?

Jesus can you fucks go back to your containment board?

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rightwing is mainstream now so being liberal is the new counter culture, aka the Jow Forums culture
get with the times grandpa

>implying Jow Forums isn't mostly uneducated teenagers being vulgar for vulgarity's sake

Good goy

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Yeah, this guy's a scientific genius. Smh. He can barely form a sentence.

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hate to break it to you friendo but Jow Forums is a commie board.

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Browsed since 2007 here. I don't necessarily hate Trump as he is quite entertaining, but I did not vote for him and will not be voting for him in 2020.

I don't live my life to "stick it to the other side" because that in turn would fuck me over too. My only strong political beliefs are don't touch my fucking guns and don't fuck with the environment. Trump unironically thinking global warming is a Chinese hoax sealed that he'll never get my vote.

Nature doesn't give a SHIT about you, your economy, or anything in your life. Policies that lead to ever-increasing damage to the environment in the long term is something I will never support.

Isn't trump liberal?
I thought the US was supposed to be liberal

Can't even fucking meme without stealing "liberalism is a mental disorder"

How the fuck did this board become so cucked? I've seriously seen people get verbally upbraided for using the word "nigger". Not that it matters because, america actually being free, we can nigger it up all we like. But what is CLEARLY happening is a board invasion from blue pilled fucking cucks who'd rather suck dick than work a job for a living, and who would rather pablo and his 11,000 cockroaches (aka: kids) had a job than that they enforce their own borders.

I think this is the tail end of the fucking degeneracy of the last 60 years - even nofapping is a kick against the mindless hedonism and fucktarded virtue signalling of a "one world get high 420 every day" world view and its seeping in here because the left, belatedly, has realized it really HAS to control the internet to complete its cultural revolution.

You fucking losers are going in the ash can of history. Depend upon it.

>How the fuck did this board become so cucked? I've seriously seen people get verbally upbraided for using the word "nigger". Not that it matters because, america actually being free, we can nigger it up all we like. But what is CLEARLY happening is a board invasion from blue pilled fucking cucks who'd rather suck dick than work a job for a living, and who would rather pablo and his 11,000 cockroaches (aka: kids) had a job than that they enforce their own borders.
>I think this is the tail end of the fucking degeneracy of the last 60 years - even nofapping is a kick against the mindless hedonism and fucktarded virtue signalling of a "one world get high 420 every day" world view and its seeping in here because the left, belatedly, has realized it really HAS to control the internet to complete its cultural revolution.
>You fucking losers are going in the ash can of history. Depend upon it.

Nigger just go back.


You are complaining about the fucking board. People are complaining about you being on the board. There is a board specifically for you.


>Have political opinions
>So can only go on Jow Forums

Because, of course, no one plays videogames on r9k or Jow Forums - everyone of those people is duty and honour bound to only post on /v/, ever and not ever say anything about a hobby outside of it.


>Your fundamental opinions about the operation of the world and society are less important than r9k, which is no longer even a board with a purpose
>nyway shut up waycist.

Get fucked, nigger :)

Jow Forums is OUR board now, you fucking KEK. if you don't like it then head back to plebbit or tumblr KEKFACE. Jow Forums is a Trump board.

>board invasion from blue pilled fucking cucks
You are the "invasion." Jow Forums is a place to discuss robot shit. We have a whole board where you and the other mutts can discuss how you're actually white and are totally not larping when you say that you're going to start a race war. Go there.

Based MAGApede. These LIBERAL nambypambies are a bunch of NETORARE (japanese for "cuck") losers who want GIBMEDATS from big government because they don't have jobs or girlfriends. PATHETIC! SAD!

I echo the opinons of my colleague

Go beack to plebbit.virtuesignall.#oneworld

Fucking nigger. We own this fucking board now. We took it by rights because the internet belongs to white men. Only half joking :)


Prove it.


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not him but this is really easy for anyone who has been here for at least a month.
the real challenge is ctrl+alt+del

Do it then user

>Do it then user

This NEET board has been and always shall be a left winger board, no matter how many newfaggots from Jow Forums aka Jow Forumsthedonlad come here to try and colonize everyone out of shear force in numbers.

It's an old people political stance for this guy's reason, young people here now days are trying to live their lives backwards for the sake of being contrarian. Old people are a combination of dead inside, corrupt, and cruelly jealous of youth.

jesus fuck these Jow Forumstards are brainlets

Jesus fuck right wingers are actually mentally retarded wow

Check my dubs on your way out.

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>free shit
we're neets here stop invading

Delete thread faggots.

>Check my dubs on your way out.


Some people litterly don't want to know. They don't want to know They don't want to know They don't want to know They don't want to know They don't want to know They don't want to know.

No second tries after googling the answer user.

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>that pic

>No second tries after googling the answer user.
I wasn't that guy and I learned how to do it a long time ago on [s4s]

Kill yourself. Cease existing. Take your own life.



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>i follow meme narratives and ignore facts: the post

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just kys or go back to your designated area
Jow Forums fags will be the end of most of their family trees

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Is this that you Jow Forums, is this me?

Jow Forums doesn't "redpill" you, life experience does. your redpill is gay as fuck anyway, at the end of the day you're just putting your faith in some rich cunt trying to gain power whenever you vote or do anything for the political system.
take the black pill user, you probably will sooner or later but it's best you experience it sooner rather than later.