Pope francis just abolished hell

pope francis just abolished hell
what do you think?



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It's the truth though, right? Hell is an existence in the absence of god, so it'd only make sense that a sinner is returned to a true pit of nothingness, their soul existing within an eternity of nothing; an absence of god.

I'll be sure to see him down there when my time comes.

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Who cares? The Pope is just a cultural thing. Literally just some old man in a costume to remember a time when they actually mattered.

>infallible pope says hell isn't real
hahhahaha. As if we needed any more proof that christianity is a pagan joke.

the pope is the leader of the catholics though.
his word is the law... literally.

His word doesn't mean anything, he's a joke.

>his word is the law... literally.
The pope, like every pope before him, is a false prophet.

Hell was made up by the worst of the catholic church to scare people into joining. And I say that as a catholic.

I hope this guy turns out to be some kind of religious Gorbachev who leads the Catholic church to its disbanding.

Doesn't mean they lack influence tho m8y

I thought it was part of the Catholic religion to believe that whatever the Pope said was what God told him to say, so the Pope's word is God's word.

is this guy eating chocolate?

Yes. It's a character called Dade from the Filthy Frank Show.

Hell isn't even mentioned in the Old Testament.

it's because the jews removed it after they realized they would all go there for killing god's son

Dante made that shit up much much later.

meant to reply here originally

But if hell isn't real then what happens to my qt3.14 succubus waifus?

This is what I want though. I just want to live my shitty life and then be non-existent when I die, not live on for eternity. Eternity in heaven would no doubt get boring really fast. I can't imagine people not going insane after a few million years.

Cool, I'm checking out now

90% of modern Christian ideas are just fanfiction

There is no hell because we are living in hell and now they are openly admitting it. Wake up, people.

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>If i don't write about this, it will not become real
You'll need a better excuse, christcuck.