Just found out my 15 year old sister has been having mad sex with her boyfriend

>mfw I'm still a 20 year old kv

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Nice trips
>not khv
Kys thyself

>not khhv
where did all true robots go ?

Some people just take longer to do that sort of thing. Nothing to be ashamed about. There's a girl out there for you somewhere, don't worry about it.

He is pulling the noose back over his head, tears streaming down as he realizes the mistake of suicide. What an inspiring image!

Your sisters a thot
And you are not
Nice trips

Beautiful. Afterwards I'm sure he became a real man.

dubs wasted. kys

does hugging your female psychologist after having a mental breakdown in front of them count?

no not really
in the end you payed her for giving you some emotional support it was her job (i think)

shes basically a hooker for emotional support instead of sex. though perhaps he can try to get pity sex out of it but i dunno what the success rate on that is however

>get pretty young therapist
>use her as a gf
looks like the puzzle has been solved

I'm here.
My brother has had 2 gfs already and he is 15.
t. 22yo KHHV

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muh trips

26 years old, never had a real girlfriend and at this point i wouldnt know what to do if i had an opportunity to date a girl..

Girls my age will think im a dumbass even 17 year olds have more expirience than me..
So i think im fucked, i try to lose all hope so i can feel better but i just cant.

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Wait, are your saying sex with prostitutes don't count?

how do you faggots not get hookups on tinder?

im fat, brown, and ugly 5ft7 195lb and ive hooked up with homely chubby white girls on tinder

and im talking about first date going for a coffee then straight to the hotel fucking

I lose all hope and then a girl says hi or holds door open for me and then the feels come back. Y do they do this to me?

i did a ramen date not too long ago but i dont even know if i wanna fuck the girl or not

>what is social anxiety
kill yourself normalfaggot, it might be easy for you but not for others. try to understand others struggles and don't be like "uuuhh my uglee ass got laid why tf cant others"
you absolute fucking faggot

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that sounds fucking boring and disgusting

what is ramen date pls

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