How do we stop peterson? He is turning kids into nazis

How do we stop peterson? He is turning kids into nazis.

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He's actually right. Jordan Peterson is pleb-tier embarassing and "Cultural Marxism" is some brainlet Alex Jones conspiracy theory nonsense.

You don't.

hello shlomo kikeberg

Hes actually right, and does more against the fight against jews than most of us. The only problem is just that he doesn't names them yet.

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based Peterson sticking it to the kikes

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>be me
>go to college for a new semester
>had some progress on research project regarding analytical logic over the summer so feeling pretty good
>about to teach my class
>see one faggot come in with a skeptic t-shirt
>have to teach some stupid intro to western philosophy class
>wish I could just talk about the analytic philosophers since I find them more interesting
>spend first half without problem
>mostly focused on the greeks, then moved on to some big names in early continental philosophy like Nietzsche
>skeptic kid starts talking more in class about how "based" Nietzsche was and how he was trying to save the west from communism
>lol ok
>eventually have to spend 1 week teaching some postmodernists like Foucault and Simone de Beauvoir
>before I even start the skeptic kid starts whining in class about how I'm teaching marxism
>dude I didn't even talk about marx, I decided to skip him
>starts calling Simone a feminazi who doesn't believe in biology and is tearing down western civilization
>constantly asks me "questions" in class which are just his comments on how Foucault's relativism and views of power are the reasons why "SJW's", whatever those are, exist
>dude I just want to get over with this class and it seems you hate it too
>on essay assignments regarding this week the guy just writes how these philosophers propagate "liberal bullshit" and how their ideas are dangerous to the foundation of western civilization and how they should have "cleaned their rooms"
>worry about the kid but he doesn't seem fit enough to actually do a school shooting
>give him a bad grade
>he complains about it to me but I tell him this wasn't work of any quality
>eventually the class is over, he fails on the final because his answers on it were really rudimentary
>they were also written in a weird style
>he kept using the word "bucko" over and over again and calling this philosopher and that idea neo-marxist
>finally can go back to research

original kek

Basically this alt-right stuff is SJWism for conservative whites, just swap "patriarchy" for "the regressive left" and "racism" for "the liberal agenda"

He's right that SJWs are annoying and doing wrong but he's absolutely wrong to link this to postmodern philosophy.

>but any history of philosophy has to cover postmodernism and feminist philosophy

so how true is this shit?

Hasn't he denounced the "alt-right" several times though?

also you got link op?
wana read the butthurt in the comments

>worry about the kid but he doesn't seem fit enough to actually do a school shooting

>things that never happened originally blox

Tbh I find both sides really stupid.
Instead of working together for a better world, we are fighting eachother with retarded ideas our grandparents gave us.

>its a OP posts on the wrong board episode
But since you're already here, could I get a quick rundown on Jordan Memerson? I know the tradcons of Jow Forums worship him, but I never found out what the core ideas of him are

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>anything that doesnt fit into my small worldview is Jow Forums

lol it's weird how these guys don't see how ridiculous they sound.
how new are you fag

You're wrong to say that.

is it even a discussion ?

Universities are out to destroy the west though.
Peterson just reminds young men that there is a better way. A moderate, individualist way.
Go figure, someone as bland and moderate as Peterson is causing such a shitstorm because the west is so far left and out of control.

>my friends and fellow professors are neo marxists and feminists

He says that he doesn't like SJWs but they have a right to free speech as long as they don't take it from others and that everyone needs to get their life on track before criticizing others and a bunch of other generic self-help BS.

I think about this a lot. Not Memerson or that he's bad because he hates marxism, but how to defend the study of philosophy in an age of fanatical scientism and the end of questioning reality. How does metaphysics justify its existence?

>Reddit screencap

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>could I get a quick rundown on Jordan Memerson?
He's a boomer who gives basic self-help advice like "clean your room", "be yourself", and "stand up straight" to failed normalfags. He combines this with Jungian psychology which is pseudoscience and he says a lot of unscientific and mystical things about how myths and stories prove his ideology that makes him sound like a brainlet at times. He got famous because he didn't want to call trans people by their preferred pronouns and turned that into a free speech issue. He's basically a cult leader now.

that's what happens when you give a talentles hack a platform to speak his ideas

isnt it funny how frankfurt school "cultural marxists" just wrote about how capitalism will destroy western culture and the richness of the culture of the world

>Hasn't he denounced the "alt-right" several times though?
yes, he is an individualist, not a collective white.

Right, that happened. Someone wrote "entitled liberal bullshit" on a university-level philosophy exam. I can smell the soy from those hot italics

this, I am tired of this shit. Anyone who believes a reddit anecdote is an automatic brainlet

I took a 17c-19c European philosophy course to meet a distribution requirement a few years ago and it was completely devoid of any SJW bullshit. However, stuff like this changes fast and probably depends a lot on the school. No soft course (humanities/social science) is protected from the "fuck white males, let's dig up old stuff written by women and minorities and analyze that instead" mentality.

I don't like Peterson and he seems pretty dumb but based on that screenshot he's having a good impact so, great.

>How do we stop peterson? He is turning kids into nazis.
As he should. Heil hitler and heil victory.
You shouldn't expect to preach retarded frankfurt school faggotry without also expecting to have people acknowledge it as retarded faggotry. Whites are waking up.

It isn't, though. There is an active cabal of libshits that push the beliefs that all cultures are equal and should be given equal treatment regardless of merit in universities. In fact, it's the prevailing narrative.

>Basically this alt-right stuff is SJWism for conservative whites, just swap "patriarchy" for "the regressive left" and "racism" for "the liberal agenda"
You shouldn't take issue with this, though. The actions of SJWs are not wrong. The targets (whites) are.

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>he says a lot of unscientific and mystical things about how myths and stories prove his ideology
he merely points out significant aspects of stories and myths that withstand the test of time and explains why they resonated so well with people
when he talks about how important the human eye is and that we naturally hate snakes what exactly is he doing to prove his ideology?

you will never matter

Move aside, Peterson. Based classical liberalism is the true voice of reason

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>we hate snakes and depended on fruit earlier in time which proves the story of Genesis is correct
He's said that before to use your example

you gotta post the video where he says that or else i can't take what you say to be the truth

He is basically Tony Robbins for male Gen Z failures. The same type of people who donate to his Patreon would be reading The Secret or paying $50 to go to a cheesy, two day self help seminar at some convention center if they were born 30 years earlier. He is a perfect illustration of the fact that you can run the same type of scams decade after decade because there are always new marks being born and people as a whole never really change.

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How is memerson causing this though? He speaks about thinking critically about ideas rather than passively taking information and concepts at face value. A quality anyone could implement more

If that's the best you've got, I rest my case.

That would be a great piece of advice if many of his fans weren't passively taking his ideas and concepts at face value. Unfortunately they latched onto him for support and they'll take anything he says as fact. It's sad.

>thread about Jordan Peterson
>not Jow Forums-tier
Pick one, buddy

It's completely correct that Petersons thoughts on postmodernism are full brainlet, incoherent, and relentlessly paranoid. He doesn't even discuss what the postmodernists think in any sort of depth and sort of treats them as a far more homogenous movement than they actually are. He does describe why he hates them in great depth.

A stale pasta but a decent one.

>stale pasta
>it's literally original content based on the op pic
idk what's bait anymore

is this good for robots or bad?

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Nibba just go watch that fat tongued mongoloid Patrice Oneal

*licks back of his hand like fucken bear*

Dr. Phil is unironically a better celeb psychologist than Jordan Peterson. He also gives much better advice.

>when your social commentary is a retread of what Sowell has been saying for the last 30 years only more appealing to the layman via indulging in shallow philosophy rather than direct social case studies

>The only problem is just that he doesn't names them yet.
The Jow Forumstard meme will never die, will it?

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O-oh its a peterson thread
"Ahhhh your just jealous of the jews, clean your room"

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>Right, that happened. Someone wrote "entitled liberal bullshit" on a university-level philosophy exam.
I think you might not appreciate just how dumb undergrads are.

Whether or not you agree with any of the ideas, its a fact that the students arent engaging with the topics. Thats retarded, and should never be encouraged. The only way discussion and thought on the subjects get developed is an honest dialogue over them.

Just listening to Peterson and regurgitating what he says isnt going to do anyone any good. Especially when the whole point of his YouTube lectures is self improvement.

> I'm a college philosophy professor
I'm a dog. Anonymously posting, for obvious reason. Woof.