I-I know! I'll just go to /soc/ for a GF

>I-I know! I'll just go to /soc/ for a GF

ITT: I will show exactly what "type" of mental trash whores go on /soc/ starting with lucy in pic related

Attached: IRL_4.jpg (728x1296, 203K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's Henrietta the Whore

Attached: image_9.jpg (640x480, 97K)

Mary the Man

Attached: 1522323225069.jpg (338x600, 51K)

Gloria the gluttonous

Attached: 269A3B6E3F1C4936B976924B792F783A.jpg (750x1334, 205K)

>those manly features
No wonder they are desperate

Attached: notjewed.jpg (777x1333, 141K)

Ella the Egotistical

Attached: tbhnbd.jpg (1080x720, 527K)

>i only wanted their compliments how dare they try to speak with me

Sabrina the Spic

Attached: 254CEAE4802743988A2B2E6347F37C15.jpg (2448x1377, 680K)

holy caked on makeup, batman!

Nicole the Niggerlover

last girl I got attached to from soc pretty much lead me on and made me think she was interested in me until she got back with her ex and just ghosted me

at least i still have you guys

Nicole originally

Attached: 20170306_171841.jpg (1440x1440, 277K)

based optics

>fast forward 1 year and she is a single mother with a few black eyes under her belt

>meme glasses with no lenses
fuck off idiot

Juliet the Jew

Attached: IMG_2284.jpg (1920x1080, 250K)

Something must be very wrong with these women to resort to Jow Forums for attention

Athena the Abominable

Attached: 3_0.jpg (1037x961, 625K)

she also only fucks niggers but will let you look at pics of her in a bra for your fapping needs

>I say common sense shit

Tell me you put the skanky smelly whore in your portefolio

How do you find out which ones are coalburners

Well that's all white Women dummy

Easy picking for all your attention whoring needs. Only fem"bots" are more needy for attention and validation.

That's a tranner

Peruvi the Poo In The Loo

Attached: 90E14D177CFD4B879560E9C21D330116.jpg (1535x2120, 473K)

id let her blow me

If they're white they burn the coal

It comes with experience

you should try asking her out again 2bh

they generally exude a trashier vibe than most other girls, though its become more and more common these days since women have to prove to society that they are very progressive and valuable

Colette the Coal Burner

*note: the one on the right

Attached: image15.jpg (3088x2320, 995K)

Ciara the Cringy Retard Who has a Cult On This Board

Attached: looking_cia.png (640x1136, 1.42M)

That's no /soc/ whore that's my wife.

Diana the Dyke

Attached: Screen_Shot_20171210_at_4.14.29_PM.png (738x394, 440K)

Priscilla the pierced

Attached: B9B9C890C14C4425AC052D6A3EEEAA01.jpg (722x1280, 228K)

>tfw you'll never be a serial killer enacting revenge on roasties from /soc/

Ironically I'd probably be more popular with women if I did that

Tatianna the Trash

Attached: IMG_20180328_174621.jpg (719x1280, 101K)

You haven't even said why these women are whores. You're literally just posting /soc/ girls here, why not just keep that at /soc/? What a dumb thread.

Hello roastie do you see that your opinion is the only outlier in this thread?

I said keep /soc/ at /soc/. How in the fuck does that make me a roastie? If anything you're one of these roasties trying to market yourself.

Jackie the Junkie

Attached: 63AE8422ED4E4A3387DC753DFD5082A9.jpg (4032x3024, 1.63M)

>You haven't even said why these women are whores
The explanation is right there.

So this is just a dump of /soc/ girls then. Why the hell wouldn't I just go to /soc/ if I wanted that?

Breanne the Bland

Attached: 230B431FA29B4B988575EEA373321950.jpg (1280x720, 213K)

Selena the Single Mother

Attached: 1522121063358.jpg (719x1280, 148K)

Hrs said multiple have burned the coal

Only one has a picture with a black guy though. What is the point of this thread?

If that's the kind of girl I'd be fucking by going on sock, then sign me the fuck up.

Claire the Cow

Attached: IMG2547.jpg (540x960, 56K)

Hating women we can never have is the point

Aaliyah the Abused

Attached: meeee.jpg (960x640, 52K)

giv bland gf

pretty eyes would have awkward conversations with until they ghost me

Olga the Obese

Attached: IMG_20180323_165345_846.jpg (3024x3024, 1.88M)

Vivian the Voracious

Attached: Snapchat606965258.jpg (720x1280, 83K)

Delilah the Disgusting

Attached: IMG_20171219_113857.jpg (1024x1024, 112K)

Good job OP for exposing the mentally ill trannies. Doing God's work imo

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.00_[2018.03.06_01.42.40].png (634x692, 377K)

Hannah the Heretic

Attached: Snapchat1319902336.jpg (1080x2076, 546K)

eh I would the entire tread

and so would you

Attached: 1494063715390.png (118x131, 48K)

I'm very glad we have /soc/ as a containment board for this facebook-tier normalfag shit.

Rachael the "Raped"

Attached: IMG_3852.jpg (983x1800, 310K)

pic related is unironically a """fembot"""

Attached: 1521880566532.jpg (3024x4032, 792K)

>nicole the nigger lover

I will remember this.

Attached: 1521982416747.png (596x739, 52K)

pic related is also, unironically, a """fembot""".

Attached: 1521579691022.jpg (2576x1932, 828K)

Wanda the Wretched

Attached: image_11.jpg (720x960, 166K)

said """fembot""" graced a robot with this.

Attached: 1521674247079.jpg (1660x2046, 358K)

She can poo in my mouth

Hey that's me!! That's not even a good picture of me :-/

give is a good pic then

Cba to find the other ones, I dont sort my shit in my Jow Forums folder.

Attached: 1521675298313.jpg (1584x2046, 379K)

Can't believe people saved these pics

Attached: 8AF662A6-73CB-4251-BC6F-DF5C75444643.jpg (2576x1932, 514K)

Yazmine the Yucky

Attached: buttts.jpg (640x480, 166K)

Can't tell if I should be flattered or creeeped out

Attached: F261189A-3B51-4C53-AA05-3298250A510D.jpg (2576x1932, 462K)

>Can't believe people saved these pics
Are you legitimately retarded apart from being an attentionwhore?

Attached: 1521980003850.jpg (2576x1932, 671K)

she seems alright, I like her

:-( that's kinda mean user.

how get these gfs as an ugly robot?

Attached: well.jpg (588x527, 50K)

You love it.

More lips, I remember I liked your lips. Cant find the pic atm.

Attached: 1521577857032.jpg (2576x1932, 819K)


is this this girl

Are you retarded? Do you want your life to be worse than it is now?

LOL. This girl was in a skype/discord group that i'm in. Super typical "not like normal girls" but is a stacy and all the cucks drool over her. Sad shit. Glad I stopped checking it.

w-why would it get worse?

Sorry user, I delete most of my pics after I post them

How it feels to laugh at losers here, on Jow Forums?

nice tits pic though

Olivia the Oinker

Attached: 34136.jpg (540x665, 85K)

I am in no position to laugh at anyone, I am on here too. Thanks for the compliment, I grew em myself

None of these girls would even look ym way irl

You quoted the wrong post, bud.

Let me answer for her though, she feels a transient and fleeting sense of validation. Once that wears off it's back to her mundane and unfulfilled reality. She frequents this board because it's the most similar board there is to the old /b/ and it's entertaining for mindless browsing. Her self-hate pairs well with the misogyny of the board and her constant need for attentions pairs well with the ever-thirsty males that browse.

Attached: 1521585905341.jpg (3264x2448, 1.42M)

I know! I'll go to /cgl/ for a girlfriend!

Attached: cola.jpg (900x1200, 134K)

H-how did you know that about me user. Are you psychic? But really I come here to find someone who shares my fetish and for that sweet, sweet validation

This thread is pathetic, go back to /b/.

should be a better choice for both.

And due to the lack of nudes my attention is wavering. Lips.

validation from Jow Forums anons is questionable

Well this user you are talking to has been rated 8-9/10 multiple times, so you'd be surprised.
Granted, it was when I was considerably younger, but I digress.

Damn that's a qt butthole

Would ravage/10

drawing attention to yourself isn't a fetish. If you're not talking about exhibitionism

passable, would fuck
would face fuck
Dios mio...
would drink cow piss with
cant even see the girl
dont know why incels here orbit her
looks like shes got a moustache
cutie, but could be the filter
would spit roast
whats up with their nose
hideous feet
cute tomboy
can see why
lazy eyed

i would like to order one edit of me please

If you want validation, you can just communicate with your IRL friends. I don't believe you don't have them because you are attractive (yeah, that's another compliment). Do you prefer horny losers' to your friends or what?