Tell us about your family members

Tell us about your family members

Irritable because he hates his job, worries about everything. Got a headache? Must be a brain tumor. Got a cold? Must be meningitis. If you even slightly attempt to alter his plans for the day he'll get pissed off. Nice to be around when he's in a good mood but you always feel like you need to walk on eggshells or the switch will flip.

Loves animals and arts-and-crafts stuff, can tell she gets frustrated with dad being neurotic all the time but she deals with it. Optimistic; believes in ghosts, angels, etc and is prone to crying while watching shit like Long Island Medium.

Fun to talk to sometimes but can become annoying at the drop of a hat. If the people from Rooster Teeth talk about a game suddenly she's a huge fan of it. Goes to parties with her old college friends and frequently travels. Claims to be apolitical and then turns around and bitches about politics. Writes slash fanfiction.

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Accident? Disease?

heart attack for dad and mom fell over while drunk. Both of those actually happened on the same month less than a year ago.

in his 50s, enjoys cricket, movies and movies from his youth. generally alright but can be a bit intrusive. relatively shut in
very social, doesnt really understand my way of thinking as much as dad does
>little brother
annoying kid who screams and plays fortnite. normie

Narcissist, tired all the time, boomer mentality even though she is not a boomer
Talks like an immigrant, act like an immigrant. Can barely form a sentence and ends them all with, or what like righ what, but mumbling

hardworking, never asks for anything from anyone.

Neurotic, stay at home Mom for the past 25 years. Probably insane. Had a shitty childhood.

>Older brother
entirely normal

>Older sisters
Neurotic as fuck, we don't speak to each other

>Little brother
Slightly spergy, probably going to invent time travel or become a dictator one day

>Little sister
got all the talent. social butterfly.

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Today my mom told me that my dad's been cheating on her and they're going to get a divorce. Turns out my dad is Chad.
Feels bad.

left when i was a kid, been reconnecting in recent years
german lady who suffers from clinical depression or some shit like that
>Older brother
we dont talk, so i dont even know where the the guy is
>Little brother
pretty normal, the most normal out of the bunch
>Little sister

lazy, left mum for an office slag when I was 11, raised two kids, think of jerry from rick and morty.
hardworking, ultra-conservative, stressed out, she would be absolutely fine if I stayed a NEET forever.
hit puberty way earlier than me, 6 foot 1 at 15, chad looks, but think he is either autistic or gay because I would be getting gf's left and right if I was in his shoes.

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Retired engineer. Talks about Nikolai Tesla a lot. Somewhat conspiracy-theorist oriented. Conservative financially because "stocks are a scam".

Retired bank teller. Lighthearted and fun. Worried about the future for the kids.

Late 30s. Practical, mom of 2 kids, had marriage trouble but ironed it out because the husband toned down his "being a giant idiot" phase. And selling their home for a kabillion dollars probably helped a lot with the stress.

40s Legit ward of the state. Slowly losing touch with reality. Thinks he was married to various celebrities. Used to be a shy, nice child, breaks everyone heart to see him the way he is.

Does your brother have a diagnosis?

Even after years and years of analysis and tests as well as countless medication trials, his condition has not been classified and just continues to worsen.

Semi functional alcoholic who cheated on my mother which lead to a divorce when I was 5 years old. I don't resent him though because I know he is weak willed and sometimes I can see my reflection in his actions. In his heart he wants to be a good human but he is racist and a Russian nationalist who is consumed by hate against everything that doesn't fit in his world view fueled by Russian propaganda.
I don't want to stray too far off topic but I understand and speak some Russian and the government funded "news" is just a pure hate machine. Not even Fox news comes close to it.

She always wanted a big family and after the divorce she found herself a man with whom she had several children, my siblings basically. She is a little bit naive as she hasn't experienced much of the world and stuck to nurturing and caring for her family. None the less she is very hard working, has always our best interest in mind (although I disagree with her sometimes) and loves us unconditionally.

I don't have a lot to say about my siblings as I often isolate myself but they all seem to grow up to be normal people unlike me.

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Did he take any narcotics? My friend has a friend who got stuck being high and thinks he has done things in his life he hasnt. It is getting to the point where he thinks he was a pharaoh in Egypt.

Used to be more of a dick but has gotten better as he/ we have gotten older. Controlling, obsessive, nagging, but can also be a good teacher, has a sense of humor(dad humor), likes to cook, likes music. 7/10 dad, could be worse, could be better

Laid back and chill, has a more sarcastic sense of humor than my dad. Used to take us out and do stuff with us, very much was into exposing us to the world. Is an artist, used to be more of a free thinker but now is a little more "conservative. Has a bigger family than my dad, so going to my grandparents house was always more fun. Used to be more moody(i first knew about how annoying women can be on their periods because of her), but now is way more laid back. 8/10 mom

Sort of an SJW now, was more of one a few years ago but he doesn't show it as much. More emotional than I am, but also more laid back. Is taller than me despite being younger, has way more gfs than I do, probably due to his height and worldview. Used to be annoying, but as he got older he got more chill, has a good group of friends he seems to like a lot. Has a gf he's in love with, I just hope she doesn't cuck him. We used to argue a lot, and I was a dick to him when we were kids(One of the few things I honestly regret a lot, I hope he doesn't remember the shitty things I used to do), but now he and I get along, been a while since we last argued which is cool. Is into vidya, movies, and weeb shit sort of, so we share similar interests.7/10 brother although he'd probably rate me less lol.

Youngest out of all of us, chill as fuck despite being a teenage girl. Growing up, her and my brother would argue a lot which got on my nerves, but now the three of us have a pretty great relationship. Sort of flighty and impulsive(like most women are) so she wants things that she quickly gets over. Is into art, and has recently been getting into vidya which is cool because we talk about it a lot.

No, this started really early in life, not because of his mind being fried by drugs. Personally, I think he started unraveling when he was really scared badly during Halloween when he was little. It wasn't intentional to him, he was just in the room when my stupid cousins burst in with rubber masks. It really freaked him out. Objectively, that seems stupid, I know, but that's the only thing that correlates with him starting to develop ticks and obsessions. It hurts just to think about his state, honestly.

Sad to hear.
Hope you find what it is and it can be treated.

Is into internet culture and memes, albeit more of the "normie" side. We talk about life, about dogs, about random shit. I try to give her advice that she most likely listens to. I hide my power level from her and hope she doesn't find out one day how much I dislike women. I want the best for her and hope she gets what she wants in life. She's more focused in school than me and my brother were, so she'll probably be the most successful child. 8/10 sister, bretty good.

As for me, I'm a bitter manlet loser who still lives at home with his family. I'm saving up money to move out, and I need to look for a new job with more stable hours and pay. Other than that, I'm the classic "smart but lazy" stereotype, "politically" I'm a mixture of my mom and dad. My dad is more of a realistic person, while my mom is more of a left-leaning person. I don't mind gays, as long as they aren't trying hard to emulate women. I don't care about race, although all races have bad traits about them, and certain races are prone to certain bad things.

>Irritable because he hates his job, worries about everything. If you even slightly attempt to alter his plans for the day he'll get pissed off. Nice to be around when he's in a good mood but you always feel like you need to walk on eggshells or the switch will flip.

are you describing me? but i didn't think i had kids...

I wish it could too, but he's already older and quite far gone. Deep down, I think we all know that he was just destined for this, that his wiring was just not right, even though everyone has something different to say about how it "could have been prevented".

But, at least he's a happy person and nothing much really gets to him. Still, there's not much that I wouldn't give to cure him.

w-what happened to your little sis user?

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