Why haven't YOU moved to Tokyo to become a neet? Ive quite enjoyed living here. Slowly learning the language, but im getting there. Pic related, took this last night.
Why haven't YOU moved to Tokyo to become a neet? Ive quite enjoyed living here. Slowly learning the language...
Wasn't interested. Didn't seem like there was that much opportunity, big language barriers, high cost of living, visa issues, there's just no positives.
Japanese people are completely soulless and all look copypasted. Stare into the abyss long enough and you'll start seeing anime girls. That whole country is full of insects.
I couldn't stand to be a parasite in my own country let alone someone else's. I hope the Zengakuren behead you.
because Shenzhen is a better city
i don't like japanese food at all
Why would I move there when I can just go as often as I want without the pressure to integrate into their society?
isnt that the one city located in China?
Why would I want to move there? You will always be an outsider and they dislike foreigners living there. Good luck.
I'd visit it for a week or so and that's about it. I have no redeemable qualities and moving there just doesn't make sense to me.
yeah, Chinese cities are the shit
Why don't you just move to Guangzhou (a city in China)?
What a decadent corporate judaic shithole of a city.
Tokyo seems really nice, I wish I could move there. Sadly enough I've recently moved in with my grandparents in Guangzhou, it's very boring here.
Philadelphia'ean here. Want to visit there at least. Tokyo, Kyoto, Australia, Amsterdam, Switzerland. All on my bucketlist of places to travel. I fear I may not be able to go through with it though
It looks too loud and hectic and I would feel out of place, I'd love to visit though
I much prefer the laidback south.
How did you manage that user? How do you pay bills? I'm on neetbux in shitty Canada.
I like Japan a lot and I know some japanese from studying it before, but I've never been there. I wouldn't know where to start, and as a 25 year old NEET with not many life experiences, I dunno why'd they want me or how I'd be able to make a living there.
Try traveling there before deciding to move there.
I spent a year in Japan and loved it. People on Jow Forums have no idea what real life is like. I hope to return as a tourist one day. The meme about Japanese girls loving white guys is true though. It was wonderful.
this is quite convincing. Glad to hear its working out well user.
because japanese people are annoying autists and their food is awful
That meme has been around since the first Europeans traded in Japan
I'm going to once I get my self-"""employment"""(reselling outsourced Chinese products) set up, if it ever happens.
>The laidback south
Full of racemixers, fat cows, literal inbreds, and of course loads blacks.
Would have been cool in the 1800s.
I don't care I don't interact with those people and live a comfy rural life.
Based Guangzhou poster
>yeah, Chinese cities are shit