An attractive 8/10 girl smiled at me while walking past me. I smiled back at her

> An attractive 8/10 girl smiled at me while walking past me. I smiled back at her.
See ya later losers!

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> I touched a 1/10 slampig's boob
Im outta here

You aint done shit!
Youll be back

>robots would rather have the fleeting smile of a stacy than the companionship of a fembot

This might have been true if fembots existed

How have you accomplished this?

What the fuck do you mean?
I'd cuddle with a fembot right now if any lived close enough

>1st time out of the house this week
>at the bank
>in line behind a 10/10 piece of teenage ass
>tight high waisted jeans
>brown leather belt
>pink phone sticking out of back pocket
>got to stand behind her gawking for a full 15 minutes because the old cunt occupying the teller was half dead

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>oneitis invites me to grab a drink with her and her friends at a bar after an exam
>get her number afterwards
>she initiates conversation over text multiple times
And now what? I never thought i would be in such a situation.
How do i deal with attraction?

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>Can masturbate to attractive people and not feel deep rooted shame creeping through my veins telling me that I don't deserve to look at them and furthermore, that I should end my pathetic life that will remain loveless.

Guess I don't need to use this board anymore, suckers!

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its another episode of a fembot pretending she wants a robot bf but then ignoring every single guy who tries to contact her

Come back to me when that little lovely is riding your cock in the bushes.

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>cute girls smiles at me as she walks past
>go home and masturbate while thinking about her
>same cute girl walks past me the day after
>she doesn't smile and instead gives me a look of disgust
how do they always know?

Relationships are for brainlets.

> He tells himself as he sits alone in the cuckshed

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An 8/10 girl touched my hand!
See ya loser I'm going to lose my virginity!

>He tells himself as he goes on furthering his knowledge and pursuing meaningful goals, unlike failed-normies desperately trying to fill the voids in their life

If I wanted to talk to an inferior "intelligence" I'd find a chatbot, back to your love quest brainlet.

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>girl sat next to me on the train and she brushed against me
>inb4 chad

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>a 3/10 viewed my okcupid profile

>walk through school entrance
>oneitis walks through the same door everyday
>we're basically walking home together
It's been fun, lads, but i have to go now.

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>Got catcalled by a qt at a pub
looks like ima out of here

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Tf, exact same thing happened to me 2 days ago except she had her phone in her hand, blonde Stacy who had some lean muscle and a phat ass

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One time I took a train to my dad's work because the wifi was out at home. I see a spit to sit opposite a 10/10 Stacy with pic related top and cleavage, she was blonde and it seemed like she was a art instructor or some weird shit as she had weird symbolism on her small necklace. She lightly smiles as a greeting then goes back to fucking meditating on the damn train, never saw that shit before. Her tits were opposite me and her eyes closed. I sat there for 20 minutes staring occasionally at her tits straight on. At that moment in time, I didn't give a fuck about the people watching me, someone probably recorded me tho. After that day I starting incorporating meditation into my schedule. Thanks Stacy

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>touched hands while getting my change from a qt cashier

Looks like I'm out of here, enjoy the stay fags!

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I am not even shitting with you when I say that this girl was also a blonde stacy with lean muscle

She must be a serial ass liner

Now that you mention it, that is exactly what I feel

>mommy introduced me to her friend and she called me a handsome young man
Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me

>Talked to some random on the internet who told me she's a female
I'm the fucking Chad now

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Hot damn my man. You really Chad now