Is it even possible for a white non-chad guy to get a white gf nowadays?
Is it even possible for a white non-chad guy to get a white gf nowadays?
Why would you want a coal burner anyways? A lot of qt white girls dont want non-whites
im american "white" (i.e. dark hair/eyes but white skin, similar to pic related) and i have a white gf with black hair and green eyes. she dated 2 guys before me and both of them were white, like actual white not american white.
forget to mention im ugly as fuck, definitely not a chad. and neither were the 2 white guys before me. so u can definitely still get a white gf
so you are a mutt
pretty much yeah but my gf considers me white
and a normalfag on top of that, GET THE FUCK OUT MY BOARD
There's like 1 billion white girls I think you'll be fine
Cool at least my body pillow doesn't secretly crave nigger pp
>makes thread asking if its possible to get a white gf as a non chad
>yes i am a non chad and i have a white gf
>reeeeeeee gtfo
Yeah it's called being a cuckold
No he asked if it's possible to be white and non-Chad and get a white gf. Since you arent white you're more evidence of Ops point
Why do non-whites have a creepy obsession with white girls? Fuck off with your own women.
you colonized my country so now i'm going to colonize your women
It's perplexing to us how white women will literally do anything to sleep with us, cheat on their boyfriends they claim to "love" or leave husband and children they've had for years for minority cock
Hey we blacks have problems too you know
Brown nerds are more in demand than white chads. White women hate white men
I bet this "black """" robot""""" has no problem getting white girls on his BBC.
Saying "non-Chad" is just a cope. Plenty of non Chads running around with GFs. What you really mean is for a white loser to get a white gf. And the answer to that is, aside from hideous girls, absolute hambeasts, and methwhores, yeah the pickings can be pretty slim.
yeah it was bait to lure out the normalfags for the mods to ban and you fell for it retard
The only cute Algerian in Thana though.
This is objectively untrue and easily disproven by simple Tinder Chadfishing experiments.
Im dating an asian girl whom is only into black guys
Shit's cash bro
>being a fetish is cash bro
wait until a taller, stronger black looks at her and she pounces on him
Algerian shitskins fuck off
ive been an open normalfag here since the board came back and never been banned
Dude that's considered white worldwide, even here in Estonia
I'm maybe a 6 and I pulled it off
bongland here, i don't think i've ever seen a nigger that hasn't had a white girlfriend in my 90% white area.
I'm a 3/10 by /soc/ standards and white as well as non white women treat me like shit to my face, say they'd never date me even though I barely say anything to them.
>groom myself with utmost discipline and precision
>practice social skills on a daily basis
>have 3.7 GPA in a STEM major and a mustang
>have been lifting for 3 years now
>white women still take some slobbering fucking thug as opposed to a Carlton like me
What the fuck am I doing wrong here? What's wrong with women Jow Forums? I spend just about every waking moment trying to better myself and I get turned down- not for a greater existential reason such as racial loyalty, but because "lol Jamal's so cool!"
This isn't fucking right. 60 years ago hoodlums like pic related would've gotten hung. Natural selection is happening in retrograde.
> 90% white area
because white women are the largest demographic of women, therefore a 9/10 chance of their gf being white. It's not cause they're black, it's because the women are easy.
Our women are obsessed with marrying and starting families, I don't want to have a full house by the time I'm 30.
What's it feel like fucking a white women as a non-white? Smug or a feeling of conquering?
heartwarming. like you finally have someone who fucks you because they love you and want to spend their life with you instead of a cunt that just wants to shit out kids for gibs and bragging rights
Easier than ever. They even let them get raped and no charges can be placed for being racist
Are you black or brown senpai?
What's with your reading skills?
wtf most white women these days are extremely overweight
Algerians are more white than french people
Brown African American.
Give pics of Brown cock