>tfw no woman will ever be excited about carrying your baby
Got anymore feels?
>tfw no woman will ever be excited about carrying your baby
Got anymore feels?
*Chad's baby. It's your resources you're providing that she's excited about.
I said no woman would carry your baby
Of course it is Chad's
Feels pretty bad man. Being an evolutionary failure hurts a lot.
i wouldnt want most women to carry a baby from me.
>tfw you will never carry a living child inside of you and then feed your child your milk after birth
Know the feel but she was excited about a baby, not for it being mine.
That's a horrible feel you blatant normalfaggot.
Your image filename being a non-chan just reinforces that this is a political psyop game from polfaggots. They're afraid of the white race going away, we're all white males on the Jow Forums and will never have sex, we should be redpilled into antinatalism and here comes this faggotry.
I was going to post my feels, but beat me to it.
>I hate myself for having this feel
Also, to add to this post, robots life's are shit, why would you want to bring someone into this world other than to make sure you deserved all that came to you, and will come to you, in life.
I do not endorse.
>a man wants an infant to suck on his nipples
i don't desire kids or marriage so it's all good
I confronted my "pregnancy and birth is terrifying" shit and felt pangs to give him children to see him light up and play with them
And he fucking left me for Jesus because even a devoted virgin wife is somehow sinful
"It is better to be celibate"
Robot guys are fucking broken there's a reason girls who aren't naive retards like me don't "give you a chance"
Who else but a fucking autistic robot would do this sort of shit
I thought you guys had slept together
Why the fuck is he going this route?
Does he think he needs to become a priest himself?
>Who else but a fucking autistic robot would do this sort of shit
Someone who wants to be a priest?
No, I am still a virgin (but he is not). I have never even kissed a boy.
He said he can't rule out that he may be later called to some vocation (not specifically priest) requiring celibacy.
He is not actively pursuing becoming a priest and has only ever said he's open to it if it happens.
Honestly I wouldn't let that experience alone shy you away from robots but also I wouldn't date robots if I was a girl so I don't judge you from not doing so. It's not your job to fix someone who's broken.
But I meant, also, who would go from an edgy atheist/agnostic guy who disliked Christianity, had a waifu and obsessive interest in video games, to a pious "I cannot even cuddle you now for it will sow the seeds of lust in my heart" Christian convert in a span of 3 years? Who else but a turbo autistic could do that? Who else but a turbo autistic could do that and say a devoted virgin woman who wants to marry him is out of the question?
She was. Then 4 years later decided she doesn't love me
>That's a horrible feel you blatant normalfaggot.
How do you know, faggot? Has a woman ever carried your child?
>And he fucking left me for Jesus because even a devoted virgin wife is somehow sinful
No. He's just a faggot
Pregnant women are irritable bitches from hell, and even more disgusting than women in their default configuration.
I'm not any of those things. I do have obsessive interests though and that's a thing that isn't exclusive to robots. I would say men are generally obsessive about at least one thing in their life, be it work, hobbies, religion, philosophy, politics, sex, substances, etc.
I'd rather be cucked by a black guy than a white guy because at least then I'll know sure right from the start if the bastard is not mine
I meant that as in most men with pregnant wives don't know that it's actually Chad's baby. The guy in the pic for example is blissfully unaware.
Well then there's no reason to commit to you then
I'm glad you're gonna talk to his priest
I do not think you understand this level of obsession. It is not average man obsessiveness. It truly is autism tier and he has had "phases" with other things prior to it as well. It is akin to a Sonic tard who covers all his living spaces in sonic memorabilia, relates all conversation to sonic, brings up sonic even when you explicitly say you're tired of hearing about sonic, wears sonic charms/jewelry, and reads things exclusively about sonic.
I have some autism tier interests but none have been an obstacle to social things with him and his prior "phases" were also not an obstacle.
Consider urself lucky fag some chick nigger from highschool wanted my seed cuz she liked my hair.
>tfw remembering the trio of black girls who always tried flirting with me from across the room in the middle of class
It was god awful. If I ignored them they just got louder.
I have no ability to talk to his priest
>some chick nigger from highschool wanted my seed cuz she liked my hair
What's even the problem then faggot?
>in high school
>wanted to have a baby because of user's hair
>is black
I don't know all the details, but so far it sounds like everything was the problem
>tfw no pregnant single mom gf
Are you the chick that tried to fix that down-spiraling autistic neet only to have him dump you once you fixed him and he found orthodox Catholicism?
He still talks to me everyfucking day but claims we are not in a relationship and there is no guarantee of there later being a relationship so I shouldn't get attached to or derive comfort from him.
Then sends me videos/lectures from priests to help me deal with my "disordered emotions".
that feel when gf told me today that I knock her up real good and we make top babies together
reminds me of my dad. sorry, user.
Yeah, because forcing another person into this shithole (who probably will be as autistic as you) is something to be proud of
how does that remind you of your dad?