Favortie mobile game Anons?

favortie mobile game Anons?

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Either star battles or money race 2

Stormbound. Fun game desu.

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Fug I say this a lot but Monument Valley is great, only problem is it's pretty short and not too difficult.

Only one I play is kingdom hearts Unchained chi/ Union Cross

>pubg mobile
i know, i know... normie tier

Sorry didn't mean to tag you originallll

reply to this post or ur mother will die in her sleep

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let her die eitherways.

eugh, who uses their phone to play games on? are you really that autistic?

they're all garbage
original onions in my anus

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Nooooo I don't want my mama to die

Pub gee

Brave Frontier hands down

I like solving nonograms.

If you say anything that isnt opera omnia, youre wrong

Play it robots

Used to play brave frontier but power creep kinda ruined the game for me. Brave frontier 2 was released in japan recently, maybe they learned from their mistake this time. Idk if I'll play it, looks like a reskinned brave exvius to me.

Influence. Made by a Russian dev.

I play chess on the chess.com app. Its really nice and theres no buying advantages bullshit.


>Ride Zero
>Korean Rhythm game
This is a game designed for robots OP.
All of the characters are Waifu-Tier
[/spoiler] V is a shitty loli

I play final fantasy brave exvius alot. Really hoping I get that 1 million lapis. That'd be freaking sweet.

It's awesome. I like that it doesn't have a energy limit on it like most mobile games.

No plz no nono

Bully anniversary edition