Tfw you get 94

Tfw you get 94.
>one point from normalfag
I'm so close. Pray for me.

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I scored 67. I guess that's not bad.

>Wanting to be a normie


It's because I'm a gfless virgin

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66 reporting in. In the past two years I've progressed pretty well socially but stopped exercising as much and developed a vaping addiction. Still a long way to go

>tfw 60
like always in my life, heh, above average (or below?)

two years ago i was 51
now i am 133
and still a virgin

god why

i got 45, why am ilike this?

I got 41


Most of my points came from the fact I work-out and eat healthily. I am a failed normie.

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wtf 36

also 66 here

i got 12 :| wtf

45 without bonus round, 63 with. Not bad!

How is this even possible wtf

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wow 41, accomplishments fucked me over

idfk the image must be prone to autism

cyborgs need to unite, 79 here

89 slightly strange. I've upgraded from cyborg in the last year so

40... down from 45 last time

Got 33


125...Maybe i should stop feeding off all the sadness here.

i droped 20 point since last time now i'm at 65 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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Haven't done this in three years. Back then I was 90, now its cut in half.

Welp, i'm getting farther away from normiedom every time I take this test

59 and I'm a female

71 not to autistic

I scored a 49. Don't know what I expected.

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>two years ago i was 51
>now i am 133
GTFO my board larper

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99 I dont want to be a normalfag...

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I guess ill post a strawpoll for shits and giggles

121 here. Quickly approaching high 120s as my savings grow, and my career moves forward, yet I still browse r9k regurally.