I want to hug another lonely skinny autist boy so badly

I want to hug another lonely skinny autist boy so badly...

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I want to hug you too, user. Too bad I'm fat.

I'm available


Fat is gross. Lose weight.

Where u live?


Too bad im not lonely user. I have friends.

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Too bad faggot

what would you do to said skinny boy?

In new york, my guy

I would assure him that he's not alone and that we'll always have each other before gently hugging him

that's very nice. But what about lewd stuff desu?

I'm right here, OP.

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Is it the same person that keeps posting these gay threads or is it a cult?

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I though at least Jow Forums wouldn't think that all faggots know each other.

Kinda gay t b h
Can I just gently suckle your cute cock?

I want to do the same ...I'm not even gay

Begone thot, hugging is much better than lewds

Make a "lonely boy general", make a zeemap and presto.

Lonely skinny autistic genuinely nice guy here.
>Too bad I'm straight and have 2 friends

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>ywn have a pajamas party with robots
>ywn sleep on a big bed together

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Ever sleep one the same bed with your drunk college friends.

Only one bed and one sofa 4 guys. Had to share. Happened 2 times.
It was my first ever sleep over.

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I-I can't lie, this sounds really fun. Am I turning gay?

I genuinely really want this, but the only boys who'd hug me are gays with an ulterior motive.
I wish my only friend wasn't so closed off, I miss when I was little and hugging/ being emotionally close with friends wasn't weird.

Now I have to wait until the few times a year we get drunk together.

Today I realised not only do I hate myself but the people around, even tho I wanna be with someone I can't stand most people.
I just want it to end, I hate having feelings. I don't wanna crave for love, this is torture

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Don't hate yourself user

The only person than can truly Love You is You
I figured that out 2 months ago.

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>having fun with your bros is gay
This is what roasties want you to think

I've been brainwashed by the roasties, user. :(

So do I OP

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as much as i want to, i cant
i never have, nobody can make me like myself. Honestly get off to self hatred at this point