Mom found the anime my anime porn folder

>mom found the anime my anime porn folder
im not even joking she borrowed my computer to do her banking and she found all my images of anime porn. Fuck shes kinda pissed at me right now and i might get kicked out. what the fuck do i do?

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>might get kicked out for wanking to cartoons

getting what you deserve you fucking weeb

What kind of porn was lt?

>being underaged and posting on Jow Forums
please leave

>Not having PERSONAL computer ( a damn PC)

>Not even having a folder blocker.

>Stupid mom that is pissed for a man having porn.

No coments. Be careful next time.

>Fap to release the milky white fluid and then swim away

Could you post some please

>kicks out their underage son
Are you retarded, user?

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>someone saying "they could be kicked out"
you know how many attention whoring kids scream 'parents going to kick me out for doing X'
>would only be a concern to a person who is underaged

just a folder full of naked anime girls

im 19 and a NEET

Your mom's autistic OP

Atleast it wasn't full of gay porn, why would she upset finding out her son is straight?

>Time to break out dad's gun chest then OP

>being 19
>being a NEET living with mommy
maybe she was just looking for any excuse to kick you out for being a leech

Why would a parent care that their son masturbates?

Oh right, Christians.

shes very religious and doesnt put up with shit. im outside right now on my phone

Did you just assume OP's religion user?

yes shes very religious

Yes and id do it again i would

>seems fake
well if this isnt fake, then i be an asshole to ignore
kay it sounds like you live in south/midwest and you are being kicked out
>assume you have no assets or vehical or skills
there are different routes you can take
>contact any close family for a place to crash
>if near a town try making your way to a big city by train, cities have homeless shelters and bus you around to other cities, living as a drifter
>its spring so now is a good enough time as any to vanish into the wilds of the east coast mountian range and live off the grid with your personal survival skills


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because you are an adult and everyone gets cast out into the world at 18 to sink or swim
>NEET life is only possible if you find your way up to a northern state like Minnesota or any very liberal state/city
>if you wana be a NEET you are going to have to turn yourself into a hospital and state you are feeling depressed and want to kill yourself
>you will be placed on 48 hour watch
>after you have your record you can then apply for social security
>you will be interviewed by a state funded shrink
>then u get NEET bux

>its spring so now is a good enough time as any to vanish into the wilds of the east coast mountian range and live off the grid with your personal survival skills
How will he browse Jow Forums?

I have two webms of this slut

Attached: 1515542591195.webm (600x439, 272K)

The only other one I have

Attached: 1483971072992.webm (510x471, 522K)

Shes awesome niley hott

Attached: niley hott.jpg (490x490, 55K)

>how will be browse /rk9/

the ultimate NEET is one who detached himself from all materialistic things and finds peace away from the striff of human society

yep typical normie female behavior

Just tell her it was a joke, be thankful she didn't look in your "\things\don't click" folder!

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Where in the bible does it say wanking to anime girls is a sin? It most certainly isn't. scholar

op here i got kicked out and im in the back seat of my car in a gas station parking lot posting from my phone right now. im sleeping in my car tonight since i dont have any friends or any money to stay anywhere els

your mother is a joke.

Post on social media and it would go viral

i dont have social media but thats because i dont have any friends. what would be the point of it anyway?

any luck with relatives?
>gas station is bad call
>walmarts or supermarket parking lots or designated city parking is better
>if your sleeping in your car bundle up, it is still spring
>dont loose your licences and proof of insurence or else an officer will cuff ya

i live in california and yes its kinda warm
>any luck with relatives?
sadly no most of my relatives live in northern Oregon witch is 12 or 13 hour drive from southern cali to nor oregon

>in california
shit man, this is easy mode, california is the best state to be homeless
>contact your town hall
>say you have been reciently removed from your home
(you could of gone the route that you were not given proper notice of your eviction, but since you willingly drove away its too late for that)
>ask for any assistance living

i dont think its gonna be that long. i can live one night.

why is that? you think mommy will take you back?
>dont underestimate the ability for a women to hold a grudge

best to mentally prepare yourself for the journey ahead if she doesn't
in california there are:
>slab city
>OC tent city
>LA tent city
>SF tent city

there are a great many tent cities near any population center in that state, and they dont die off during winter like they do in the north

im live near palm springs like 20 miles away. this is my first time getting kicked out so i dont know if she will let me back in

This,but at least you have one more excuse for why you turned out like you have, if your family is that shitty.

here is a list of all tent cities i can find in your state
>new jack city - fresno
>river haven - ventura county
>safe ground - sacramento
>temporary homeless service area - ontario
>tent city - bank of the american river, sacramento
>the village of community and hope - fresno
>the village - oakland

Should have made a guest account for her

>dont underestimate the ability for a women to hold a grudge
This, OP. I've also been kicked out by my mom in California. It's almost been five years now.

OP here. Its just full of normal, completely acceptable anime porn. I think she's just overreacting.

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why keep p ics on your comp. thats what internet is for

I don't think this is OP but if it is, it's definitely not normal hentai manga. We had a thread about this exact same hentai manga yesterday.

Poor bait.

You're not OP, but you can certainly go fuck yourself
That was a good joke though

thats what i shouldve done ... well i left eillingly after my mom called me a child.

So she just went to do her banking and suddenly ends up in your porn folder? This is why you can never trust real people, keep sticking to 2D.