Why do robots have such high standards? There are chubby mexican girls like this that are dying to cook, sex...

Why do robots have such high standards? There are chubby mexican girls like this that are dying to cook, sex, and make you happy yet you reject them due to your high standards.

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im mex, she wouldnt get with me

This only applies to white robots
The women of robots

ouch. u fell for that one

that explains the steady decline of birth rate in mexico. too many picky bitches

>This only applies to white chads

fixed that for you for 100% accuracy

>Tfw surrounded by white bitch and black slags
>Not a single asian or Mexican in sight
Suffering to the max.


but im in the home of the brave

My Latina classmate gave out her homemade tamales. I fell in love with her but im nothing in her eyes

I don't reject anybody. But yes I would reject them due to my high standards. I have given up and placed impossible barriers so I never have to think about my failure.

half of all hispanic children are raised by single moms. You will be raising Hector's son or even worse Tyrone's half niglet.

White robots are more likely to get some than any other type of robot

Genuinely what did he mean by this?

Im mexican and this bitch look like she has high standards; she'd only go on a date with Javier, Antonio, Gustavo, , e.i. the Hispanic chads.

>implying a girl like this would ever go for a robot and not for turbo chad

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Ok but why do you say that? Whites are more likely to stay virgins than actually make it out of the robotzone.

Probably true, but a robot is still a robot.

0 multiplied by anything remains 0

What about Alejandro?

Is your name Alejandro? Alejandro, Carlos, Pablo, Santiago; The Spanish language holds a lot of names for the Chad. Juan, Jose, Marcos; these are the names more suited for robots

>he thinks pic related isn't like top 10% of spic chicks

No there aren't I live in Eastern Europe. Also, I have no standards.

They dont want me. No girl wants me. Why am I even here.

It's ok lad I'm the same way.

I've never seen a Mexican female like this
And if they existed they just want chad

iktf bro


I see you've never met a chubby Mexican girl before. They all go after spic chads that act like niggers.

I never have and never would reject a woman like her. She's ideal.

I see latina girls all the time who are chubby and/or ugly and if she's 20 years old there is a good chance she already has a 4 year old child

This, plus even if you did land her she would get pregnant the moment you touched her and then her body will turn into this.

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>What's Hypergamy?

Robots are 4/10 at best, when you take female sexual selection into account they'll be lucky to get a morbidly obese mentally retarded whore with eight kids.

Attached: hypergamy.jpg (400x333, 38K)

You encapsulated it pretty well there; bitches are hypnotized by Cholo's and a thuggish attitude.

>tfw no bbw latina waifu

Attached: mi47x002.jpg (600x800, 76K)

What a cutie would take care of her

I have exactly one standard when it comes to their body.

>Don't be fatter than me

If I can get off my ass and bike and lift some weights infrequently to keep my weight in check so can you.

>There are chubby mexican girls like this that are dying to cook, sex, and make you happy yet you reject them due to your high standards.

I reject them because I want literally the opposite. I want a girl that wants me to cook for her. I want a girl that wants me ready to service her and sex her when she wants it. I want a girl that wants me to work to make her happy.