How common is it for a black guy to take white girl's virginity, fembots?

How common is it for a black guy to take white girl's virginity, fembots?

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My ex gf, first, lost hers to a guy named Koto. He was way older than her, more of a sandnigger than a junglenigger though. I had to break up with her. We had a great year, but I couldn't let that slide.

Happens all the time. Literally everyday. Black men can pretty much have whichever white pussy they want whenever they want.


Yes, extremely common.


You and I both know that the laugh track is playing.

And statistically it's unlikely for people to race mix.

>4 posters
>4 replies
something tells me it's not very often if you need a fake thread to confirm your own point.

Despite all the porn warping your brains, white girls generally dont like black guys.

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I've fucked a few white women who wanted to try a black guy

Where the fuck is this and how can I get there.

It's incredibly common now. In middle school and high school, the black kids are all the cool kids and student athletes. It's natural for them to fuck dozens of white girls during high school.

I'm black and still a virgin, I guess it is not that common, at least from my point of view.

lol. dumb ass tweet. why does he have to go to the complete opposite side of the spectrum? that's racist in its own way.

most likely Netherlands and you get there by applying for asylum and then raping some white women

I'm still waiting on a white girl to steal mine.

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Sounds like fun, does it also work if I'm white?

>Racists see black men

I can't be racist then because all I see is a pack of niggers.

Why dont you just rape? It is racist to arrest you anyway.

People with functioning eyes see black men. Kikes with an agenda see whatever they want to.

lol the old Jow Forums switcheroo
guess im going down the rabbit hole! hag onto my MAGAhat fellow aryan brethren xD

Smart move. People often fetishize the type who take their virginity.
Thats how people get turned gay

I feel embarassed for you and your parents

Fuck off Moishe.
Reminder to all bots that this board only exists to try and foster insecurities, mislead you, and otherwise degrade you.

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america is so segregated that it almost never happens. Black men don't start getting women until their 30s because older women are more desperate and actually have higher testosterone levels than young women. Europe has barely any blacks and they're so black no woman wants them.

When will the white boys on this site realize that white women want white men, not blacks? All that BLACKED porn is rotting your mind.

>america is so segregated that it almost never happens.

Literally wrong. This isn't the 70's anymore. Even in the deep south, black men are fucking dozens of white girls and are seen as the coolest, toughest guys around and are all the sports stars. In fact, there are dances that specifically cater to getting white girls with black guys.

>barely any blacks

Eastern Europe maybe, but the West is infested.

I'm a moral and just man. I dont want to rape a girl

>America's school-age population is more diverse than ever before, reflecting the demographic shift rapidly taking place in our country. America's schools, however, are more segregated than they have been for decades.

Blacks and whites just don't interact enough. Unless a black man is some kind of athlete or musician he's not getting much action.

More than half of those black men in that pic is more likely to steal from you or physically harm you.

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Those statistics are misleading. They exist because blacks LIVE in majority black neighborhoods, which are normally inner city. They aren't going to bus out black kids to suburban schools because that costs more money, is more inconvenient, and the sad truth is that the majority of black kids are troublemakers and will hurt the school, the students, and the grades of everyone.

A half-black guy took my virgnity.

In my defense I didn't know, he looks Spanish

>They exist because blacks LIVE in majority black neighborhoods, which are normally inner city
Most blacks live in suburbs. Ever heard rappers shout out compton, riverdale, or pompano beach? That's where the hood is these days. And it's still super segregated. Black men just don't have access to white women. The ones that do are probably incels because middle class black women are staunch feminists and overbearing.

>defending niggers
they are literally subhumans and we must kill them all to ensure america is a white ethnostate

Bud, I went to school in the rural south. There is no segregation by race. If it exists, it's purely because of where people live. The schools in my area were mixed, pop culture and sports were dominated by blacks, and the coolest, Chaddest kids were all black. White girls were with blacks or Hispanics and there was even more of a reason to because of "slavery" and the push to be progressive.

literally every single one dumbass

And not only that, there wasn't racial tensions that are always played out in the media and society. I moved up North and there was more racial tensions and animosity and segregation in the north than in the south. We have communities in the south centered around school and church. The north is just neighborhoods of people.

I don't think it's all that common desu, I went to a mostly white private school and the few black guys didn't usually get laid with the white girls -- at least not the ones from our school.

It's really funny though because Jewish girls coalburn a lot too.

Every time.

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perhaps its only in the parts where big rappers are popular due to jews

southern white women are the LEAST likely to fuck blacks. They associate them with aids, poverty, and rape. The white women most likely to fuck blacks are found in the northwest. Oregon and Washington have white women who worship black cock and want every inch of those turd pipes in them.

>southern white women are the LEAST likely to fuck blacks.

Literally not true. I remember all the popular Staceys of my school all had black dates to prom.

Statistically white women are the most race loyal of any demographic, much more so than white men.

Those statistics are based on marriage statistics and okcupid dating sites. The truth is that most women don't marry the men they fuck and they meet the men they fuck in person.

The truth of the matter is most white women won't touch a black man. If you go onto backpage and look at all the hookers ads, half of them say ''no blacks'' ''no black gents''. You can't even pay a lot of white women to fuck black guys.

They say that because blacks won't pay. And after the sex they get, the women would actually pay the black guy.

you're an idiot and have never lived in a mixed Southern town.

>And after the sex they get, the women would actually pay the black guy.

Black superiority complex. So we have marriage stats, okcupid stats, actual hookers who don't have sex with blacks, tinder stats (hook up app)

and all you have is some anecdotal evidence about how you've fucked a white women (who we don't want back)

Burn the coal, pay the toll. No excuses sweetie. You are tainted by monkeys now and should stick to your kind.

It would've only worked if the picture was of white men.

like clockwork

Like anybody here would know.

The real question is why you're so insecure about your little black cock that's supposed to be mythologically large that you have to post retarded shit like this to validate yourself.

The bourgeoisie see homeless people. I see an engineer, a scientist, and an astronaut.

Attached: homeless people.jpg (1024x768, 344K)

gonna be hard holding equations in your head while you're nodding out

>Black men don't start getting women until their 30s
>Pretend that black teens aren't knocking each other up at high rates

Account is a fake dumbass
I mean it even has the number of Satan in it dumbass (not that kikes aren't Satanic tho lol).

based niggers desu