What would you do if your gf was a complete social retard?

What would you do if your gf was a complete social retard?

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I would relate to her since I'm a complete social retard too.

my gf is, me and her both sperglords.

I will never have a gf so I don't need to think about such things

>no hair pieces

I mean im also a social retard so it works

She is, it's really annoying. She's the type of retard to have confidence issues and know exactly how to fix them but never will.

>your gf
Does not compute. Will never compute ;_;

How did I even get this gf?

You sent her your dick pics on Fetlife.

It's pretty embarrassing, not gonna lie. My ex was kinda socially retarded in the sense that she tended to babble on about shit when people obviously didn't want to listen anymore.

Can you define "social retard"? Also what makes one partially or completely one?

Would find cute that she can only be herself around me

Only loud oversocialized Courtney Love personalities date me for some reason

I'm no Kurt Cobain

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fuck her in her holes a lot

Spend all day inside watching anime and playing vidya

>your gf
be happy

I dunno, marry her maybe. I don't see how two social retards would end up dating eachother anyway.

fellatio ofcourse

marry her and cuddle her all day and give her headpats and make her feel special and give her all the love and affection one could ever imagine

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She'd probably squeal and scream and smash all my stuff and make a scene everywhere we go so make sure she gets the help she needs

Would you also give her the D?

whenevr she wanted it, user.

Love her even more
thats if I had a gf

She is. I try to take her to bars and she ends up getting pissed off.

All that she wants to do is go to McDonald's, play games, and fuck all day. I mean, that's a good time, but I want to live at least a little.

Everyone itt that has or had a gf needs to get the fuck off my board. You are the cancer that is killing this place. All normal-shits belong on /b/

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i just dont bring her around anyone like friends/family very often

Get the fuck off my board normalscum.

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Doesn't really matter if women are socially retarded. No one expects much from then anyways.

>my ex
jesus pewdiepie really made them migrate didn't he