What are the ten commandments robots should live by

what are the ten commandments robots should live by

>1. Thou shalt not give thots attention

Attached: download (14).jpg (257x196, 10K)

2. Thou shalt nay miss to checketh these dubs

3. Thou shalt lift the toilet seat before thy leak, or at least wipe it

>3. Thou shalt not engageth in intercourse

Thou shalt always bully femanons

5. Thou shan't transition

>6. Thou shall not masturbate on an airplane

>7. NIPPON BANZAI REEEEEEEEE (kill all normies)

7. Thou shalt never befriend a normie, or show them sympathy or care in a time of need

>7 thou shalt never find joy in a normies activities

8. Kill all gays and the niggers

What about thots?

9.remove females from this existence forcefully

10. ignore all the above rules and just have a happy and good life :)

11. ignore rule 10

12. Rule 10 is ultra gay and rule 11 is based

12. Kill yourself if you don't achieve commandment 10 the first time.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's waifu.

Thou shalt not have a fucking waifu

Fucking reddit. Go back, filth.

13. Reply to this post or your mom dies