ITT: Post your most unique characteristic(s)

ITT: Post your most unique characteristic(s)

I have 3 nationalities

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are you a secret agent op?

I have red hair and blue eyes, apparently thats very unique...

>still wish I had a normal haircolor

No, I just got lucky at birth.

So you're a racemixing demonspawn. Why are your parents such degenerates?

I have a slightly wonky nose because when I was a teenager I bent my nose down with tape when I was sleeping in order to make myself appear more Jewish.

I was obsessed with Jewish culture and the Old Testament when I was teenager so I wanted to pass as a Jew.

Both my parents are white. Stay mad that you have 1 passport and have to apply for visas wherever you go fag

I'm the same, OP. Not as unique anymore.
But seriously, if you're mixed that's a tragedy. If you're single raced then it's an interesting feature.

i can put my foot behind my head

I have an incredibly dark shade of brown for hair, some people even argued whether it was brown or black, it's seriously on the border of being black. I also have a unique shade of hazel eyes that alot of people mistake for green.

I am among the most boring forgettable people in the world

I like to think i'm pretty funny
I get people to laugh a lot

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I have schizophrenia, I am a well known local artist, and like many of you here, I'm way too different in a bad way and can't fit in.

I had been a creep but now I actually attract women

I've fucked a midget.

Have a ridiculously nice phone voice that when I'm called by companies they think I'm working at a call center.

>ive learned to roll with it; catches them off guard then get off their list
>its still a normal number so it others call
>i like it

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I have another personality speaking to me in my head, and it's NOT making me self destructive or crazy.

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Best i can think of is that im extremely distant relative of Pamela Anderson

That is my secret fetish. How was it?

Shit. I was so drunk I could barely get it up.

I can name every country in the world, it is an ok party trick.

I have very big blue bag things under my eyes , and yellow spots on the outer corners of my eyes

I forgot, I also have hyperlexia.

i have never had a cavity

Me too actually. In fact I've never had any sort of problem with my teeth despite the fact that my oral hygiene is atrocious. Upped it recently because you can't stay lucky forever.

same, my dentist says they're in great shape even though i don't brush every day.
only problem with my teeth is one of my wisdom teeth isn't fully in yet. she wanted me to consult the oral surgeon but i know they'd just want to operate. i don't have pain in it, so i hope that it just comes in on its own eventually before it starts problems.

I'm a chinlet to the point of causing medical issues and being one of the slowest eaters I know, I literally have issues because I'm such a chinlet, and generally I don't have an especially masculine appearance from the waist up.

However, below the waist I have such a big pair of swinging balls doctors have taken medical note of it, a big ol dick, and strong super hairy legs, and I love squatting and running. Seemingly all my masculinity is concentrated wholly within my lower body.

You sound kinda gross

I'm pretty hairless elsewhere and can't grow a full beard well into my 20s so I clean shave and only have one or two stands of chest hair. However you just get to my belt line and it's like a fucking forest of hair. Pubes grow like two-three inches up my erect dick. I'm built like fucking Sasquatch from the waist down and NOWHERE else.

>Look a lot younger than I am.
>Always loud and trying to be funny.
>A massive prick. Me, not my penis.

I have a triangular spot on the base of my palm since forever. Without that I am nothing else

I was a Jehovah's Witness when I was a kid, I was an atheist (as was my family) throughout my early to mid teens, and I converted to Catholicism when I was 17.

This isn't the usual story.

I am all 3 British nationalities. I don't know about Wales though but their folklore is the best.

Oh and there are about 5 others because I'm la creatura, but they're all white

I'm a very smart guy whose real motivation is helping people and ending suffering. I know I could do a lot of good if I wasn't such a fucking coward.

>when I was a toddler got hit my head really hard, even fainted
>its easy for me to socialize and make a good first impression, but it decays very fast the longer I spend with that particular group/person
>I have absolutely no goals in life, no motivations, no dreams. I just walk wherever my fate is pushing me, and I dont feel bad about it at all

>degenerate tranny ftm with schizophrenia, bipolar, bpd, ocd (hoarding type), adhd, and major depression
t-thats something to be proud of r-r-right

I forgot emotional behavioral disorder not otherwise specified

a brain too comprehensive for a persom my age =3

I've gotten a IQ score of 172 on a online test and 165 on a Facebook IQ quiz.

I only have a left ball.

I guess the fact that I managed to completely fuck up in every single aspect of life at 20 years of age is pretty unique.

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sold the other one?

I was literally dropped as a baby

That sounds fun tobehonest

I've experienced zero-g.
At one point I had a satellite in orbit.
I have an extensive porn collection that I add to and organize with custom software tools I've written myself.

I'm illiterate

I'm left handed and have green eyes, my hair grows forwards instead of backwards.

>I have an extensive porn collection that I add to and organize with custom software tools I've written myself.
This should not be as funny as it is

Personally, I think it's hilarious. I giggle to myself every time I think about it. Got it set up on a Kodi machine and everything.

I'm naturally good at sports even though I haven't played any in quite some time and I'm old. Plus pretty eyes apparently.

I have a big fuck-off scar on my right arm that will never heal or go away.

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Fucking kek

OP was a very good goy in his youth.

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I have one testicle and no sense of smell

>my hair grows forwards instead of backwards.
Is this abnormal? Shit.

>fuck-off scar
what did he mean by this

Really can't think of anything that unique. Like everyone else here, there are probably thousands that have the same characteristics as us

I've been friends with every single major race in the U.S. ( a lot of people probably have too :/ )

I liked the old testament too but I didnt know wtf jews were until I was a teenager. Maybe even later. I mean shit, did you actually eat gefelte fish? Did you know jewish people?

You managed that much

That much what? Finish your sentence.

I alone know that I know nothing

I can speak 4 languages fluently and 2 somewhat well. I've lived in 4 countries.I was born just naturally quite flexible which aided in ballet and cheerleading quite well. I have arthritis in just my left wrist at age 28 and have had it since I was 23. I've been told my irises are very unique in their "pattern" and told my eye color is very pretty. It's something like pic related in terms of color, but the "pattern" is different. I have 3 small black holes in both my irises, which I've had checked out and they're harmless, but they're as dark as my pupil. I don't know, pretty much everything anyone compliments me on is either related to my eyes, my face in general, or my cooking.

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Ah, wait, none of that matters. I should've just went with I was born into a cult.

Never been off of medication. I make people uneasy.

Same dude what's the name of the cult?

Oh ... you're not illiterate user, you're autistic

Sorry, I won't say. I'd rather not talk about it for my own safety. all I can say is it's in Russia.

It's British/Irish slang. It's a way of referring to something or someone as unusally big.

> "Look at that building, Dave. That's a big fuck-off building, isn't it?"

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Who am I to argue against those trips? There are lots of cults around the world.

Dubs and trips, no less. And sadly, there are plenty of cults...I hope you may find peace in your soul, regardless of what you may have been born into.

Can't tell if you're pre-diagnosing me with autism or you're calling me autistic to insult me

I have no unique characteristics.

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Thats how you know

Just seeing Shitren's face makes my blood boil.

I'm still kind of confused but not as much as before.

How I know what?

I am an exceptional pianist and sketch artist
too bad i'm an alkie