Does anyone live with family that doesn't see them as an individual person...

Does anyone live with family that doesn't see them as an individual person, but rather more of an item of merit or status?
>Live with mother and father
>They have no interest in me as a person
>Only my milestones and what I'm capable of accomplishing in the long run
>Get surgery, 8 weeks later here I am
>Not ten days after surgery "When are you finding a job?"
>I stare back in disbelief, the waver says I need to wait at least 6 weeks after surgery to return to work.
>"W-what?" I ask, then I start to get aggravated at what I'm actually hearing.
>Met with a flurry of insults, claim I'm being lazy, claim I have no motivation, no skills (literally) and claims I am not amounting to anything
>Fast forward to now
>My mother and father have asked me every single day, I'm not joking, every day from February 10th on when I will be finding a job.
The conversation goes like this
>I go downstairs for my single meal of the day because any other time I'm down there with them it's met with the most explosive argument on what I'm doing with my current job situation.
>Mother usually starts it, followed in by my father who has minor onset Alzheimer Disease, so he tends to get incredibly aggressive, belligerent, and has a hard time following the flow of the conversation at all.
>Nobody listens to each other during the argument, it's just a back and forth screaming shit show on why I'm a useless piece of shit who will amount to nothing even though that's the complete opposite of what I am, blah blah
(I've worked in a restaurant for three years dish washing, went to college for 5 fucking years, and do literally every single thing they ask of me without complaint.)

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I even just got done cleaning the entire fucking house for my family and when my father came downstairs he claims I've done nothing.
The same father that can't even put away a god damn fucking news paper when he's done reading it.
>Not once have I been thanked for doing work around the house
>When I am recognized it's because "It's supposed to be my job," which is reasonable, as they are housing me.
But does anyone get an unreasonable amount of shit by their parents for something that isn't even the underlying reason they're given shit?
I feel the job situation is a meme so they can take their aggression out on me and once I find a job the next episode in this series will be "what are you doing about college now?"
If you see what I'm saying, the point is that it never ends. It's a life meme. I'm never getting out of this situation I'm in unless I can move out, which I can't, because housing in this area is so fucking expensive and jobs do not pay 24 year olds enough around here to live on their own.
So what do I do?

I'm not recognized as a human being anymore, but more of an item of my mothers will.
There is no happy conversations, and if there are they're very scarce and numbered. A normal conversation usually segways into what my life is amounting to and right there bam, the entire tone and emotion of the conversation changes and it becomes a bleak and negative outlook on why I can't find a job.

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For example, the last time we went out to dinner it was absolutely ruined because she asked me about a job at the dinner table in a restaurant. The atmosphere around us instantly changed, and I asked her to please not discuss this while we're out at dinner.
We can't even enjoy a family differ. That's how bad it is. It's like they don't know how to actually think about anything else or talk about any other topics. There's a million other topics, but every, single, fucking, conversation, it's led to "what are you doing about a job?"
I don't even think the job is the problem. I think it may be the family itself.
Not once have my parents asked me personal interests outside of school or working. Not once have they asked me about my personal hobbies, what I'm watching, listening to, what I like and dislike, nothing about the personal side to a human being. And that's not even a problem! I could care less if they don't care about me as a person, truthfully, because it's your own opinions that matters, but just don't give me shit every day for merely existing and doing my best!
It's like it doesn't matter that I'm human at all.
And every single time I try to hang out with friends I'm berated for keeping her up at night.
My mother literally stays awake at night when I'm not home and will wait for me to get home. I'm 23 and she still does this and blames herself not getting any sleep on me. It's like some sort of game she plays. It's a never ending bad dream for me.
So I stopped going out and hanging out with friends.

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I sit here in my room, alone, jerking off, watching anime, playing vidya by myself most days, and get berated non stop by two dysfunctional 70 year old parents on how to live my life when they can't even take control of theirs.
It's sad. I completely understand why sadbot did what he did.
If I had a shotgun I would blow my own fucking head off.
I can't hang out with friends, but I get yelled at for being unproductive when I don't.
And yes, if you guessed, there's not a single god damn woman in my life I could talk to, not one, friend or not.
I get screamed at no matter what I do and it's taking it's toll on me mentally.
I don't hate them for it. I love my parents still, but sometimes I just wish they would take a break on ripping into me so much.
So cheers to all you robots that actually have families and friends that support you. I sure wish I had that.

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They bonded over their own lack of self worth and then made a baby with their combined ineptitude to be with anyone other than another, miserable fuck

Pretty accurate description even though I love them. Makes me sad inside.

yeah I feel the same way but there's not much I can do to change my situation.
i guess we can just ride out those feels

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I guess all you faggots are afraid of reading four paragraphs?

It's funny when all you faggot niggers want people to read your shitty sob stories but can't read my single sob story I post once in my life.
Fuuuuckkk meeeee, and fuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuuuu

>live with my mom and grandfather
>Grandfather is 95, deaf and can't do much on his own
>Mom is a workaholic whose entire life revolves around career work and housework/cleanup
>I'm a factory worker who wakes up at an early time to be at the plant
>Mom doesn't want me sitting down, she wants me to do 3 things at the same exact fucking time
>I try to do one, but she goes into a tantrum and forces me to do another task as I'm doing the first one
>She complains that she is always late for work, but stays up till fucking midnight doing woodwork or cleaning
>Blames it all on me for some reason

And my mom wonders why I don't bring friends over, or why I have no friends in the first place

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I know that feel, user.
It becomes a burden just to have friends or a social life.
It's almost like we're being vetted into suicide.

I'm vetted towards chain smoking and drinking.

My mom blamed me for getting strangled earlier in the week. Its pretty bad out here in some places too, I just can't muster the sympathy for kids who are just realizing they were born to two pieces of shit. Especially when the only thing they most likely want to do is the same exact fucking thing to their own future children to cope with it.

I would do the same, but as you already know I don't have a job and zero source of NEETBUX.
I'm gonna find a job this week though, this having no money thing really blows donkey dick.

unironically go back to work goy, god actually did chose the jews

oh man I know, but I will return to work in the hopes that one day I can feed my delusions and transcend the jew barrier, thus being the the supreme boss/leader of the jews and use them as my own pawns.
but that's a loooooong way from where I am now.
truthfully I would just be okay with making just over 50 thousand a year and living on my own for starters.
Gotta start small and work your way up.

What did you study for 5 years that led you to only getting dishwashing jobs?

Do they behave like this ever with your brothers or are you an only child?

A friend of mine had a toxic situation with his parents (his mom in particular) too. Every little argument would be a pretext for him to vent his frustration about several issues (they wouldn't let him drive the car or give him money) or for her to berate his laziness and cranky attitude.

Eventually he met a foreign girl and seized the opportunity to leave (he's about to move abroad). He just has to do his final exams in order to graduate

I tried getting a general studies degree at a local community college, and it was going well until I needed surgery.
I have one more course I need to pass to get my associates degree and get the fuck out, but I had to get surgery so I stopped going to class.
Basically went to school, failed a few math classes and had to repeat maybe two semesters, maybe three?
Then the surgery thing, and working all the time, and not being able to study as much, failing math classes I needed as prerequisites to continue to advance my education, etc
It all boils down to 5 years in the hole and I still don't have my general studies degree.
I still have no idea what I even want to do with my life as a job.

I'm basically an only child, because all my other siblings moved out long before I was born.
But I did talk to my brother, who's 45ish (its sad I don't even know my brothers real age) and he did mention she was just as controlling and negligent to him as she is to me when he lived under their roof.
And that was around twenty years ago.
So I think it may be something with the domestic social skills while growing up and maybe my mother was abused as a child or something, because she did mention my grandfather hitting her rather hard for talking back one time.
She said and I quote, "When I talked back the one day, your grandfather got off the ladder, calmly, with the paint roller in his hand, and smashed me across the face with it, paint and all still on the roller. Paint went all in my nose, my eyes, and my mouth. I never talked back again."
So that's a little glimpse into my parents childhood. Which doesn't help me any.
Then my father tells me he grew up without a father and had to work since the age of 13, so somehow I have to be just as hard or harder than him to be validated in this day and age.
It's this complete lack of disregard and empathy that makes me want to commit suicide most days.
I don't even enjoy going out with friends anymore, because at one point in the night there's always a though that tell me, "You're not like them. You'll never be like them. They'll betray you one day. Get out while you still can."
So I live in constant fear and paranoia not knowing what is going to happen next.
I'm just glad my few friends still hang out with me.
I'm a complete train wreck of a human being sometimes, while being all aware of it while it's happening.

So if you have been working these past 5 years how much money do you have saved up? Do your parents make you pay rent?

none, i havent been working, all the money i saved up while i had a job was spent during the time i wasnt working.
the last time i worked was like november 2016.
it's all gone, the current money i have to my name allots to the 5 single dollar bills in my wallet.
no, my mother and father do not make me pay rent, which im extremely grateful of, but for whatever reason i cannot understand why they give me so much shit.
they never mentioned rent before to me so it's not about the rent.

>thus being the the supreme boss/leader of the jews and use them as my own pawns.
so, a jew

this is hell. the next hell will be worse. that is why you work

it's probably about the rent and their inability to keep their own shit together. I know this song and dance

oh fuck I got a fucking screaming eagle

OP why are you unable to accept the fact they dont fucking want you in the house anymore? You have been clogging up their space for almost a quarter of a century now; they just want you to piss off

yeah, but im not a jew, so being king jew would ultimately mean the downfall for all the jews, which is what we ultimately want to see in the end, correct?
yeah nah rent wasnt a problem, they rent out 2 other properties to people and have their own income.
it's more of a "hey, we notice you doing nothing and taking your time, so we really are going to harass you every single day until you do something about it. then when you do that, we'll find something more annoying to harp on for the upcoming weeks."


>get back from first 4 months at uni
>first thing mother says "have you got a gf?"
>hows ur grades, are you ahead of the rest of your class
>how often do you go out?

>who are you living with next year?
>tell her i want my own place so i can take my doggo down to uni
>"is that normal" well not it fucking isnt but i miss my dog
>end up moving in with bigger losers than me instead of getting my own comfy pad with doggo

oh they've made it perfectly clear, but the fucking irony of this situation is they don't want to help me to get out of this situation, one that they themselves have helped create, so tell me buddy, how exactly am i supposed to move out with no income, my guy?
no life experience? no friends?
just move out, yep, good one.
everyone can do that one! yep, just... move out!
found the normie, kek