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>wanting to be a fucking wagecuck

i was fired from my job today

>almost 25 and never had a job

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Sure, but only if you live in Texas.

>$2000 more in my bank account tomorrow morning and nothing to pay for because I live at home
feels smug man

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>mech eng and been unemployed for 6 years

What kind of job?

I got a job for ya
>emphatically grabs penis through trousers

>tfw parents start asking for rent


>actually 25 and never had a job

I bet I would at least get interviews if I just mass applied to fast food chains tho

i've applied to fast food restaurants with experience and never got called in

That is where you need to start. Be honest to the interviewer, be like "look I need job experience, college didn't work out, I'm looking for a place to start" might get in

I applied to fast food restaurants with no experience and I got called in a day after, what's wrong with you user?

Where are you at OP?
Can you list your skills and interests?
I may be recruiting for a project soon

>Get a interview at a friends workplace. Didn't get job. Friend ask manager why, He proceeds to explain to friend that I was weird and really creeped him out.

Just about fucking done. I really am fucking hopeless. I tried so hard too.

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If you can, I'd recommend going for one of those places that's technically fast food, but a higher standard than your average McD's and BK etc. Most places in the world have a few chains like that.

don't give up OP, I tried going to job interviews and a lot of them rejected me but I still got a place.Keep trying and try to make the next interview better than the last one.

good luck man

That's a comfy feeling. Knowing the suffering is over, at least for now.

That's how the world works, brother. You can have all the experience and technical skill in the world, but if you're even just a little socially awkward, they won't give two shits about it. We're at the bottom of society, only thing we can do is accept it and keep moving forward.

Please hang in user, if not for you for us who've been there.

I had the same thing happen to me and I've been fired from places for the same reason. I now have a great job after trying and trying and trying. Things can get bettrr.

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can you drive?

Apply for Amazon. Lie on the personality test. There's no job interview. There's no need for a resume. Just don't screw up on orientation or at least show that you are quick to correcting your mistakes and you got the job. Plenty of normies quick on a monthly basis.

>all we can do is accept it and keep moving forward
OR somebody could actually DO SOMETHING? I fucking hate loser defeatists like you

Yeah I know I need to just hang in there. Nothing good comes to those who give up after all. Thanks for the kind words user it means a lot.

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Take it easy guy pal Ill try my best I will that much

No problem mate. Look at it this way, would you even want to work for a judgemental prick like that manager anyways? There are always chill managers out there who don't care what your quirks are like as long as you work hard.

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What's there to do? Filthy, disgusting normals will always be on top to take everything away from us.

>Only one full-time retail job that wants to interview me
>It's an hour and a half bus ride away

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