I want to sniff and lick a lonely robot boys feet

I want to sniff and lick a lonely robot boys feet

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my feet dont smell like anything so why would you do that?
> tfw i have the nicest feet on all of Jow Forums.

I don't know user that sounds a bit weird I'm not used to that sort of attention

I have a toenail that filled with blood months ago and now this old blood toenail is gonna fall off soon.
You dont wanna smell it..

I think that would get me too excited user. To be paid attention to that much

hah gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
but seriously kill yourself

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wanna post em cutie

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Where do you live? I want to sniff and lick your feet too.

ontario but nobody lives in canada

nope, i don't want people jerking off to my feet!

>unironically have cute and smelly feet
>Will never post pictures of myself on Jow Forums
Hahaaaah take that

Ontario is the most pathetic of the canadian provinces

guess you were just lyin about having nice feet i bet theyre ugly and smell like cheese

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Well, at best we can exchange feet pics and jerk off to them.

I do user

originally even

Sure, I work a trade job. 10 hours of working boots. Should be fine

monkey business#4348

Lick my clean cute nigger feet ya twink faggot

they unironically smell like nothing, thankfully
you're just mad cause my soles are soft af, and no groce yellow callus skin that most people have

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proofs in the style of original

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but having rough feet is what makes em special.
soft silky smooth feet are for femanons

I live in Ontario too but I'd rather not sniff and lick feet.

i wont fall for your tricks!!

that's groce, andy. why do you guys even like feet?

nobody cared about you or what you want to begin with

Who is andy? and I don't like feet.

why do you want to hide your perfect feets so badly from us ill kill you

Sure I would let you. It wouldn't do anything for me but if its what you want I wouldn't stop you.