I'm disgusted by females

I'm disgusted by females.
Specifically their vagina biology.

They're always leaking something disgusting out of their holes and are very likely to have or have had some sort of disease down there.

I'm relatively good-looking, and I receive (some) attention from females, but the very thought of sticking my clean, healthy, pristine, well-kept penis in their disgusting holes is enough to cut all my flirting short.

Anyone else have this problem as well?
How do I get over it?
Should I get over it?

Please help.

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i sense big gay

vaginas are disgusting if you think about it logically but when you're horny you don't care.

that's called pussy juices. They're supposed to drip from there it shows they're horny.

Amazingly gay post.
Vaginas taste amazing.
I love the taste of vaginas so much I got my tongue pierced to enhance the experience.

Same. I'd rather fap to dicks.

thats pretty gay dude sry

I think you might be gay OP and should killyourself

Yeah, that's pretty gay, man.
Even more so that the OP.

OP here, just to clarify something.

I'd love to fuck and even eat out a clean and healthy pussy.

It's just that I'm pathologically terrified of encountering a nasty one. Something just tells me most women aren't all that pristine down there.

Like, I know many girls. They sometimes talk about the condition of their intimates, and I've heard very disturbing stuff.

Guys? Not once. Not because they're not telling, mind you; it's because there's nothing to tell in the first place. Hell, the worst condition I ever had was a jock itch, and that shit's baby mode compared to some stuff the females have told me about.

And it's not just the unattractive ones, either. I mean sure, if I see a slightly overweight girl with oily hair and a bad case of dandruff, I won't go anywhere near her crotch, and I think that's something many of you would agree. But some of the most horrible stories told came from really hot Stacy-type chicks with bodies made for bedroom and model-tier skin.

It just seems like a major risk. I'm pretty sure even a qt3.14 pure Christian girl has a high chance of having a yeast infection or some pH imbalance or whatever.

get her to shower first and it'll be fine.

But that doesn't fix the issue, it just masks the symptoms.

My son will one day come out of there, for Christ's sake.

"issues" are very rare and easily treatable. you don't need to worry about it.















I want the redditspacing meme to end.

I've been posting here since 2008 and always spaced some of my sentences like that. It varies depending on the content of the post.

I've never even been to reddit, apart from reading up some post I found through Google.

Youre not even wrong. Finally someone who understands! Vaginas are disgusting. Im not gay, but man those things are bad. Some smell like fucking dead fish and garbage. Periods, uterus linings, mucus, fuck that. You are absolutely right to have this problem. It takes 5 seconds to clean my dick, women have to wash in and out, folds and creases. It makes me want to stay a virgin.

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when you're horny those things don't matter

I dont turn into a retard who forgets everything when Im horny, speak for yourself.

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Fucking this.


We're too smart to be horny.

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She looks exactly what I would imagine a live action Casca to look like.

You're not the only one. This chick is probably the most universally accepted candidate to play Casca.

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You are asexual, or gay, or what ever its called when you only jack off alone

What do you masturbate to?

repulsion isnt normal. normal is human urge to procreate

Wow, what a rude post.

I masturbate to heterosexual non-fetish pornography involving white actors.

jesus what a qt female, she looks clean

She is 16 and fucks Anthony Hopkins.

Nobody is buying it gay boy

Spoken like true faggots.
Meet you again in one of those woman hate threads you always make.

Well, technically speaking, gays have fewer reasons to hate women.
So I'd say misogyny is a pretty damn heterosexual affair.

They ooze snot and mucus, fucking google it.

>be 17
>have 14 sister
>absolute brat
>we hate each other, still do
>one day we're arguing
>she tries to slap me
>push her to the ground
>spit on her face
>feels good
>she gets up and slides her hand inside her pants
>she starts rubbing her hand, furiously
>tears streaming down her face from her fall
>I stare in complete disbelief
>she runs up to me
>oh shit!
>she rubs her hand all over my faze
>the smell is fucking putrid
>I get overwhelmed by the rotting scent
>start gagging
>puke my ass off
>run to the bathroom and wash my face with hot water and soap until it burns
>still have flashbacks to that moment everytime people talk about stinky vaginas

Nice deflection homo

I'm sorry to have cause you a PTSD episode like that, user.

>They're always leaking something disgusting out of their holes and are very likely to have or have had some sort of disease down there.

The good one's take their hygiene seriously and aren't disgusting. But you're probably gay as fuck. I remember this Russian chick I didn't fuck because her vagina was fragrant enough to be off putting.

shut up and post more Mo(a)ner