Femanons, how would you feel if you were the wank fantasy of all the blossoming young boys in your area?
Femanons, how would you feel if you were the wank fantasy of all the blossoming young boys in your area?
Both my neighbor and my little brothers try very hard to see me naked out of curiosity. It's a bit flattering but not my thing at all.
what about creepy mid 20's guys on the internet trying to see you naked?
>what about creepy mid 20's guys on the internet trying to see you naked?
lol i have plenty of those too it feels bretty good
user gtfo, I'm trying to self-insert wank to /ss/ here. You have every other thread on r9k to do this.
How's this fetish called?
>How's this fetish called?
Foot inflation
Not a femanon but I'm pretty sure I'd love it
I checked it u were wrong dummy
Used to be and even indulged it, but stopped when I almost got in trouble.
I never turn down a chance user.
Seriously tho what's the name of this fetish?
>Used to be and even indulged it, but stopped when I almost got in trouble.
I will always appreciate what you did to make dreams come true, femanon.
story time cunt.
Urethral vore
How did you get yourself almost in trouble user?
That's not nice, stop being so mean and tell me
Believe him, just save yourself deleting your history and don't google it
Got involved with some younger guys, don't want to say age, and one of them started threatening to blab if I didn't do what he wanted.
It's kinda sexy desu
what an absolute fucking chad. that kid has my utmost respect
HOLY SHIT what literally
This is why we can't have nice things.
I'd be pretty fucking disappointed in their taste
>threatening to blab if I didn't do what he wanted.
Being blackmailed by a shota sounds hot in theory too bad that the reality of it sucks
Huh, funny story, I once had a teacher back in middle school who was a sexy milf. She did this kind of things, and the talks among the guys went to film her and blackmail into being a personal sex slave. She backed off before anything went south for her though.
Ring any bells, per chance?
>Statutory rape victim blackmails his rapist into agreeing to be raped by him.
I mean how can you even be mad? You started it. Turnabout is fair play.
It's all fun and games until the cops are involved.
Nah, don't know that.
Are you ugly or a tranny
Don't be shy now, we're all friends here, you can get comfy telling us a bed time story.
panty inflation
Amazing, that would be awesome
just tell the story, also include positions etc
it's actually elemental pony-type annulospiral ejaculation
There isn't a lot to say. I worked as an afterschool tutor at a bookstore right where a school let off so I had a chance to be around guys who may have been younger maybe probably but no certain age for sure. It started out just for fun and hanging out with some from time to time but became more with a few of them. The one in particular though scared me so I had to drop the whole thing and scare him off my tail to leave me alone.
You're both lying I'm going to tell my mom if you don't stop. She will tell your moms say goodbye to tendies
I need to know the name of this fetish
It's straight shota and maybe exhibitionism. Happy fapping, friend.
i would actively tease them if they were 2D
I loved to slap my mom's huge ass when I was a kid! She thought it was cute, meanwhile, my young rod was hard as diamonds.
I'm going to dedicate first drops of my next "toast" to you, dear friend. I'm going to be thinking about you
abstract expressionism
As a 7th-grade teacher... indifferent
Used to tease the blossoming 5th and 6th graders. Pretty sure a bunch of them jerked off to the memory for a while.
>Tfw when you start fapping to new fetish and end it by watching bestiality anyway.
Toast was raised.
pls give original details
Well, high schoolers used to share the bus with the elementary schoolers. I used to sit in the back, and so did a few kids. It started off really innocently, with me just removing my hoodie on the bus because I was overheating and my bra being visible through my shirt. Didn't think much of it at first because they were just kids, but eventually caught them staring and got a thrill out of it. Eventually started wearing tighter clothing, and started smiling at them when they looked at me.
And now they think they're Chads
Fuck you
You realize that when people post "a girl smiled at me once, later robots" they're kidding, right?
What a little shit, just had to go and ruin it for everyone by getting greedy.
They don't come here
upvoted for the blitz
Well. This is the first time anyone's ever told me they jerked off to me. Anyways, was it fun?
If that is true then I feel proud about the fact that I influenced some kids to become successful with women.
They think they are Chads
God I wish I was the girl in that image
Well at least they are confident, so that's a step in the right direction.
No they're not
Then they would be Chads
what I don't get is, why is /ss/ so common for females but amazon/giantess stuff much less common? They are almost the same thing
But if they think they are Chad, but aren't Chad, they can't still be confident?
They have to compensate somehow
Well even if they are compensating in acting confident, at least they are. That's a step toward getting a girlfriend.
And abuse
Plus they're annoying and probably unironically like and talk like Migos
There is literally no difference between "compensating"/"thinking" they are confident chads and actually being confident chads.
The saying " fake it till you make it" is a saying for a reason.
A kid getting an erect penis over an adult female is much more common than an extremely tall female x manlet. "Giantess" is reserved for autistic people on deviantart, or autistic people who commission furry artists.
Straight shota is my biggest fetish and I feel incredibly ashamed of myself.
I have more than half a GB of this stuff.
If it makes you feel any better I'd probably have had sex with them if it were legal.
I'm grossed out by prepubescent boys but fuck, something about nerdy, virgin high school boys....
No, the power and size difference is literally the same thing, and tall female and short man is a much more common thing irl than women fucking little boys, plus amazon/giantess isn't even the same thing as just tall woman short man. Your "argument" is trash.
If you're a straight male, there's no shame in it.