Why are japs the perfect wageslave goyim?
Perfectionist culture as a result of collective autism
Because contrary to what the lazy wastes of space on this site think, work can be pretty fulfilling.
At my last job I met a USPS worker who was working for like 40 years and never took a day off and retired with accumulated sick days.
he had a decent house as well and you could tell he didn't know what to do with himself, he was a tool his whole life.
let me guess muhcontributions?
people get rich just for looking pretty, all humans are wastes of space
please don't use the term "japs"
Chinks are not bad either just stretch them suicide nets around the wageslave pit. Shalom
Something something shame based society instead of guilt, right?
This man has lost his soul a long time ago even though he might be one of the most productive member of his society. Anyone who would like to end up like him is someone that just wants to become a machine.
Asian and natives have agriculture and civilization in their dna, whereas niggers and whites are hunter gatherers
Please grow a fucking spine and stop policing other peoples words.
That sushi guy worked like 50 years with hardly any time off.
we wuz huntin da hippos
maybe he's a closet 'mo who rather rub dudes' heads than see his family
can't blame him all things considered
>Because contrary to what the lazy wastes of space on this site think, work can be pretty fulfilling.
If you are a biologist, work with kids/animals in a non-hospital setting, head chef, famous artist or entertainer or drug dealer. And those all kinda suck too. Making money sucks.
if i had a spine i wouldn't be browsing Jow Forums
Is "nips" less offensive because it sounds worse to me.
if your job is to draw and you like drawing, yeah it's pretty fucking fun
must be a shame to be an empty loser with no interests or talents, huh?
I like drawing, but if I want to make money doing it I need to be especially talented or resort to doing pornographic commissions.
not really but it's rarely used
most normie logic only applies to certain people, they hate the working class let alone neets
I only asked because it's actually called Nippon in Japan. So it would just be an abbreviation really, for a 6 letter word.
I guess it's because they have a tiny country with a huge population. I guess economic competition is much fiercer than in other countries, thus leading to this kind of attitude if you want to be economically successful in Japanese society.
I'm just glad I don't rely on an ever expanding market of "artists" to fulfill my needs until I eventually get muscled out by bigger fish. Regardless of the porn.
Its like this in NJ too, but we're all retarded here so it's kind of different.
who says the are
yeah...no...i love freedom
Booze isn't pulled out of fairies' asses user.
wageslaves are the most pathetic losers on earth.
pic related.
right matey...it is plundered :) arrr aye, a drink to the rules we set, and to home, where no king or his rules govern us. A drink to the vast seas waiting to be sailed. A drink to our family aboard. A drink to the black flag. A drink to freedom.
he might as well just jump in front of a train, his dearly beloved society won't give a fuck and his contributions will be forgotten in a blink of an eye.
wageslaves are brain-dead.
bye bye losers :)
They're fucking machines. They were willing to train their best pilots to jump into an airplane and crash into a US Navy ship. With like a 30% success rate. Even they themselves knew they were a machine before they died.
>What a friend of mine once said is true: a pilot of the Special Assault Unit is merely a machine. He just steers the apparatus. He is only a molecule within a magnet that sticks fast to an enemy aircraft carrier, possessing neither personality nor emotions. If one thinks about it rationally, this act is incomprehensible and, to try to put it in a plain expression, these pilots are, as they say, simply suicidal. Since I am nothing more than a machine, I have no right to put my case forward.
hey, thanks for posting that.
i've always had a bad feeling about coding but never could put it into words
>get to 60
>youre getting old
>well i didnt do shit when i was young and spritley but now im creaking and aching i have all the time in the world!
he can enjoy his sick days now
Fuck off thot police.
Meanwhile, other members of said society can take it chill, travel or whatever they so want as long as they submit in a dozen or so drawn pages a month.
ass pirate
>muh fulfillment
just get high and die, life doesn't mean anything
That picture is ironically spooky
Fuck im going to sleep
>tfw biologist
This guy is right, getting paid to fuck off to the middle of nowhere and look for critters is the tits
it would disappear without their cultural homogeneity
Getting high is a normie thing
i think youmissed the part where he retired at 60 with a house a comfortable living for 35-40 years
Them niggas have one of the highest suicide rates for a reason.
that wasn't part of the story though, I just said he lives in a nice house, he might have gotten it at age 50 for all I know
They are soulless empty vessel.
It's a nuanced thing.
For one thing, there is no such thing as a shitty customer in Japan, save for western tourists.
Japan's culture of politeness means that that guy has probably never had anyone be a cunt to him, and if he did his boss probably threw him out of the store for causing a commotion.
Blue collar workers can also expect to receive more benefits from their job than Americans, and even some Europeans.
Japanese people also tend to want for less, and have more humble goals than westerners such as simply having a family, or a nice house, a video game collection, or to live near a park.
>Friendly reminder that your boss doesn't give a shit about you
they're strong believers that work makes you free.
are you a racist?
if life doesnt have a meaning, then you give it a meaning through your achievements like what pic related did.
I look forward to my days off but on days off I usually feel shitty. At least when I work I feel satisfied after getting things done.
pic related was a christian that believed in a higher power and believed what he was doing was for the sake of Jesus. Totally different
>inb4 tabletalks tripe
is this /tech/
>Japanese people also tend to want for less, and have more humble goals than westerners such as simply having a family, or a nice house, a video game collection, or to live near a park.
Those all sound like nice things to have
>believing jew made history books
reminds me of a time when I found some major error with packaged products that would have forced a costly recall if they had gone out but then got punished because I was doing overtime (due to a miscommunication). The recall would've cost them far more than my overtime pay, which would've been less than $40.
thats a pretty fresh cut f am