Is it in women's genes to bitch? They complain constantly to their families, bitched their way out of having families, and proceeded to go bitch at society. "Express your feelings" they say. "Men don't understand their emotions" they say.
Is it in women's genes to bitch? They complain constantly to their families, bitched their way out of having families...
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i feel you on this. women are insufferable, worthless cunts. i'm mgtow forever. i had a pregnancy scare and i definitely would've killed myself if the kid was mine
Nice over statement
>women are insufferable, worthless cunts.
And you aren't?
I have never met a woman that broke their own arm punching rock solid objects.
Males can be used for more than breeders and care takers.
Either genetics or hormones.
I've met women that have spent nearly every breath of their life bitching and complaining.
Doesn't that contradict "worthless"?
yeah women at my work are like that and they don't have anything interesting to say. also explains why nature gave males a very high sex drive so they would put up with women.
High mammalian sex drive precedes speech (not to mention this specific form of speech) by a long shot.
Call me a roastie, cuck, whatever you want to do. I saw this on the front page and had to tell you how retarded you are.
hey you retarded idiot men have to put up with more then just bitching you know?
>retarded idiot men
Wasn't roastie or cuck. You got me. I'd say I covered it in "whatever you want to do" but I'll give it to you: I didn't see this one coming.
women are normies, they're turbo normies
They bitch because men eventually listen to their bitching and give them something they want. In other words they lose nothing and have lots to gain and it fucking works.
>gets upset and bitches when some one to pick up her dog's shit
Typical Arby's special, I tell ya what.
well I am right and you are wrong. without a high sex drive men would not bother with dead weight. women are weaker,dumber and less emotionally stable then men.
why are mexicans so bossy? they need to go back to mexico desu.
Bitching is 90% of what you guys do on this board, so...
>well I am right and you are wrong.
Holy shit. Blown away.
I always knew I was an idiot. Sometimes feared I was a retard. But a retarded idiot? It all makes so much sense.
Someone gets it.
yes, of course. they're the social police, which is why the communists went after them with feminism.
jumping up and down screaming "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME GIVE ME ATTENTION" is all you do so..
>"Men don't understand their emotions"
I really hate this shit. Every girlfriend I have ever had I comforted when they broke down and needed someone. Each one failed me when I needed the same. My last and probably final girlfriend broke up with me because I cried in front of her. I was having a terrible time of it and broke down in front of her. All I needed was for her to hug me. Instead she went stiff made some lame excuses and left. A week later she texted me saying it was over between us.
I think that was an entirely personal insult.
>anons going after women
Stop chasing fearful people because they are accessible.
Because as happy as I am I still long for someone I can hug close.
Its not that I chased after anyone I just asked any girl that would give me the time of day. I couldn't exactly be picky.
>bitch online to vent
>being an insufferable cunt irl to the detriment of those around you
it isn't the same. i have the decency to lance my boils quietly through a keyboard in an environment where it's expected and encouraged