Dreams kick ass

Dreams kick ass

I love sleeping

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i used to have really vivid dreams but now it's nothing

Me too! I always have amazing dreams. If I focus hard enough the second I wake up I can remember them. If not they are lost forever.

Some meds have given me even more amazing dreams in the past. I wish I was still on them

TTRPGs give me the same feeling as dreaming, almost. Especially when played through voice chat so that it's all in my mind.

I used to love sleeping but now my back aches if i'm in bed too long. Oldness sucks.

just get melatonin, it's dirt cheap and otc
just take a shit load if it (>50mg) and thank me in the morning

buy a different mattress
what kind of meds?

I fucking love dreams, even the nightmares are enjoyable

I took an hour nap earlier and had a nightmare. I was trying to yell but couldn't. Pretty sure I yelled irl like a tard because my dog looked concerned when I woke up.

I can't dream anymore, all I get are nightmares.

I hate dreams. It feels like they're forcibly telling me what to want and what to fear, and not letting me decide.


Dreams are fun although I barely know if I get them since I don't remember them most the time. Every month or so I get a really long one where I fall in love with a girl and my day is ruined

I had a dream today that I was still in high school and I almost missed the bus, but I ran fast enough to catch it and screamed at the bus driver while she was closing the doors. I woke up when she let me onto the bus. Weird.

Just quit weed for a few days.

Fucking can't wait to sleep tonight. Gonna be amazing. I hope I dream. If I don't I'm gonna go back to sleep and get some nice daytime nap dreams.

Me too, I even love most nightmares.

How do I lucid dream? I remember doing it once years ago but I never was able to do it again.

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You guys need to get into lucid dreaming. Check out the Dream Views forums or Jow ForumsLucidDreaming on Reddit.

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I've been dipping my nuts into lucid dreaming, and honestly, it's causing me to want to be asleep more than awake. But then I have insomnia which is proof enough for me that god doesn't exist

You're right OP, I'm going to go to sleep right now. Wish for my happy dreams anons.

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Goodnight user, sweet dreams
originally of course

Good luck. My grandpa has ALS and he first lost noticeable amounts of muscle control after getting startled during a weird dream. He has to shit in a bag and use a breathing machine now, it's pretty fucked up desu.

You can also have food with a lot of garlic in it. There is some chemical that promotes vivid cinematic dreaming. I just had a cool one where I was wandering around a flea market set in a huge warehouse finding rare comics and strange wares.

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What would you do while lucid dreaming? I was able to do it like a dozen times in middle school to fuck but I don't really have anything I want to dream

For those looking to have more intense and somewhat lucid dreams, take Melatonin. The first time I took some (just 1mg), I had a very intense erotic dream and my dick was absolutely diamonds. Now every time I take it I get very vivid dreams but nothing like the first time. It really works.

I can vouch for melatonin as well. Even better if you take it with just a little alcohol (a single beer or so)

>just take a shit load if it (>50mg) and thank me in the morning
Is that much even safe? Are you trying to get people to kill themselves?

>50+ mg
>the morning

If by morning you mean the morning of the following week then go for it

No need for the spoiler, most of us browse Reddit anyways including me :)

Just got woken up by my neighbour

How can I dream so vividly and yet not be able to think at the same power of immersion?

It would be awesome to just have a dream anytime I had to wait something. And if I could have such real thoughts, I could be more intelligent, hearing lectures and structuring a whole dream around it.
Dreaming seems to take so much brainpower, why can't I direct it to thinking more deeply so I can be a genius?

And why can't I just manipulate reality and live in what amounts to a lucid dream world? It would be perfect.

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You'd need like 50 grams to even get into slightly dangerous territory, and you would be knocked out long before you could even ingest that much.

there's been studies where subjects took around 250mg with no negative consequences, unlike most sleep aids it's not going to give you a bad trip or something

50mg isn't that much, I've tried it and the only thing I noticed was a slight feel of tiredness after a 6 hours sleep

it's not benadryl come on guys

>would be knocked out long before you could even ingest that much.
Nope, I can pop 10x 5mg pills no problem or even more, takes at least 30 mins to kick in after ingested.

I said 50 grams. That's 50,000 mg, which is 1,000 5 mg pills.

Do you want to read my post again, but this time very slowly?

I don't understand how many of you cannot remember your dreams. I always do. I could write a very lengthy book detailing my dreams; I have an extensive dream library in my head. If I felt like it, I would organize and categorize every dream I remember, but it'd be a colossal task.

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I dreamt that a spacecraft full of enemies was overhead, and I bombed them stealthily and got 90,000 kills. Then my sister and I laughed about the poor box office outcome for Boxing Helena. Then I woke up and remembered my sister doesn't talk to me.

not him but if the idea of taking 50g of melatonin over 30mins being possible, then I guess you are right, although I doubt someone would be as stupid to do that

That's because you're autistic. Chad doesn't need to remember shit, his life in reality is better than dreams.

>tfw sleeping is one of the only things i actually enjoy doing

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no we dont
go back and fuck off

Literally any dream that doesn't end in me being tortured is ecstasy

meditate before bed.
not shitting you, the only reason I don't remember dreams now is because I start my morning routine too quick. If I just lay back there's so much.

Every single time a cat is in a dream of mine, it is biting or clawing at me. Literally without fail. I can also never run in my dreams. I always end up "running" on all fours where I drag myself along with my hands while my legs fail to fully propel me. Really weird. These two things are constants in my dreams. Sometimes I even have the same dream multiple times; years apart sometimes. There's also a neighborhood I frequent in my dreams (locations are fairly similar all the time even if the dream isn't the same) that is similar to where I grew up but there's an added block of apartments that I get lost in every time. I'm always trying to get home when I'm in a dream that features this neighborhood but I can never make it.

What does it all mean?

If I try to meditate lying down on the bed, I can't sleep. Perhaps for getting sweaty for staying too long on the same position, a third world hot country problem.

I always do it sitting up against a wall, but I got good a/c so there's that. I've never tried it while sweating balls.

>have dream about google buying out smaller companies just for parts of the company it wants
>a robotics company in delaware for their leg tech
>an ai company in nevada for their obstacle navigation
>a 3d printer company in california
>they essensialy buy a company and gut it
>some weird law says that gutted companies have to at least have their empty buildings open to the public for some reason
>this is not explicitly stated, but I just *knew* it
>make a hobby of exploring these well-kept abandoned buildings (they have lights, power, and even attendants/guards)
>find one in the middle of a golf course near my house
>small 1-story office building with nothing but a staircase and an attendant making sure I don't fuck around
>go down the stairs
>building isn't totally empty
>standard google HQ type office underground
>start exploring the office
>people working at desks and talking, nobody minds me being there
>walk down a corridor and fall into a large, cylindrical room
>land on a large white sphere hovering 50 feet off a floor below
>mumble something about magnetrons holding it up and the previous company's research on magnetrons
>jump off the sphere because the magnetic field is hurting my head
>wander into a room with a 3D printer
>the AI in the 3D printer greets me
>tells me that google is run by an evil AI trying to make itself more powerful by buying out these companies with tech that will improve its abilities
>I stay in contact with the printer after leaving
>the printer fears that the main AI will read our emails, so it sends me 3d printing files instead
>I physically print word documents on a 3d printer at home about some grand conspiracy about JFK and the AI
>men in hazmat suits barge into my house and spray me with liquid
>get sick
>go to hospital
>dying in bed
>nurse injects me with a thing
>it wasn't a nurse, but a CIA agent in disguise
>vision going dark
>wake up in a cold sweat

Shit was lit

>have a hyperrealistic dream where someone I know fucks me over big time
>wake up
>still mad at them

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