Would you ever shoot your thick sticky warm cum ropes up the unprotected womb of an African-American woman?

Would you ever shoot your thick sticky warm cum ropes up the unprotected womb of an African-American woman?

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You bet your ass I would. Why settle for a Volvo when you could have a Ferrari?

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Hell yeah definitely, not like I can pick and choose anyway...

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This. White women confirmed for old and busted, mixed babies are the future

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That lady on the left is mixed.
This one is a black girl. You can tell because of how disgustingly ugly she is.

Why would you even ask? Black wombs are for breeding

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i would gladly assist in the creation of the coming mutt master race

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only if i could convince her my name was ron mexico and i was away from my home town

Only if I get to love her forever

ive done it several times.

>up the unprotected womb
it would be an interesting experiment to observe the outcome but I wouldn't wish that on the poor lad or lass. I grew up with some very lightskins and they have a weird inbetween life that I wouldn't envy

African-American, no. But African? I did.

If she was attractive and a Republican, then why not? Finding a Republican black girl is hard, though.

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Cope more fag

>ywn make a black woman a mother to a mixed baby

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*By white cock

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What if she were apolitical but had no objections to your beliefs.

and have a brainlet child who ends up, at worst dying before reaching age 18, or at best being an hourly manager in some warehouse

nah I will avoid the blacks, they're ugly anyway

What if she came from an educated family and her father had a PhD?

Mmm, that delicious chocolate body.

Not him but sure
Just need a girl who isn't woke
You're the complete opposite

That's smarter than my family

No, certainly not. I'd rather remain an incel

If they were cultured and not hood rats I'd call them mommy and hope they'd pet while they spooned me.

At this point probably, got nothing to lose

What if they're race realist beliefs?

>"no objection"

no,the fuck is wrong with you people? fucking kikes

>impregnate white woman
>50% chance she tries to abort it
>50% chance she will run you out of her life so she can collect that sweet child support in peace

>impregnate black woman
>considers herself blessed by god to be given a baby with good hair
>will remain loyal and infact demand more children

hmmmm hard choice...

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how is that good hair?

>tfw white men finally talking black women off our hands

Thanks bros

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holy mother of god this girl is the definition of THICC

Does anyone have good BLEACHED stuff? Maybe with the girls begging for white dick/cum/babies?

I've only ever gotten attention from black women. White girls don't seem to be interested in me at all.
Why is this?
I'm only 5'7", is that why?

Nobody cares about you, Tyrone

>given a baby with good hair
Now you're not even trying.

I have a big problem.
My beliefs are solidly against racemixing, especially with blacks but my dick wants to be inside black pussy and cum unprotected. Goddammit fuck you who makes these threads aaaa

i wish i could just have a huge harem of girls of various races to carry my children
except abbos, they arent even human

eh idk
probably just random chance, all women are equally likely to hate you for being a manlet.

If wanting to bust inside black pussy and fertilize ebony wombs is wrong than you need to get new beliefs. Do what feels right user

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>unoriginally original unoriginally

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You've got the right idea here user

This is true. Being a manlet sucks. At least I don't have a tiny penis r-right?
Granted most of the black girls that like me tend to be pretty fat

>and have a brainlet child who ends up, at worst dying before reaching age 18, or at best being an hourly manager in some warehouse

or attend Harvard Law school and become president

Black people consider mixed hair with looser curls than the average 'nog to be "good" hair (and at the same time claim that whites are evil...)

This, high IQ people can breed with anything and their offspring will still end up super high IQ.

Must suck to be a brainlet and have to worry about these things.

This is a good one. Thicc ebony breeding sow with a huge fat ass gets nailed by bare white cock. Even finishes with a mating press!

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you havent had sex until you go bareback with a black chick

Post more black goddesses please. I want my own sweet dark lady to impregnate.

So you haven't had sex until you've gotten AIDs?

Hopefully she'll have a nice breeding body like this

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only virgins are afraid of this. If you dont get fucked in the ass this is super rare

Damn, this is unironically some good shit.

This is what she'd look like if you spilled your seed inside her user

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Is there any more of this girl? She's damn fine.

I don't have anymore unfortunately. I agree 100% she's amazing

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this comment literally triggered me

have fun being marginally faster than bar-none the most powerful AWD wagon only when it's sunny out


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>What's regression to the mean

>You gonna bust in this pussy white boy, I'm gonna make you a daddy tonight

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Jow Forums racist bloodine status = ended

no whiteboi can resist the black pussy, once your in, its too late

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Don't come here excpecting robots to know anything about cars, their knowledge is normie tier at best.

Why must you do this to me user
You're a cruel bastard

None of these are average black females.

Pic related is the average black female.

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These girls:
are pretty average dude. I've seen many just walking about irl

These black girls are less common

So are all New World blacks

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The white guys body looks so gross.

It's astonishing how easily these nazis give up their white seed when being milked by ebony goddess pussy

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I like seeing white poles disappear into milky blackness than the other way around personally desu

I want a floofy goddess to raise a big family with

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I don't want children but maybe if she was infertile.

>failing to accomplish the only task that gives your existence any meaning.
>wasting your life away

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This looks like a fun activity, no?

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Why is there so much WMBF porn now and why are there so many WMBF couples in commercials now?

post more please. i feel the insatiable need to breed a goddess

That shit won't give my life meaning. It's preocreation for procreation's sake. It's inherently worthless, just like everything else, since it serves no greater goal. There is no point to my genes continuing. Eventually they will end, there will be no contest for "who had the longest lived bloodline". If I am not around I don't care what's happening.

yes, I'm actually fucking a mulatto with decent tits and a nice fat ass. Shame she has 3 kids but she's fun as fuck that I can kind of excuse it.


My honor is true user, I would never even think about racemixing with a black girl.

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Anybody else self insert as a European explorer who is giving an African princess a mulatto baby?

And this broke my nofap streak. Every time I cum to black girls I feel guiltier than even fapping to traps

AB testing indoctrination strategies

I don't know this feel

>implying they're in my hands and not strictly on my cock

Yes. I think its only natural desu. As men we're programmed to conquer everything before us, be it civilizations or wombs. Gives me primal feels that I dont feel when fapping to white girls

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>tfw no African princess gf

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Kind of did it IRL when I volunteered to help out over there, wasn't worth it.

>already did
>i broke up with her
>she told me she was pregnant
>she miscarried
>she still wanted me
>i couldn't live with it

I am pretty sure G-d would forgive me. I am unsure I want Him to.

my wife is black and I want to impregnate her so bad. We talk about having kids and it isnt like she is opposed but she wants to be in a better place financially and honestly she is concerned she would be doing most of the work. She is probably right as I am lazy and she does all the housework for me, while working a fulltime job.

Im pretty lucky. Still id love to give her my half white baby, actually she has some white and asian in her from the past so the kid would provably be 60-70% white.

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>yfw your kids are literally 56% white

Closer to 64% white since black Americans are 25% white on average

>Would you ever shoot your thick sticky warm cum ropes up the unprotected womb of an African-American woman?
until I started shooting blanks to be quitehonesto

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we dont have kids yet. They would be atleast 50%.

She is american but her parents are from the west indies. They have white in them form way back. they are atleast 5% but likely more

>Would you ever shoot your thick sticky warm cum ropes up the unprotected womb of an African-American woman?

fuck yea i would

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Nah I like white girls more
t. Chicano

>Would you ever shoot your thick sticky warm cum ropes up the unprotected womb of an African-American woman?

hell yea

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that's a woman worth 3.

I view black people as less than human so no.

I would mate with a negress

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If youre white think twice about racemixing. Your children will hate you and you will wish they were white
stop thinking with your dick

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>"We need to save the white race" screamed the permavirgin

im not talking about saving the white race. Im just saying that you shouldnt breed with black girls unless you want disgusting mutt children that will be outcasts as well as a result of them being neither white neither black. You will produce literal Elliot Rodgers.
fucking black girls is fine though, just dont have children with them

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As opposed to not thinking with your dick when you decide to bone a white girl?

>stock image of people who probably aren't even married holding kids they probably don't even know vs a picture of an actual happy couple and their daughter
Sure convinced me

>disgusting mutt children who will be outcasts
Kek, the monoracial cope

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yeah, and then run the fuck out of there afterwards.