Have you ever taken someones girl? I could have once but I she was a 4 and I didn't want drama.
Have you ever taken someones girl? I could have once but I she was a 4 and I didn't want drama
Yes but by complete accident. But being KHV at the time I accepted it.
>tfw your friend has a deep meaningful relationship and gets angry at you for making her want to cheat
>tfw she still presses her butt into your hand when you squeeze it
Who destroyer of humanity here?
>tfw she still presses her butt into your hand when you squeeze it
How big is it?
>it's another "failed normie tries to brag about his nonexistent accomplishment" thread
remember to sage when replying
Fuck you! I could have lost my virginity to that slut, but I chose bros over hos. Thats was like 3 years ago now I'm 25 yo virgin. This was the biggest sacrifice of life.
Not OP but I got a guy's gf out of "winning" against him in a fight. I wasn't a normie and it only happened by dumb luck that I didn't get curb stomped. After though she was all over me. Though them being black may have something to do with it.
yes and i still have her
wish i never did because he grew up to be somebody and I'm nothing
feel guilt every day for being useless piece of shit
need to become someone
Full story? That's my fetish.
>Stole someone's girl
>3 years later someone steals her from me
I guess I deserved it, but instead of taking the blame I'm just going to say it was her fault and she's a slut who has to rotate out the dick in her life every so often
>In college but fucking loser
>Chance to go to a party, my first party
>It's basically a black block party in my apartment complex
>I'm one of a handful of white people and just keep to myself on a couch holding but not drinking a beer cup
>Some girl and her friend want my place on the couch so I get up to give it to them
>While moving though accidentally unplug the sound system with my foot
>Seems minor problem but one black guy is egged on by a girl and takes major offense to it
>He starts whooping my ass easily but a freak accident when he shoves me over a chair, he falls forward with me and bangs his head on a table there and goes down
>Everyone freaking out and that same girl rushes to him
>His friends go to gang up on me but the girl suddenly swaps sides and is defending me (verbally) and all and ends up dragging me out of that shit
>She's all over me after that and only later find out she was the gf of the guy who beat me up
In any other case I'd have have my ass kicked but I just got stupid lucky. Didn't really steal the girl but she dumped the guy on the spot I guess when he went down.
I think its kinda low to take someones girl but honestly the only one I wouldn't betray is my best friend. Other friends I would fuck their girls in a heartbeat if they were down.
the way things are going I might also get the guy too, cuck is turning into a faggot it appears.
i took a robots girl and we are now dating
sucks to be a beta faggot
That's odd. Did she think you won the fight due to skill and try to fuck you? Was she THICC?
She later told me that if he lost a fight he started against a white boy, he wasn't a real man. I definitely wasn't the "winner" of the fight I just didn't lose so I guess that was enough for her.
It wasn't like she tried to fuck me right away though that was just how our relationship started. It was pretty funny at the time looking back actually how she initiated. We're still together. She's got a pretty good body tho
Yes, from someone I've known for a few years but don't really think of as a friend. She's gone now but it was worth it.
>pretty good body tho
Is the booty phat?
And hasn't she been a problem? She instigated a fight then dumped him over it. Sounds like a problem girl.
Nice ass yeah. I don't want to say I changed her but she's admitted herself that she's kind of mellowed out with me. She's still pushy and instigative but not as bad as I imagine she was.
When black girls get with huwhite guys they tend to mellow out and become submissive for some reason.
Well she's kind of bossy over me but I think it did me good, she basically whipped me into shape. Now our relationship is serious because of it rather than just over something that happened at a party.
How'd you guys get together and do you have a thing for black girls? I like THICC girls, but I hate curly hair, dark-skinned pussies, and I don't wanna mulatto baby who has an identity crisis and goes hardcore SJW.
>for some reason
Huwite guys [as opposed to Cletus The Yokel] take black girls to uppermiddle class establishments. By black standards, what's that like?
Imagine you are from some redneck background. Then some Aspen upper class Anglo or Jew takes you up to a ski vacation or a spin around the Caribbean.
Yeah, you're not risking losing that.
well I'm mixed Anglo/Jew and my identity crisis led me to MAGA
I said, after that fight and for the party she was all over me and I left with her after that. We didn't fuck right after or anything but she asked in a pretty funny and forward way if I wanted to be with her and I just went with it. I didn't have a thing for black girls and don't but not like I hated them before or anything. I just never thought I'd end up with one.
>uppermiddle class establishments
Like what? I thought white people take girls to normal places. Do black guys just take them to KFC or something?
Where do you think you are?
Normalfags get the fuck out.