Shit, you right.
>Well first off, we do not have free will.
Ah, this argument. If you do not have free will, you do not have the capacity to experience the universe, and therefore, you're denying your own point of view. That's just retarded, man. If there were a point of view in the universe, at all, it'd be the universe as a whole and not just you.
>The base functions of our brain contradict the idea of complete free will, afterall, you dont conciously decide if you wanna breathe or if your body will convert sugar into fat to conserve energy. If God is real, he did not design us with free will.
So are you going to also say that we do not have control over a car, and that if someone hits someone, it's the car's fault and not his own? Because that's, again, completely retarded.
>Secondly, fuck faith. I wanna trust God, not have faith.
When you're a kid, you trust your parents. You don't know why you trust your parents, you just have faith that they'll do what's best for you. They could have been absolute scumbags before you were born, and yet you'd still inherently trust them.
>God cannot expect us to believe all of his shit without providing valid evidence and then send us to hell for not believing in him. That is scummy as hell.
Don't believe Protecuck lies, first of all. Second, His proof is coming to Earth in human form and dying for our sins.
He doesn't "send you to Hell" arbitrarily. Some denominations say that, but again, don't believe Protecuck lies. If you put yourself in a personal Hell, you're going to Hell. Hell is self hatred, hatred of others, hatred of God, and proximity to Satan.
>If God would want us to believe in him, since he supposedly loves us all and dosent want us to go to hell, he could show up right now in front of me to convince me, afterall, he is supposed to be omnibenevolent, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
And then what's the point of free will?