Did you go up Christian?

People of r9k:
I am currently torn between losing my virginity to a prostitute or becoming a Christian.

Sometimes I feel like I believe in God and Jesus and sometimes I don't. It tears me up inside.

Has anyone on r9k grown up religious? I grew up atheist but I am drawn to faith for some reason.

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I am feeling fucking rekt up inside atm. Would really appreciate talking to some robots about this.

I was raised Christian (liberal lutheran bullshit), left as a teen, and came back during college.

God is the light, user. It sounds stupid at first but you will come to know him, and it will give you the purpose you've been striving for all these years. Don't make this mistake, remain chaste and trust in our father. It really is so good.

Pls refrain from fedora posting. I feel like that shit has to die now.

I grew up christian but then we had a peado choirmaster that didn't get me but got one of my friends and i was like FUCK god he's gay and I HATE souls and I became a hardcore reddit atheist for like 10 years. Now I'm older I'm just agnostic, I like some biblical stories, hate some passages, think the aesthetics of Christianity are really funny and meme about GOD and THE HOLY GHOST all the time.

Just do your thing dude. I don't think you're gonna go to hell for sleeping with a prostitute, you just might get an STD if you're not careful. So be careful.

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What kind of Church are you part of now? Are you from Nothern Europe? I hear the Lutheran Church in America is actually quite conservative.

If you take the Bible seriously then we are basically all bound for hell if we don't follow Jesus. I have been going to a Baptist Church here in the UK for about 8 months now. I am struggling with the beliefs and I go back and forth. I sorta wish God would reach out to me with something tangible.

I get the impression that America was A LOT more religious back in the 90s; Church attendance was still high and few people openly identified as atheists.

It seems like across the west identifying with Christianity has plummeted amongst the youth.

Religiosity in America rose in the 50s with the revival movement then declined in the 60s and remained steady up until 2000. Religiosity has dropped massively since 2000 and is falling further with millennials.

I wonder if in 100 years there will be many white Christians left.

There's some really good stuff in the bible, I think it's just a little morbid living your whole life in fear of damnation but I guess it's in there for a reason. I still indulge in some bible study every now and then and try and internalize teachings that seem relevant to my situation. Recently I've been thinking a lot about Cain and Abel because it's been really relevant to my current situation. I've become very bitter about not getting out what I've put into my hobby/career and seeing people who I consider less skilled than me doing really well and I've just got to remember I just need to keep making my sacrifices and do it for the right reason, not for success and not get all fucked up and take it out on my brothers.

I've never really had a religious experience and the whole peado priest thing really soured me to the faith for a while but I can't deny that when I do my best to live well and follow the word of the lord, I feel better and life seems more meaningful.

I'm interested in being spiritual, since I'm currently not at all. Any suggestions? I know most atheists sperg out about god(s) and stuff, but nothing hippy-dippy like interconnectedness.

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Islam. And then look into sufism.

i was raised catholic and as a result i think i was always redpilled and never fell for the modern brainwashing shit. i would say definitely look into religion first though, because if you fucker a hooker and decide that it was a mistake you're kind of fucked, but if you go to mass/church and decide you don't like it you can just go fuck a hooker and probably feel a little better about it.

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Greek Orthodox, and I live in America. I've never been to a Protestant church that wasn't blasphemous everybody welcome bullcrap.

My pic is my post, and this robot overseer will not take that away from me.

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>Look into religion
I have been going to a Baptist Church for 8 months. I am struggling with faith. I have to ask myself: Do I really believe in the resurrection? The Virgin Birth? The Loaves and Fishes? I don't know.
>if you fucker a hooker and decide that it was a mistake you're kind of fucked
If I understand correctly Jesus has made forgiveness possible if my contrition is sincere. Still, I would feel shitty if I later realised it was the wrong thing to do.

Under a secular form of morality, I don't think there is anything wrong with purchasing sex from a prostitute. Tbh, without God there really is no objective morality of any kind; just emotions and some rules that make a functioning society which can be bent anyway.

If there is no God then everything is permitted - Dostoevsky.

>live laugh love
underage OUT

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yeah you could be forgiven for it, but you will never have a complete relationship with a woman. you should look into catholicism or orthodoxy, but if you just can't believe in miracles idk, i'm not an expert

>I am currently torn between losing my virginity to a prostitute or becoming a Christian.
How about neither? Those both sound like stupid ideas.

Take a look at the atheist community, do you really want to be a part of these people? And then look at the atheist girls, they're either blue-haired landwhales or weebs. Atheists have serious mental problems. Don't be like them.

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It's not that I can't; It's that I go back and forth. How am I supposed to be a Christian if the moment someone questions my belief in the virgin birth I have to just say that it's in the bible and I believe that by faith. They just laugh.

The historical evidence for Jesus is actually pretty good for 2000 years ago. There is more evidence for Jesus than, say, Socrates. However, the things Jesus is said to have done defy explanation. They are miracles. How do I know they are real?

There are other things in the Bible I don't believe literally: I don't believe the Earth was made in literally 6 x 24 hour days.

Where do i draw the line?

I've had many moments in my life where I could have embraced atheism to make things easier. But nothing has helped me get out of the rut other than Christianity. It's really helped discipline my mind in the face of others hating me, like what is in your picture. Honestly, my relationship with God has given me a transcendent feeling above others. Being at college, everyone around me is hedonistic, and they eventually succumb to loneliness and depression. My relationship with God has given me a special outlook on life, and I don't get affect by any misfortunes that happens in life because I know the only thing that matters is God's love for me. It's like everyone around me goes through bad times because of pettiness and selfishness. Meanwhile, I'm perched above them and laughing and enjoying life.

Internet atheism is retarded. However a person can't just adopt beliefs and ideas because he likes the culture of the community or because the culture of other philosophies are cancerous and retarded.

I want to believe something because I actually think that it's real.


Christians are retarded.

> losing my virginity to a prostitute
Do it faggot
Jesus won't care you stupid virgin

i feel you man. i don't have the answers either. but everytime i tried to have sex with a hooker something entered in my way and screwed up all my opportunities. it's like fate wasn't allowing me to do that.

think it's a signal from the Lord. I don't believe in "chance". how come EVERY SINGLE TIME i tried to dump my virginity with a hooker (since i'm an incel), something unexpected happened and i ended up still a virgin? it can't be chance.

The majority of modern Christians don't take the bible 100% literally. They're Christians because they believe in the moral values Jesus taught and because they want to be a part of the community. You don't have to be a creationist, just don't bring it up and never challenge other Christians who are.

>I don't believe the Earth was made in literally 6 x 24 hour days.
why not? and even if it was, what difference does it make really? you're here and you exist, someone put you here. the little details like that just don't matter to me, that's how i look at it. I'm catholic, so i just let the church worry about all of the theology stuff, i just follow the rules.
Also, everyone struggles with their faith at times, no one just believes 100% of the time with all their heart, not even saints.

It's either prostitution or I will lose my virginity in my 30s or 40s to a single mother who is looking for a beta provider. If even that.

I am less than a beta. I am an omega. There is literally no way I could ever be in a serious relationship with a woman.

I have always been deeply drawn and fascinated with the Bible. Maybe God called me to do something and has a plan for me. Maybe God doesn't even exist. I don't know. Sometimes I feel I know he does. I read apologetics and philosophy like Keith Ward. It sorta makes sense but I am not the smartest guy so i don't know.

Lol so fucking sad how you're restricting yourself from life's greatest pleasure over some fucking retarded book written by half-neanderthals thousands of years ago

>why not?
I study geophysics at uni. The Earth is not 6000 years old. Also, the first 2 chapters of Genesis appear to contradict each other; one says Adam and Eve were made last and the second chapter says Adam and Eve were made first then the animals. If it is 'true' it is fairly obviously metaphorical.

Also, the hebrew for day 'yom' is often used for metaphorical things: 3 days means a short time. 40 days means a long time and 7 days is the perfect time.

I was raised Catholic by my mother, and we went to mass every week until I was 15, I even altar served for 3 years. We eventually stopped going because my mom, who had the real devotion to it, started catching onto the Church's bullshit. I couldn't be too upset about it, by that point I had already come to embrace edgy atheism and only went as a gesture and hated the time wasted there.
When I got out of my atheist phase I didn't really have any opinion on it and just didn't care. After a lot of shit and introspection, though, I've recently realized that there's a lot of good in Christ and his message. And that I really do believe in a god, and if that's the case, why COULDN'T he be the God of Abraham? I learned what deism is and then realized I'm basically just a modern deist.
God exists, and I like to believe in Jesus' teachings. It gives me hope and allows me to abandon cynicism and be happier overall because I have God on my side, no matter what. The Catholic Church is fairly fucked up though, all bullshit hierarchy and politics.
Catholicism never made me feel happy to be with God, but the pure Christian message does. And I met an amazing qt through it, so there's that.

TL;DR, go for it OP, God is good and he will lift you up from your darkest places if you open yourself to it. I hope things get better for you dawg.

>Spirituality is good for your mental health

i mean, God could've made the earth to look like it had been around for longer than it was, recorded history is literally only about 5500 years old. or you could just look at it metaphorically

There'll be converts being baptised over the weekend if you wanted to observe and talk with them about their experience.

>Catholicism never made me feel happy to be with God
nigga you were a kid at the time, but i'll grant you that the catholic church is fucked right now.

those really look like some fucked up looking demons.

Yeah, Catholic Church in Europe is in mega trouble. Outside Poland Catholic youth are almost gone. Most young Europeans are so secular; either de facto atheists or (more commonly) apatheists.

Also, the attempt at getting people to come back to the faith by placing a liberal pope in charge has backfired massively. A house divided cannot stand.

God is trash.

He is a literal waste of your time OP,
he wont ever help you out with some sort of miracle because miracles are just rare events that have a low chance of happening but for some reason are credited to god.

You also dont need Religion to have good morals, just think for yourself, take the consequences of your actions into consideration, and things will workout most of the time.

While the Bible does have some legitimately good life advice, it also contains trash like homosexuality is sin or unmarried women cannot be touched, and you should love Jesus more than your literal family.

But ultimately it would not hurt that much to become Christian if you dont attack or frown upon somebody for simply not being Religious.

Also Evolution is real. Remember that.

traditionalist catholic groups like SSPX and SSPV and sedevacantists in general give me hope for a retaking or a schism or something. would gladly die for such a cause, """"pope"""" francis is literally probably a demon

>Also Evolution is real
LOL, to a degree i guess but
>birds just grew wings

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Evolution has life forms devoloping certain traits throughout generations, birds didnt suddenly grow wings, their offspring was born with a body part that would go on to develop into wings in their offspring and so on.

>Not even look at the actual theory of evolution and assume it works just like in Pokemon

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>I don't believe the Earth was made in literally 6 x 24 hour days.
2 Peter 3:8 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)
8 But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

yet he's still here and probably when not trying to act pious complains about his misery and lot in life

>stubby little flightless wings were an evolutionary advantage

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Ok then, I don't believe the earth was made in 6000 years

Good bible verse! Thanks, user. God bless you.

You are sounding j u s t a l i t t l e b i t condescending right now.

No, I wasn't even baptized. Despite my parents being Christian and doing it to my brother. I have no memory's of my family doing anything remotely religious as a child, and when I first realized I was non-religious(and that my family and everybody around me wasn't[ I think I was like 11 when it happened]) I was quite shook to be honest. Never told my family about this.
I have never met a confirmed atheist before, sense NEET and my whole city is Christians and Jews. Feel like a bit of an outcast.

the contradiction you are talking about in genesis is that
first: god creates a general notion of beast/animal, etc.
second: god creates man
third: after creating man, he creates "all" of the beasts, he creates specifics based on the earlier "general". he then asks adam to name these specifics.

think of it as god first creating a wolf, then man, then 1,000 breeds of dogs based off the original wolf.

Yes, because birds had to adapt to their surroundings. Look at a fucking Wikipedia article for Evolution, is it that fucking hard? Just do it.

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What a fucked decision haha.

I grew up a Jehovah's Witness, then I was an Atheist, and then I converted to Catholicism, because like you, I felt drawn to faith.

Go with faith. I'll be blunt, people talk up pussy here, and half the time they're 12 and are fresh off of their first nut. It's really not all it's cracked up to be. Certainly not as a choice between it and knowing the love of the creator of the universe.

This. imo Catholics and Orthodox (and maybe Coptic?) are the only denominations worth trying.

I will prove for certain that God is real if you prove to me that I'm real and not just a glitch producing random inputs.

Then I will explain how God is real, and the universe isn't just a fluke producing random consciousnesses.

this sounds like an extremely personal decision that only you could make by looking inside, not out

I regret losing my virginity to just some chick I have to advise you don't lose it to a prostitute. It's not like you're going to feel less like a virgin or like you're going to be having tons of sex once you lose it, and you waste the opportunity to make it special. Forget about becoming a christfag because that's retarded, but save your virginity for a gf you love. Virgin girls who want another virgin exist too, as do virgin girls who want to lose it to chad I guess, but literally no girl wants to lose her virginity to the guy who only fucked a hooker before.

Also, while the Catholic Church is fucked in Europe, Europe is also fucked in Europe, so meh.

I prefer Africa and South America to Europe. At least they're trying. Europeans seem to have given up on trying in life. They'd rather be mommied by their governments while brown men with big, Muslim dicks fuck their women and repopulate. I'm embarrassed to be white at this point.

Poland and Russia are Europe's only hope.

not everything has to be an advantage

mutations occurr that, if not detrimental to the species survival, may continue to be passed on just out of sheer luck.

see: genetic drift

Dude believing that any human made religion could possibly be right is fucking nuts. Yes the universe is mysterious, but there is no way dust in the wind like us just fucking knows everything about it and that it cares about us.

Christianity is just mythology that was abused by the Catholic Church to control people, until it was given back to the people. Now it's used by people who don't want to have to think too hard about things and accept that life is what you make of it.

>I will prove for certain that God is real if you prove to me that Im real and not just a glitch producing random inputs.

If you prove God is real that will disprove that you are not a glitch so stop avoiding it you fucking faggot.

this is not to be taken as a literal, concrete number.

there is a comparable verse where jesus is asked "how often should i forgive my brother? seven times?"

and jesus replies "no, seventy-seven times"

this does not mean you forgive your brother literally 77 times then say no more

it is only used to imply "a lot". god is not something we can conceive of in our very human understanding of time and days, nevermind actual articulation of whatever molecules and aspects of creation, what speed that might go at, etc. all we can understand is "probably a lot longer than humans can observe in their lifetime".

Faggot, I didn't say it'd prove God, I'm using it as an analogy for faith.

Nobody can "know" that God exists, because if any such knowledge existed, it'd be pointless for free will to exist. It's the same reason that Jesus intentionally avoided saying that he was the son of God, letting his Apostles first ask before confirming it.

Unless you consider that He made us intentionally. I've felt God before. I doubt you can say the same.

Which part? Jesus was quite real. His apostles definitely died horrible deaths in His name. The religion spread throughout Jewish communities like cancer until it overtook Rome.

>I will prove for certain that God is real if you prove to me that I'm real and not just a glitch producing random inputs.

by nature of being "a glitch" you are real
a "glitch" is a thing and must exist by virtue of being a thing
in order to be a glitch, you must be real, as the other other option is nonexistence in which you could be nothing at all.

I'm an agnostic, but if I fuck up really badly (as in, commit a grave sin or do something horrible that I regret) I'll beg and plead with God for forgiveness in private. This happens when I'm drunk or high a lot, which is most weekends. It's the reason I wholeheartedly believe in the "no atheists in foxholes" statement.
I'll also read the Bible on occasion.
But I could never be a Christian, even a Protestant. I'd find it to be too hard to turn my back on all my sinful habits, and I don't think I'd want to even quit some of them. I'll probably plead with God one last time on my deathbed though.
I'd say just fuck the prostitute OP, but you're going to regret it afterwards. Even if the Big G wasn't there to make you regret it, you'll know it feels wrong and dirty. I know I do. You may even get a lifelong reminder of it.

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Just as the universe is a thing.

My claim is that the universe is as likely to be created by random, unknowing chance as these posts.

Breaking through the Jow Forums 4th wall, you can do it if you trust in God. You're going to fall, but like Jesus did with the cross in hand, you will do still holding your burdens.

Push for it, man.

>I grew up a Jehovah's Witness
did your family disown you?

No, they left the same time as me. Well, not my extended family. They didn't disown us until we converted to Catholicism. Apparently it'd be better that we didn't believe in God than we follow the original Christian religion.

a random, unknown chance is still "a thing" and has an origin of some kind

you are using the word "real"
define real

>Even if the Big G wasn't there to make you regret it, you'll know it feels wrong and dirty. I know I do.
I partly want that. That way, I won't feel so lustful and horny all the time. I won't associate sex with pleasure and i won't be so hung up about it all the time.
>You may even get a lifelong reminder of it.
Needless to say i would use a condom. Also, I was planning to go to Amsterdam where no one will know me and the hookers are checked for being clean.

Correct. So following that logic, the origin of the universe would be God, correct? The matter didn't just appear then.

>then what's the origin of God

Quoting God himself, "I am". Very cryptic. But if you consider that in contemporary science there is the theory of different dimensions, it's not unreasonable that an extra-dimensional being would operate on completely different principles to our own. A being unbound by time would merely exist, there would need to be no origin since they'd exist contrary to time.

Real is real. But I never once used the word real, you're pulling it out of your ass just like every armchair philosopher does.

Turning to God won't help that unless you try to stop. It's still going to take effort, but with the backing of God helping you.

Believe me, I spent countless years jerking off incessantly to internet porn, and one year later, it still haunts me. I don't think it ever won't. But it's effect is minimized.

Faggot, I didn't say it'd prove God, I'm using it as an analogy for faith.

>Nobody can know that God exists, because if any such knowledge existed, it'd be pointless for free will to exist. It's the same reason that Jesus intentionally avoided saying that he was the son of God, letting his Apostles first ask before confirming it.

Well first off, we do not have free will.
The base functions of our brain contradict the idea of complete free will, afterall, you dont conciously decide if you wanna breathe or if your body will convert sugar into fat to conserve energy. If God is real, he did not design us with free will.

Secondly, fuck faith. I wanna trust God, not have faith.
God cannot expect us to believe all of his shit without providing valid evidence and then send us to hell for not believing in him. That is scummy as hell.
If God would want us to believe in him, since he supposedly loves us all and dosent want us to go to hell, he could show up right now in front of me to convince me, afterall, he is supposed to be omnibenevolent, omnipotent, and omnipresent.

you literally said
>I will prove for certain that God is real if you prove to me that I'm real and not just a glitch producing random inputs.

i pulled nothing out of my ass wtf are you going on about

Christians can never explain to me why an offshoot of an existing faith (Judaism) that was invented extremely recently in human history provides the most compelling explanation as to why humans exist. Fuck that prostitute if you want but nothing will change whether you do or don't.

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>I've never been to a Protestant church that wasn't blasphemous everybody welcome bullcrap.
Why do you consider welcoming everybody to be bullcrap?
Why do you consider welcoming everybody to be blasphemous?

Shit, you right.

>Well first off, we do not have free will.
Ah, this argument. If you do not have free will, you do not have the capacity to experience the universe, and therefore, you're denying your own point of view. That's just retarded, man. If there were a point of view in the universe, at all, it'd be the universe as a whole and not just you.

>The base functions of our brain contradict the idea of complete free will, afterall, you dont conciously decide if you wanna breathe or if your body will convert sugar into fat to conserve energy. If God is real, he did not design us with free will.

So are you going to also say that we do not have control over a car, and that if someone hits someone, it's the car's fault and not his own? Because that's, again, completely retarded.

>Secondly, fuck faith. I wanna trust God, not have faith.

When you're a kid, you trust your parents. You don't know why you trust your parents, you just have faith that they'll do what's best for you. They could have been absolute scumbags before you were born, and yet you'd still inherently trust them.

>God cannot expect us to believe all of his shit without providing valid evidence and then send us to hell for not believing in him. That is scummy as hell.

Don't believe Protecuck lies, first of all. Second, His proof is coming to Earth in human form and dying for our sins.

He doesn't "send you to Hell" arbitrarily. Some denominations say that, but again, don't believe Protecuck lies. If you put yourself in a personal Hell, you're going to Hell. Hell is self hatred, hatred of others, hatred of God, and proximity to Satan.

>If God would want us to believe in him, since he supposedly loves us all and dosent want us to go to hell, he could show up right now in front of me to convince me, afterall, he is supposed to be omnibenevolent, omnipotent, and omnipresent.

And then what's the point of free will?

Why should providing a compelling explanation of why humans exist be the objective?

this guy is overall a fucking edgy pseudo intellectual moron just ignore him

>what part
Oh, I don't know. The virgin birth, the resurrection, the part where he performed real miracles, the whole heaven and hell and eternal life thing, the trinity, creation, demons, the devil. I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point.

Surgeons can never explain to me why an offshoot of an existing science (medicine) that was invented extremely recently in human history provides the most compelling way to fix a problem in the body.

Republicans (as in people who uphold the ideals of a Republic, not the party) can never explain to me why an offshoot of an existing political ideology (Democracy) that was invented extremely recently in human history provides the best form of government.

See where I'm going? There's a progression of thought. The reason I love Catholicism is because they welcome this. There will always be new ideas, and they must be taken under consideration because they might be wrong or right.

I know. I don't understand how every atheist manages to be a philosopher, scientist, and theologian rolled into one. It's quite impressive.

Mhm, because they happened. Hardly mythology, just as humans flying isn't mythology depending on what you're talking about.

>God cannot expect us to believe all of his shit without providing valid evidence
>living in the year 2018
>entire calender is based off of christianity
>entire western culture is based off christianity
>entire western mindset/perspective is based off christianity
>the way everyone lives their lives is based on the bible whether you accept it or not
>no evidence that christianity is true
nigger that' like going to school everyday as a kid and denying that the superintendent is real

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>Surgeons can never explain to me why an offshoot of an existing science (medicine) that was invented extremely recently in human history provides the most compelling way to fix a problem in the body.

Just because you're too retarded to get accepted into medical school doesn't make medicine voodoo magic kid. Stopped reading your crap after this

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As always, you atheists just get ragie and lob insults my way because I love Jesus too much to verbally destroy you.

It's genuinely okay if you can't argue my points. That doesn't mean you're stupid, that doesn't mean you're wrong, but it's just something to think about, man. Don't resort to that shit.

I can literally hear the cheeto-dust covered sausage fingers clacking away on greasy keyboards while heavy breathing is heard in the background from here.

As I said, we have the will to do these things you mentioned, but we do not have complete free will, our will is limited.
I am not saying we are mindless dolls, we just dont have as much control as free will describes.

When youre a kid, you trust your parents because it is one of your natural instincts needed to survive, another base function of your brain.
And also, it is of course possible that your parents are scum and abuse you yet you still trust them because that is what your instincts tell you.
God is like a fake father figure, but instead of giving love, it demands endless live ftom its child.

That is not the kind of hell that I have heard of throughout my entire life.
Everyone speaks of eternal torture that all people are forced into for being bad.
It seems you have a different interpretation, but at this point Ill stop arguing about hell because the only thing I can go off is some bullshit book that has been altered throughout 2000 years.

Again, we dont have the same extent of free will you speak of. But fine, lets say we do have complete free will.
If God dosent provide any valid evidence then it is expected that we use our free will to reject or be indifferent about his existence, so why does God try to make all his followers spread his word so much? Why does he need people worshipping him? If hes doing the right thing people will eventually come to the conclusion that he does exist and thank him, but many never did, because if God is real, God is cruel.
He created us to be intentionally inferior to him and is letting so many people suffer just cuz they used their free will HE gave them to reject him.

This is evidence that Christianity exists but not that its fucking true you dumbass.

>People died in terrorist attacks because of muslims
>Muslims exist
>Islam exists
>Proof Islam is true

>Ha your agreement is invalid cuz you used insults

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>agreement is invalid

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>Correct opponents spelling instead of using counter argument

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He literally just said that it doesn't mean you that you're factually incorrect; he never said your argument is invalid because you use insults.

All he said is that I think you need to be a bit introspective about why you feel the need to use insults. Insulting people won't help them see your point of view or help you to correct their faulty logic. If you want to convince a person that you're right then insulting them is the last thing you want to do. The question remains why you want to insult people. Do people believing God make you angry? Do you enjoy upsetting people by being rude to them? Why?


Good question.

What I hate most is that kids are indoctrinated into a certain Religion without being given a chance to think about it for themselves and even puniished for questioning it, and how people in general are frowned upon for being atheist. That grinds my gears.

But yeah, that was a shitty move of mine, insults really dont help me convince people.

>criticizes spelling correction instead of actually addressing the spelling mistake

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>he literally spelled argument right this time

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I choose to believe in God because it makes the world have meaning. Doesn't have to make sense or be logical. If I didn't believe in God and didn't believe in salvation I would do shitty things to people. I like to believe we are rewarded for being good and helping each other, and punished for doing bad, whether it's true or not I must believe it to be good.

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Can you imagine jesus masturbating

joseph campbell, carl jung, c.s.lewis, g.k. chesterton