There is no gym for your face, and gymcelling is peak cope. For all your effort in the gym and still not getting pussy, some skelly with a 8/10 face is slaying on the regular.
Blackpill Thread
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but 99% of people who are ugly when they're out of shape are no longer ugly once fit
there are a few tragic examples of people who can't escape it but not enough for that to be the rule
just git gud at something creative, or make enough money to findom. there are so many other dominance hierarchies to climb. keeping fit enough that unhealthiness doesn't affect you in your day to day life is good tho.
I'm balding but I guess I should feel blessed that I do actually have a good face, jawline and all that
plus I'm decently tall at 6'1
>There is no gym for your face
This is actually 100% wrong, and it's kinda hilarious how most people don't seem to understand this. Plastic surgery is an actual option that can fix the vast majority of legitimately ugly faces, and steroids are a genuine fix for fixing face/head shape.
Also, dick size is 100% changeable. You can make it as big or as small as you want, really. Another fact I'm perturbed about because it isn't commonplace.
Also hair can be changed, as hair transplants are scarily effective at the right price.
>Also, dick size is 100% changeable. You can make it as big or as small as you want, really.
>tfw when you're an ugly 5'5 hairlet
Eye color is also changeable, 100%. Height is also changeable, but that's the only thing I wouldn't recommend as you can become permanently crippled. Maybe with Stem Cells in 20-30 years.
Is that Nate Copper in your PIC OP?
>Lifting for a gf
>Not lifting so you can go live in the mountains and wrestle bears
What the fuck is wrong with you? Get your priorities straight.
jelqing and hanging, mostly
thunder's place is one site, but membership is reestricted and there's a waiting list last time I checked
there's definitely more methods to increasing dick size but I don't remember them
>there is no gym for your face
factually incorrect. training facial muscles can make you look years younger, and general exercise increases blood flow and color in your face.
if you think that looks matter (they don't), then there are countless ways to improve them. long neck goes away with collared shirts. skinny face? wear black/dark colors. shitty hair? cut it down. big nose? facial hair. no facial hair? wear fitting hats, good glasses etc.
going from a 1 to a 6 already means you have 70-80% of the worlds women in your league. if you don't like it, just shut the fuck up about it.
Most people in the world are ugly and they're still having tons of little ugly children.
Plastic surgery is underrated as fuck. People would rather hate their face for 50 years, not get the romantic partners they desire, get rejected for jobs etc. just because they don't want to deal with peoples reaction. They'll get over it within days but your life is changed forever. Or they'll say ''B-BUT IT'S EXPENSIVE'' and instead spend thousands on shitty copes like stylish clothes, supplements, jewelry etc. Just get your ass to a surgeons office for fucks sake.
this. Jow Forums acts like 99.9% of the world is chad and stacies in an endless fuck fest, but most of the world is average or below and manage to find someone.
>looks dont matter
personality doesn't either
Here we go again...
>It's not my fault I can't get laid its just because I have a bad face and nothing to with that fact I never go outside and talk to people
t. people who don't actually know shit about plastic surgery. The first thing any plastic surgeon worth their salt will tell you is that there are limits to what they can do before you look BOGGED. Great plastic surgeons are artists, but what they can create is limited by the canvas they're given to work with.
Pic related is eggy. Make him attractive with photoshop plastic surgery. Send before and after to any plastic surgeon and ask if the changes you made are realistic.
this doesn't even mean anything. people just use that word instead of "having the same hobbies as me"
lifestyle/money/health are the main things to focus on. anyone can watch sports or netflix, but if you can take a girl somewhere she hasn't been but wants to, you'll look like a god to her.
It's not a good thing
To be fair, he probably looks better than most of the people here
... And probably has a better personality
>implying anybody is their self ever
There are different types of ugly. There's manly ugly, and then there's nerdy ugly.
if he looked jolly instead of retarded he would be fine. cut his hair, give him a little sunlight, a shave.
plus he has a deep voice so it would be easy for him to fit in. i know a guy who looks similar/worse (half asian, fat, child face, ridiculous bald head with long strands of hair) i grew up with who was always hanging out with the popular crowd and is having his 2nd kid at 28 with his wife.
if we're going into cosmetic surgery, his nose, chin and eyes could be better but he's not going to be a model. models are fags anyway.
The world is literally full of hideous men with hot girlfriends.
He's not at all bad looking, he's just old.
You need to have some born in talent then. Most guys here are also talentless.
Keep reaching for reasons why you shouldn't even try improving, that's why you'll never be happy
>lose body fat (his high bf pulls him down a lot)
>nose job
>hair transplant
>eye surgery
5/10. The BOGGED look comes from fillers and very bad implants.
He's ugly because he's old. The two go together.
Therefore looks aren't as important to women as much as everyone makes out.
Doesn't matter if you're talented if you're an ugly autist it's over.
>posting a member of The Rolling Stones as any kind of example
Unironically, get plastic surgery if youre ugly. Doesnt matter what age you are-- your quality of life will improve so much. Just make sure you do all the natural things first like fix neck posture, get braces, ect before getting surgery to clean up.
Surprisingly enough, correct neck posture will fix receding chins quite a bit(probably hence why chintucks hurt if you are nochin)
More like 3.5-4/10. So, probably $15K in plastic surgery to remain invisible.
No, but the things that are important to women (Height, dick size, skills, hairline) are all genetic and you have no control over.
more like 3.5 to a 6
Talent is a fucking meme. You literally just need VERY good problem solving skills, some decent time management skills or utter NEET status and patience to get somewhere in a creative field. Trust. Known enough "Talented" people be passed up by people with a good work ethic and some common sense.
Eggman already got pussy before he turned ''e-famous''.
>not lifting for the Emperor
If you think that is 6/10, you need your eyes checked m8. Pic related is 6/10. Vaguely above average, but still is mostly unremarkable.
i rather lift for th greater good
>plastic surgery won't work if you're as ugly as the eggy!
They're not the only things that are important to women
>VERY good problem solving skills
Which you are born with. Got them or you don't
>fat puffy face even though he's lean as fuck
yeah no this is a terrible example.
Is he not a hideous man with a hot girlfriend?
Guy's probably packing a huge dong. They also like money too can't forget that.
You seem to be good at finding problems with shit, that's like the first half of problem solving.
he looks pretty damn good imo
LMS. Posting filthy rich and famous people with hot women is dumb when the people you're trying to convince looks not mattering to don't have money or status.
>hideous man
No, he's mostly just old.
>hot girlfriend
7/10 at best. Attractiveness matters but isn't the only thing that matters, especially when you're in one of the biggest rock bands in history.
nah, you're completely wrong.
But as you can see I always lead to a dead end that say "give up"
...and status, confidence, extroversion, being protective and a ton of other things, but because robots are inferior beta failures they need to blame all of their problems on something external so they don't have to deal with them.
It's funny how you keep trying to find pictures with bad looking guys, and none of them are even below average.
hideous, rich, talented, socially desirable men.
He's about 70, 5'0 and look like a fucking corpse.
The point is that there are other things that attract women besides the physical.
You can't deal with it. all the things your listing aren't things you can just "get" they're socialized into you at a young age.
tbf it's alright, I find when I getting somewhere there's always places I self sabotage and just completely fuck myself up. Wish I could just use what I've got and make good with it but I always ruin it for myself. I guess that's no different than not trying in the first place. Just with more time and effort invested and wasted into stuff. Giving up early is the most efficient way to go. You are the master problem solver.
Yeah, his pockets and bank account
I agree, but also kids who look like this always had some girls who thought they were 'cute', especially in highschool. I guess that being average but clean-cut actually does make you look a lot better.
Everyone says this but I rarely see other actually ugly people. I think you normal people call average ugly.
the guy looks like a cool druggie type. way better looking than me at least.
He won the lottery and had a famous stream, just sayin.
What? It's nobodies fault it's just how things are
normalfags are obsessed with just world fallacy, robots are obsessed with externalizing responsibility. The truth is somewhere in the middle but I still subscribe to the black pill shit because it makes me feel better.
Cheek bones and not a chinlet, hard to tell anything from low quality pic but if he lost weight he'd probably be okay looking.
its the incel mentality, trying to make themselves the victims of some external force because then they don't have to take responsibility for their own problems.
The guy has no arms or legs you blind autist.
Explain how one is supposed to cultivate any of the things we listed as being attractive to women
He's morbidly fucking obese.
He's in a completely different league to the guy in ops pic
I thought this thread was about face? Also he's obviously loaded.
Success can be earned, social skills can be learned, confidence can be gained, status can be achieved.
Not on a foundation of nothing, you need to be socialized properly as a child
The point is that other things are important.
And they're all just as shallow as looks
Sure, unless you're an ugly autist who isn't absolutely loaded or famous. Just being ugly alone isn't enough for it to be over, but if you have the double whammy, good luck.
Unless you're a genuine autist they can be, its like anything, the more you practice the more you get better.
The problem with most robots is just that you spend too much time alone and lack confidence.
look up
"Finding someone" isn't the same as having kids. Stop lying on purpose to persist in your delusion. Those are chads kids the ugly loser is supporting.
If you understood the human psyche enough to make statements like that then you would know yourself and your flaws well enough to know what you did wrong and do the opposite.
>I know what I need to do and I'm physically able to move, walk and talk but I won't do it because X
So? Whose fault doesn't matter. What matters and actually causes distress is that it can't be fixed.
>he doesn't know about jelqing
anyone think the left would look way more attractive with hair, but the right would look much worse?
hey plastic surgery faggots, how would you go about fixing this?
>not wanting the BOGGED look
>look up
Is this supposed to be a counter to my point?
Why fix what is perfect?
>what you did wrong
Be born as me is what I did wrong
What was your point here exactly?
Why are you dancing like a fairy around the bottom barrier to entry (facial aesthetics)?
>That fucking pimple
>facial aesthetics
get rid of fat, if you have a genuine health problem like sleep apnea from a receded chin that's more than a aesthetic problem and you should go to a doctor to get it fixed to improve your health
I feel like a lot of people on here are skinnyfats with bad hygiene and then they focus on one big flaw about themselves and claim they are doomed so they refuse to fix their other flaws, which makes them ultimately hideous
>"dude i have an ugly nose i'll never get a gf"
>t. bad skin, ill-fitting clothes, noodle arms and a terrible haircut
anything is possible with the proper grooming
faceapp smile always gives you a considerably better jaw though
just take a normal pic and then take one where you use that to compare