How do you deal with your anxiety and depression?

How do you deal with your anxiety and depression?

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I don't, when you're a low value ugly male there is no help out there for you. Your feelings of worthlessness are true.

By attention-whoring on twitter

Anytime I do something that's at least moderately challenging, I get anxiety. I tell myself to stop being a pussy and do it, but after a few seconds I have to get up and pace around a lot.
Anytime I try to get help, it's, "Oh, but user, what are you telling yourself?"
But I don't tell myself anything. It's all straight from the unconscious. The only thing I can think of is meditating so much I have hyper-awareness of my emotions and can snub out these feelings whenever they come up. The last time I tried to meditate it felt like there was angry static in my head so I stopped in fear of going insane/getting dementia.

god I would rather be her I am butt ugly

I don't. I have knots all in my back from being anxious all the time. I'm constantly in physical and mental pain. Sometimes I hope I wake up and someone tells me: "its just a prank vro". My existance is suffering.

I don't believe either of those exist but I deal with them through various chemicals

These attention seeking cunts don't know how good they have it.

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Meditating (not yoga shit) excersize phases that go nowhere and passive acceptance mainly

Yeah mental disorders totally don't exist. I'm sure the schizophrenics are making it up too.

the first thing is that any time you are really really nervous in the moment, close your eyes and imagine what the worst possible thing that could happen is.
if you spend 15-30 seconds just playing the situation out in your head it contextualizes everything and helps you realize you fear dumb things
more broadly, you should remember my maxim: if you are hesitant to do something because of anxiety, you must do it or you are going against your nature.
I think people subconsciously decide whether they desire things.
anxiety stops you from doing what you would naturally want to do.
it has a similar effect to emotional repression; you bottle up regret and low self-esteem by not carrying out what your subconscious desires.
that bottled up negative emotion adds anxiety
you end up reading that anxiety as your nature, which is why people seek medication. they think the problem is subconscious anxiety that they have no control over, when really they created it.
in other words, you must will yourself to do things. trial by fire style therapy. it'll help.

>anxiety stops you from doing what you would naturally want to do.

I miss when anxiety was stopping me from trying to talk to girls and have a gf. Now what's stopping me is that I'm ugly and no girls will ever want me. Sometimes anxieties are right user.

>Sometimes anxieties are right user.
look objectively and you'll see how dangerous this idea is. you don't want to limit yourself even if you're headed for probable failure
maybe i'm autistic but it's so simple for me to switch my brain into a different state when i realize what's more beneficial

>Don't cut, it's the gayest shit
>I used to do it a bit but then one day I went to do it but housemate had sharpened all the knives cause they got really into cooking
>Was expecting small scratches cause edglord emo fag
>Arm sliced the fuck open
>Holy shit (actually half decent at guitar) why have I done this to my arm fuck fuck fuck
>Call ambulance (UK so free healthcare)
>Go to A&E, hand is cold and numb by then
>Need vascular reconstructive surgery, none of my tendons are cut tho but they are fucked up and everything I do with my arm aches ever since
>Do not be an edgy cunt or the edge will get you one day and then you'll be fucked

Respect the fucking blade. Knives are bad and dangerous, if you're thinking about doing that shit to yourself honestly sort your shit out it's so much better than fucking yourself up. I'm still able to play guitar but it hurts like shit and I don't have any feeling in my arm or hands. Really fucked that up for myself. Don't do that shit. Do not. It's shit. Even if you only do small cuts eventually you'll fuck up and it is NOT THE SAME. It is the lamest shit. Do not.

drink, mostly.

think i'm going to kill myself, so i won't have to deal with my anxiety and depression.

i'm in the UK, have heard they don't even offer 1 on 1 therapy anymore. been too frightened to seek it out but the options gone. i have a girl i love that lives with me temporarily, but i think she's using me - that or she's taking pity on me. i'm gonna send her back home and kill myself.

the real issue is that it's harsh self-punishment as emotional coping. so in the future you'll only have more extreme reactions more easily simply due to the severity with which you deal with your comparatively banal state
also don't drink to cope

I take 10mg of lexapro per day. It helps IMMENSELY. I tried various therapy and supplements before it and they barely did anything.

don't fall for the "all meduhcahtion is placeboh" meme.

Hold it inside and pray for death. Been doing this for ~20 years.

I'm going into therapy soon.
I tried it years ago but was too anxious to even go to therapy.

I am fucking drunk.
I love you.

I think they do offer 1 on 1 therapy still unless it's changed in the last few months.

Please don't kill yourself, I know those feels of wanting to push everyone away so you don't have the guilt of making them feel bad cause you've killed yourself. They're still gonna feel bad even if you act out like a massive shit head.

I want you to be ok, I'm sure there can be good days again. If you've got any savings what so ever, instead of killing yourself why not just skip the country and go see some world? Maybe go to a place with an active volcano so if you fuck shit up so bad there that you're stuck you can just jump into the crater. Death by active volcano would be an awesome way to go on paper. At least you'd leave the people who'd remember you in your life with a good story. Hopefully you can find something better than dying in a volcano, like living. Good luck and lots of love. I really hope things get better for you.

So fucking true, this cunt will probably never fail at life, unless she commits a serious crime.

She will probably never get to know what it is like to have no orbiters, no friends around when you need, no random stranger to help just because you are cute. Yet they still complain.
How can the genes behind your face and body be so fucking life changing, like 80% of your life can be depicted right at birth

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Going for a run, lifting, and listening to music usally helps. Smoking a bit of weed has helped me in the past but I dont have a reliable source for it, also cutting myself works breddy good too but too I'm trying to stop that gay shit

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She'll always have her choice to dress however she wants. She gets to look cute in girl clothes and cool in boy clothes. She will always have a backup plan of just marry that safe guy who likes her and do nothing except bear his kids.

What type was it, I'm looking for a new kitchen knife

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please don't be nice to me user, i'm a horrible person. sorry for wasting your time

i'll try and push 1 on 1 therapy, they told me i couldnt get it but maybe if i say im suicidal i might have a shot

also the volcano sounds cool, but if i fuck off, i'll screw up school and then i'll be dead to my family anyway. cool suggestion though, thank you

Yeah it's fucked, I really need to sort something out. I need to find ways to identify when I'm going into the mindset when I'm gonna do shit like that and strategies to just get myself out of danger. Even if it's just going to bed and laying there until I'm OK that's still better than fucking myself up physically. I should probably see a shrink or something to help me come up with better solutions. That's the solution I've got at the moment and I haven't done anything close to cutting for a few months. I don't know if it's gonna hold long term or under periods of massive stress and bad times but I've got to try cause I really want to be OK and not do this to myself.

Objectively it seems like a way to stop you from wasting your time on failures

How do you feel on it? I lost my life due to Zoloft and am afraid of trying anything else after finally quitting it.

bodily exhaustion works wonders
also vaguely doing something against the source of my anxiety seems to work

Daydreaming. I do it a lot.

It works really well for me. I do feel a bit number than usual, but its nothing compared to how suicidal and anxious I was before. I can deal with social situations a lot more smoothly and when I get anxious intrusive thoughts, my brain kind of shuts them out instead of following them in circles.

I had a terrible time on zoloft and prozac, not sure why lexapro worked so well for me.

Kill yourself, that usually does the trick

Oh. I guess it's not really for me then. I'm not anxious anymore, I've learned to keep that down. But I'm always suicidal. Not a sad suicidal, just a drained one. I feel like I died a long time ago and I'm living life as a sort of echo or remnant of something that once was.

I won't be nice but don't worry you're not wasting my time I'm wasting my own time. Staying up late sorting out diabetus stuff cause I'm on a new insulin and I can't really work on anything at the moment cause my arm is fucked still.

Good luck getting the therapy, saying your suicidal is a good shout.

Farewell user! Hope you find a way through and if you don't, hope you die in a really cool way.

that sounds like rationalization. you're saving no time by avoiding asking girls out. the only benefit is that you aren't being rejected

thanks good luck with your arm and your diabetes, im sure it'll be ok for you if you're this kind.

It helps with that too, for me at least. I used to just feel drained sitting on my computer. like just breathing was an exercise for me. I think its worth a shot if you've got nothing else to lose.

Finding girls to ask out takes time man. Like I've wasted so much time in person and on Tinder

Hahhahahaa are you the faggot crying about how you don't think you're worthy of your gf.

benzos, i love them

I'm just really afraid of trying something else. Getting off Zoloft took me almost a year until the hallucinations stopped. Also I felt like I was 2 different people, and each one hated the other whenever I was on or wasn't on the meds. It took some time for me to accept that the person I am not, not medicated, is the real me, because for a while I wasn't sure.

all it is is talking to the girl behind you in line at the supermarket

anyway tinder is fun. do a r9k tinder thread if you want to maximize your time. i don't go on because it reflects poorly on me socially, so those threads are good escapism

Yeah I fucking suck hahaha.

>anyway tinder is fun.

Not if you never get a single match ever.
Girl at the supermarket would probably call the cops, I can already see the disgust on their face half the time before I even say anthing.

>all it is is talking to the girl behind you in line at the supermarket
And get charged with "assault"? No way. Women only live to ruin men in current year.

I had a woman bark at me on the train today because I looked up from my phone to see what stop I was at and happened to look in her general direction. Not even exaggerating, she was fucking barking. She didn't look or seem insane. Other people were confused too.

Maybe she likes you, you handsome studd

She looked upset. I asked someone I know and he said it's a black thing from the Black Panther movie.

Don't have it. Easy peasy.

These Neet cunts don't know how good they actually have it in life.

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I drank so much I have memory lapses now. People notice it too and some say my eyes look glazed over. You can't be sad if you don't remember how to

dont you EVER trust a girl that says that has depression and wants to be prettier, NEVER.
or well just dont trust woman in general

the solution is literally always eating healthy and working out. these two things will actually solve all of your problems. im not kidding. once you do these two things your brain fog will lift and your path will be clear.

if not maybe dmt

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Hi user, I am also an ugly low value male. I have been suicidal for almost all my life. Depression anxiety, the whole works. I don't know what happened, but recently ( I am 26 now) I finally just stopped giving a fuck. I realized that my life was in my control, I could make my own destiny, and I didn't have to care about the world, and I could see myself any way I wanted to.

Ever since then, I've been really happy. I can't explain it, but I am simply just content overall. Had a terrible day at work? Yeah I'm bitter and angry for a bit, but I still find joy in the day somehow. Social rejection or autism? Maybe I'll cringe for a bit, but I get over it right away and move on.

Realizing that all the bullshit that used to eat me up inside doesn't matter at all made me stop judging myself so harshly. I've become more appreciative with what I actually have. I always believed that it would be impossible for me to change how I looked at myself, and that I would never be happy. Just a few months ago reading this from someone else would have seen like insanity, but it's the truth. You can change how you feel about life user.

how old are you?

You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

video games and exhibitionism

I have multiple scars and wounds all over my body, some even done while blackout drunk, and I never had this problem. I do it with OTC single edge blades in small and NEVER deep cuts. I also don't fall for that bullshit down the sidewalk/deeper is better meme that people spout because I don't do it for attention. I do it to temporarily dissasociate from my reality and for the flood of chemicals to my brain. Unlike you I'm not a faggot that did shit stupidly and fucked his hobby up with autism. I also play guitar as a hobby, so the fact you ruined that for yourself while being more of a faggot for self harming really does say sonething.

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I do what I do with ever emotion, distance myself and distract. I mean I breakdown every now and then but good most days.

>i don't want to be cute, i want to be hot
easiest way to identify a low-iq impressionable female

I pretty much just let it control me at this point. I've fallen so far down I'll never get back up. I have such a disconnect with myself and the real world. It feels like life is a movie that I'm watching. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to deal with it. My anxiety is so bad I ignore the few people who actually care about me and try to talk to me. I've dropped out of college and don't have the motivation to get a job. I feel like a waste of human life. I wonder if I should just give up everything all together and end it.

I don't. I just throw on my dead eyes and force my body to move and speak when I have to. It's like using my body like a videogame character. Unfortunately I get anxious walking outside my dorm, so I just go everywhere completely devoid of any emotion and avoid contact with anyone. Inside, though, it's just an emotional clusterfuck.

>tfw too attractive

haha wooow totally want to kys guys lol