Crazy bitches

>Crazy bitches

Share your crazy bitch stories. I haven't run into one personally but I have a few friends that have
>friends ex is crazy as fuck
>claims she loves him to death
>cheats on him multiple times
>one time was allegedly for concert tickets but then changes the story to cash
>she keeps roping him back in by seducing him with sex
>he's trying to date other people
>on a tinder date
>she bangs at his front door and texts and calls him until he lets her in
>after she leaves she tells him she texted his date
>he texts his date and she never got a text
>somewhere along the lines she's pregnant with his twins and wants to keep them
>miscarriage, then her dad dies two weeks later

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plz share more and next time go a bit in depth please

>comic sans

Into the trash she goes.

I have literally 50 crazy bitch stories but I'm drunk and you'll think I'm lying anyway.
I'm gonna cook some chicken.

I really wish I could but I can't remember all the minute details right now. I guess when she told him about fucking some other guy for tickets he was just coming up on acid and she told him out of spite for not waiting for her to get there before they took the acid. He ended up sobbing the entire trip, really fucked him up for a bit.

Faggot not like anyone's gonna believe my stories either just share

Are you legit retarded? Im asking for a friend

Same friend, different girl
>starts using tinder
>gets some good matches, some not so good
>chatting up this girl for a week
>they really click and trust each other
>she ends up telling him she murdered a homeless man with a baseball bat once
>she was really drunk and he was allegedly harassing her and she was just having a bad day
>she found out she killed him because she saw it in the paper (obituary?) and said he'd been hit about 25 times

bitches like in your pic related make me feel a mixture of cringe and disgust. They are only doing it for the aesthetic and don't know our struggles.

god damn, the culture of littleton colorado has become so shit. whiny ass hipstere "meme" girls all moved in from texas and california and they are shitting up the whole place, trying way too hard at everything and being as edgy as possible. this picture represents exactly the kind of cancer that is moving to denver: idiots who who follow whatever the internet tells them to do and move into tiny plastic apartments off santa fe god dammit colorado has been ruined fuck you op

i kinda wanna hate throat fuck a girl like that. Stupid blue hair edgy shit

>hanging out with girl lately
>she's crazy
>obviously no sex because look where I am
>stop talking to her
>she keeps coming in to my work

it's like I can feel the false rape accusation coming. what do i do?

read this thread if you want reasons to dont date any girl ever

>comic sans
Wow, they literally deserved to get shot

Make sure you bring it to people attention that she's coming into work to see you numbnuts, usually when rape happens you're stalking her, seems tough to prove you raped her if she's going out of her way to see you.

nah she's stalking me
also it doesn't matter what I say to people they'll still side with the female 100% of the time

she didn't paint that on the floor you dingus

also it's a good thing she doesn't know where I live
but how can I get her to leave me alone?

>tfw my best friend constantly tells me not to stick my dick in crazy
>tfw crazy is the only thing that makes me hard

If a girl pulled a knife on me and started yelling at me I think I would marry her.

crazy bitch when homes

>aryan stacy in grade below me kiks me one day out of the blue "hey", ignore her
>friend says he gave her my kik and tells me to message her back
>next day just text "yo" because socially retarded
>message her for a few days then we hang out with aforementioned friend after school
>awkward as fuck the whole time, friend went to the bathroom at one point and i just started talking about cars or something
>getting anxiety rn just thinking about how awkward it was
>go to leave and she clearly is trying to get me to drive her home, but i just tell her to get ride from friend
>she tells me to do a burnout leaving (i was driving a red convertible e36 bmw at the time)
>kiks me later saying it was sexy
basically i was a fucking literal autist around her and she still wanted the dick, i don't feel like typing out a story unless anyone actually cares. being a failed normie sucks

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I care, are you attractive or something why was this girl crazy over you