>tfw you're a 4'11" male
I hate everything.
Tfw you're a 4'11" male
you aren't but if you were i'd cum in your bussy
But how much do you weigh? that matters
Ha sucks for you small fry
>t. 5'6
I am gfd degenerate and I'd switch with you in a heartbeat.
>4'11 male
Are you Filipino?
>4ft 11 male
Nigga you a girl
Now you know that is illegal right? You can't date children.
this, I'm 5'7" and I would choose to be even shorter if it meant having a tall assertive gf
>Calls other people small
6'4 btw
You have to be over 18 to post here OP
Imagine how good it'll be when you finally find a thicc 5'9" gf who towers over you and smothers you with her giant titties.
You're on hard mode user but the reward will be even greater.
Yeah that was the point
Where do you live? I want to turn you into my bf. I want a small boy to fall in love with and be my husband if you don't mind going gay for a secure life.
While i cannot empathise, i try to stand up for smol males as much as possible by pointing out female discrimination
They are fucked, there's no two ways about it and i feel sorry for them evrrytiem
>you're a woman
Fixed, manlets aren't men.
5'8 guy here
6'4 is too intimidating and 5'6 just too short
If you aren't the middle man then you should probably kys
Get out of here manlet
He's right. Anyone over 6'1-6'2 range are too tall. Being around 6'0-6'2 to me is normal tall. 6'3 and taller is too tall.
Same thing with the average 5'10-5'11. While 5'8-5'9 is shorter than average it's close enough to not be noticed.
5'7 and shorter is short
Depends on where you are from in my opinion
Where are you from?
Don't worry op. The future is unironically tall women short men.
>using buzzwords
Did I strike a nerve this early?
>6'4 is too intimidating
>too intimidating
why are you a huge faggot
Me and all my classmates are around the same height and i'm not the tallest, I thought the general population was getting taller
turn into a sissy trap and let me breed your bussy
>tfw 5'12 male
It was over before it began bro I feel you
4'11 is the most intimidating to anyone with an IQ above 110. They are the most efficient marksmen, as they have much less surface area to hit and they can draw and fire faster than taller people.
>inb4 no guns
If you aren't carrying a pistol every time you leave your house than you aren't intimidating whatsoever and your argument doesn't work anyway.
t. 5'7" male.
wanna sit in my jar?
6'4 is not intimidating it's the perfect male height.
>middle man
>world average is 5'10
>tfw 5'11
ok shortstack your a big man.
>Calls other people small
7'2 here
No, it's the future.
Tall men are obsolete.
these threads are the same every time!!
stop wasting your time!!!
>Muh guns
Probably has the body strength of wet paper, learn to intimidate with a weapon
Post a picture of yourself so I can laugh at you Hobbit.
I can almost bench 2pl8 m8.
If you don't carry guns, you're not a threat, you're literally a joke and nothing you say will change this lmao.
Large men are obsolete.
Since when? how long have guns existed? plus pointing a gun at man is probably the most beta, easy way out of winning an argument / fight
tfw 4'10 female
let's be friends OP
Pretty much this.
Everyone's a bitch when weapons are involved
Not everyone lives in America buddy. Most people in the world cannot feasibly obtain a pistol let alone legally carry it around.
Guns weren't invented during this decade my dude
People were considerably shorter in the 1800's even though wars were already fought with guns
Large men are also worse at sword and spear combat so they've been obsolete for a while desu. Guns are the nail in the coffin.
They are better for h2h I won't lie but if you're fighting with your hands instead of a weapon you aren't fighting. I don't get into barfights or streetfights I just walk away, but if I have to fight, I will put my opponent down.
The best fighters/soldiers in the world are shorter than that. You tallfags are merely an accessory to women. If you faced me 1 on 1 you'd get your shit tossed within seconds. Probably just another lanklet or fat fag
>Large men are worse at sword and spear combat
In what world would virgin 5'5 win against Chad 6'4, not only would the larger pace and arm reach both be beneficial, it's also human nature to be afraid of large things
At his height, at the end of the Buu Saga, Goku could weigh over 200lbs or more. Goku could be between 5'7" and 5'9", but definitly not 6'0" or over.
found how user got his information for the outside world
Study HEMA and you'll see why desu
you should drive a volkswagen beetle
Your making it sound as though every 6'2+ guy is a ripped heavy weight champ
you make it sound like every 5'6 guy weighs 280 pounds of pure power, i specifically said the larger arm span and stride would help, never mentioned muscle
My 5' friend (female) says she won't date boys shorter than her
How about you fight me then faggot
>tfw 6'1
>tfw hate being so tall
>tfw can never be the small spoon
>tfw people always look to you to take the lead
>tfw every girl you attract expects you to be a manly man and take control
Life is hell. I wish I was short. ;_;
I see the appeal in being short but you can't be short and intimidating same way you can't be tall and cute
Why not just get a midget GF, OP?
Make way shrimp, 8' boi in the thread now.
I don't want to be intimidating. I don't want to take the lead. I cant handle it. I hate confrontation and I hate making choices for others. But they keep coming to me. Even my local bartender likes to give me free drinks because he says just my being there is enough to end some fights before they begin.
The tallest man living is Sultan Kosen (Turkey, b.10 December 1982) who measured 251 cm (8 ft 2.8 in) in Ankara, Turkey, on 08 February 2011.
Good one
Being 6'0" means jackshit these days bros 6'2" is the real cutoff.
If they had proper proportions they'd be diamond dick material.
wtf he looks like a turkish obama
pls be qt tall but submissive bf
I love how everyone turns into a combat expert over the internet.
Obviously no one here has ever heard of the dreaded "One Inch Cock Thrust" which can make any opponent flee in terror.
>obligatory 5'11" vs 6'0" post
>i can beat you up on the internet!
you should really consider suicide, manlet
I'm tall and submissive but I don't really think I'm a qt...
>4'11" male
maybe you should try becoming a female (male)
i'll make you qt, all you gotta do is exist
Y-you will? Where do you live?
Peter Dinklage could get all the pussy he wanted. He could get Amazon pussy if he wanted. (He probably already has boned a 6'5.)
Not about how tall you is. About how fucking alpha you is.
yeah i couldn't have you as my boyfriend but maybe if you let me put you in a dress you could be my gf
This is my perfect gf desu.
t. 5'7"
lol the world average isn't anywhere near 5' 10". The Chinese average is 5' 6" and the Indian average is 5' 5", and other Asian countries are similar and those are 3/4 of the men in the entire world.
The average male height is probably somewhere around 5' 6" - 5' 7".
Anyone over 5' 10" can't be a robot by definition. There is just no getting around this fact.
i'm 5'4"
are you hispanic, because that might have something to do with it. i know i don't have that excuse.
>tfw 6'2
>broad as a bus
>been working hard doing manual labor jobs last year
>losing weight, gaining muscle
>down to 195 lbs from 260
>qt's be mirin
I'm living the good life, lads.
God I would just love to hold and snuggle you every night.
If you aren't gay OP I am so sorry.
Out of the way little girl, 9' real man coming through.
>9' real man coming through.
Maybe if you live in Asia, little girl. 10ft tall robot reporting in. I might not get pussy, but I scare everyone with my height.
you're set for the good life my nigga, just keep it up
I'm 5'3" with 7.5x6"...
It's way worse
how does it feel? are you pudgy though?
I once had a dream I was tall.
What happened was a bunch of short bitches started hovering around me smiling at me expecting me to do things to them in exchange for them just being there.
look at all these midgets
just walk on your dick instead of your feet
That's actually how it is at my job. All my female coworkers are tiny as fuck and when there is anything that needs done they all immediately look to me to do it.
>winning an argument
why win an argument when you can end it?
6ft 2
130 lbs
any skinny men in?
i have a pretty good bone structure but i just look unhealthily skinny. i blame it on rapid growth and not getting used to eating more food
>but i just look unhealthily skinny.
of course you look unhealthily skinny, nigger wtf. You're 6ft 2 and 130 pounds? that's supposed to be the average weight of someone that's 5'7'', and you're wayyy taller than that.
Get out boy, 11 foot standing proud.
maybe in burgerland where average height is like 5'10. Most europe countries have average height of 6'0
Uk. Have in mind that I'm a girl with penis
What do you mean? Britain has a 5'9 average height, and France has a 5'10 average height. Only a few European countries (Germany and the Scandinavian countries) have average heights above 6 feet.
I live in eastern europe, im a little over 6ft tall (184cm) and I feel average height, sometimes even short compared to most young guys
If you're under 6 foot you're a tiny pathetic manlet
Yeah sure keep dreaming manlets lmao
>tfw 6'2" male
>tfw never can be a cute twink