Meet guy on discord

>meet guy on discord
>we get lewd
>I'm a sub he's dom
>ask him for permission to cum
>he says no
AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH Why did I ask for his permission I just want to cum now I've been edging all day and all I want is an orgasm. Hopefully if I beg him tomorrow he'll let me finish. Why are dom guys such meanies? And why do I find it hot?

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sounds weird, senpai.

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Posts like this remind me of my ex, and now I'm feeling depressedl again. Thanks OP.

>meet someone on discord
>we talk
>one day goes by without talking
>suddenly blocked
>next day
>talk just fine with another person i met
>go take a nap
>come back to pc

And I still don't know what happened

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>says don't cum
>cum anyways
Do something about it gaylord

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how can you live like that? degrading yourself to men when you wanted a gf when you were younger?

How and where do you find people like that?

Hey I think I may have been the person doing that, what's your discord #? If it was me sorry lmao.

>is gay

I'm so stunned and bewildered right now.



>tfw have crazy stamina and could fap for hours if needed
Feels good knowing whoever doms me won't last near as me

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Cute catgirl maid. Thanks

It can take me an hour to cum. I hate it so much because they always start taking it personally. All I need is to make them cum and feel good but they always NEED to make me cum and it if starts taking it to long they get the stupid idea that I don't like them in their heads. I fucking dread the day anyone I'm starting to get in a relationship with wants to have sex because it almost always ends soon after.

let /b/ join in

>>meet guy on discord
>>we get lewd

How does this even happen?

I fucked a girl for 10 hours straight once.
Do you want to make a bet?

But I can't lie to him

What's his name jc

This. Lost my one GF because of this. She was perfect. Now I can't even approach females because I know this is going to be the end result.

I think you're a honosexual

The state of r9k. Aaaahhhh

>Feels good knowing whoever doms me won't last near as me

In the BDSM community that's called being a "brat"

You find it hot cause you're a sub

Because it's fun to boss a sub around and put them in their place. And a sub that starts acting up gets punished.

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>tfw classic brat
>tfw all the doms near me hate that shit and want nothing but 100% obedience and not to challenge them in any way

Life sucks and then you die.

Don't wanna say. Sorry

kill yourself you're no better than the roasties you despise

all of you need to commit suicide, swiftly
degenerate, wasteful, morons

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