>tfw was shy beta who never talked to girls in high school
>tfw discovered MGTOW and TRP around that time
>tfw haven't and won't ever approach women or get exploited now that I know the truth about their nature
Feels good knowing the truth, robots. Especially now in college where every girl is a roastie. I feel bad for the guys who had to learn the hard way via experience.
Tfw was shy beta who never talked to girls in high school
My dad red pilled me on women from the beginning
Still gave me about not having a wife
We will not be fooled by those witches!
We must spread the truth!
Indeed. Preach it to any and every young man you see. They need to see the truth before it's too late.
How do you even pronounce that? Em Gee Toe? Maggot Oww? Mage Tow?
I think it's "mig toe"
Actually though what's the point if women won't love you like they do chad
Exactly. Only a fool plays a rigged game.
No one wants to be alone, user
Only the concept of women as a sexual object is really relevant to the discussion, it's no use hating roasties because you learn to pity them.
this sounds great idea the less guys there are the more pussy for me appreciate the sacrifice guys
I come to you from your future, OP.
Don't date stupid college bitches whilst you are, yourself, a college bitch.
Date townies or girls going to other colleges, via the Interweb. That way you do not have to run into them on campus.
Get good grades and a decent job.
Oh look, now all the women will be eager to meet a young man who is upwardly mobile.
Did I mention not dating dozy thots from your own college? That is an excellent plan.
Going MGTOW though is gay.
Keeeeeeekk.... I know a guy on my facebook who has a mgtow background on his profile. Also has posted some mgtow quotes and shared mgtow links. Shits hilarious.
MGTOW is a spook. It exists as a good way to inform young men but the focal point of this all is that young men now know they have a choice.
>Opt in to a society that hates you
>Opt out
>Opt in but be devious about it, smart, don't take any shit, and reject the degenerate aspects of life you hate
We live in a time where young men are now aware they have this choice, which is groundbreaking. MGTOW are like the special forces of "men opting out of society".
How is it a spook then?
It's a spook because the internet sees it where it does not exist.
There are only a few "MGTOW" guys, they are like auxiliary forces for a larger army.
I was saved by my simple lack of interest in dating. I just hung out with friends and played Vidya. Now knowing women are garbage never got exploided by them. Outside family that is.
MGTOW autists are welcome in my opinion. They're willingly removing their obvious genetic failure from the gene pool.
what are MOOOS
>discovered MGTOW and TRAPS
>what are prostitute?.jpg
I learned the hard way.
If you keep fucking up people will die.
Those op is so correct.
all that fucking blood. I mean people die mate. Not like I killed them. Womenz drop dead every play an RPG.
all those negative -1 rpg elements.
Oh btw I am a nigger so your rolls may varry.
sig heil master race. etc etc
I hear people say it "mig-tao"
>implying the current state """society""" is worthy of saving.
t. norman who loves his roastie
t. norman who wants o take care of kids
t. norman who wants to take care of wife mood swings
t. norman wagecuck
tfw you have no responsabilities
>MGTOW retards had to be tricked into ignoring women by telling them it made them superior, the only way to spare their fragile egos
>I've been doing it my whole life just cause I just prefer being alone
>now everybody thinks I'm a mouthbreathing MGOTW stooge when I tell them I have no interest in a gf
Read the post I tagged user. "Men operating out of society" although it is my fault for using a bullshit acronym I made up out of pure laziness
>virgin,virgin,VIRGIN!!! shoo shoo
Shit bait m8
Moos are fat girls
Original plumpers
When I was a kid I used to force a smile while I was crying to convince myself that I was happy.
>When I was a kid I used to force a smile while I was crying to convince myself that I was happy.
Pic related was literally you.
>be high schooler
>be really beta
>child of single mom
>have Chad friend who tries to help me
>not sure if TRP subreddit was a thing at this time, but friend tries to show me some redpill type sites online with the same type of info
>tries to redpill me on feminism, marriage, and other shit
>start reading some of this shit at home
>start trying to improve myself by lifting
>mom finds out
>she looks at some of the sites I've been using
>tells me I can't look at this stuff anymore, it encourages violence against women and sexism and shit
>also, doesn't think I should lift because it will hurt my body and I don't need to exercise as much as I do
>listen to her, start seeing my Chad friend as an evil bad guy
>tfw several years later realizing I was on the right path
Another mgcel thread...
MGTOW are among the most pathetic breed of incels. They are every bit as obsessed with women as the lesser orders of incels, but their self delusion is so strong they have convinced themselves it was all their own idea to be alone and bitter.
It makes me extremely happy that these degenerates will never ever breed
It's pronounced "Faggot"
where am I on this scale if I'm a virgin but think the reason women don't want me is because I'm fat and ugly
I wonder where the femanons being so autistic in this thread came from. lolcow? reddit? Jow Forums?
At the min level, you think women's standards are above what you can offer so you have very low self esteem. You have only begun on the descent into incel butthurt, there's still hope for you.
I used to be on the way end but I realized that most of my beliefs were illogical.
Then you've already come back from the brink. Sounds like you've progressed past being a butthurt incel and are slipping into despair. I should make a sliding scale of incel despair next.
Why not though. I can assure you I'm not a woman, but I can tell MGTOW is for teenaged, mentally handicapped tards. I'm sure most other posters against MGTOW are too: no woman would spend time here, you do actually browse this board right? There are ALWAYS multiple women hate threads, which is fine, they're fucking cunts, but I can't help but to constantly want their vaginas on my face. The urge never stops. So I put up with their insipid shit until I can fuck them, and if it becomes clear I cannot, I don't speak to them. You guys make a game more simplistic than checkers seem like quantum fucking physics. Get a grip
>wife mood swings
Tfw no mood swings gf
I don't think I'm in despair either. I just sort of accepted that I'm not attractive to women. There are somethings I can work in like exercising more and eating less but there are some aspects of me that I can't change
I don't know who you are or what you do, you came out of nowhere. I have seen feminists on reddit organizing raids against MGTOW, combined with the fact that they are obsessed with it 24/7.
A core problem with this discussion is that "MGTOW" is obfuscated. Most of the guys getting shit on for being MGTOW are not MGTOW, they're just single. Women are desperate and insecure because without men they are nothing, and you know that.
>women are nothing without men
they're something I'm sure but I'm also sure I don't give a shit what that something is.
I posted earlier and assumed this was directed towards me, so that's admittedly my bad. I just find MGTOW posters and the content of their posts to be cope tier bullshit every time.
>I just sort of accepted that I'm not attractive to women
That still seems like despair to me. You've given up all hope. You're not happy, you're just resigned to loneliness. Acceptance is finding happiness in your life that allows you to be content. It doesn't sound like you've done this, you've reached a similar state of mind where you no longer have any desire to pursue women, but it's because you've been sapped of any will to do so, not because you're happy regardless.
The thing about MGTOW is that their whole movement is still based around their rejection of women, which means it is still based around women in some way. The true MGTOW probably don't even know what the acronym means, they just do what they want without thinking about relationships at all.
The outrage goes both ways. Women bitch, whine and complain about MGTOW relentlessly.
Once people find out that MGTOW is an auxiliary, maybe things will get better, but women think they're oppressed if men don't associate with them. Women are extremely desperate, in a different but stunningly similar way men are.
Perhaps some guys do use it as a cope, but that's their business. I have my disagreements with them about certain things, like porn for example.
>claims to be happy and content
>has to justify his happiness by trying to sway others into his defeatist cult