How many here are longing for death?

How many here are longing for death?

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I was until I started taking my meds. I was on them since 7, so I kind of need them now.

MDMA makes life worth living
why do you got to rush into death?

No one because anyone actually longing for death would've killed themselves by now

Death scares the crap out of me but life is also extraordinarily painful.

until you crash

we might all come from personal realms and certain qualities manifest in the physical universe that we appreciate whether it's art, courage, or whatever.
Just relax and don't worry about what other people think or do

Was, now I'm like nah.

do it on rotation smoke weed, eat mushrooms, dabble in coke and mdma once a month
the crash is all part of the experience and honestly I never felt a crash from responsible dosing of mdma

I was, but in my farewell events I had so much fun that I lost the will.

Turns out drinking until you fall, pay for cheap whores, get BJs from skinny fags in parties, and beat sleeping hobos with baseball bats is quite amusing

Where do I get some of that. Seems like a peaceful way to go.

Nothing else to live for

>How many here are longing for death?
3-4 hours ago.
>sitting at my computer
>intrusive "I want to kill myself" thought
>start thinking about if I'd be able to partial suspension hang myself from my door
>start thinking about what it would feel like
>"I should try it and stop before I get close to blacking out just to see if I could do it"
>"Wait what if I actually just did it haha lol"
>get a feeling sort of like that meme feeling where you want to throw something out the window of a moving car
>started getting incredibly anxious about how I might really kill myself
>snapped out of it

if you're free and have access to a computer there's could be something you can find
I've been put in prison for nonviolent victimless crime of drug possession and my motivation to live now is to see the US government collapse

you don't enjoy art, the of the story of life, or anything?

General rule is once per season max

yeah and it doens't get much better than the 1st and 2nd dose, if you're 10 hours in and taking .3-.4 it's just kind of stupid masturbation
but the crash still isn't as bad as alcohol or depression
I trade the high + crash for anything any day

>I've been put in prison for nonviolent victimless crime of drug possession and my motivation to live now is to see the US government collapse
Edgy, thanks for reminding me drug users are scum.

yeah because the us government is a bastion of fairness and freedom
I'll personally make sure you neetbux faggots starve

Fair ot not the government collapsing would cause so much chaos and hardship for millions of people and you're wishing for it because you're super salty over a charge, do the crime do the time like a man you pussy.

me, my avoidant personality disorder its getting out of control.

why would it cause millions of people hardship? Because they fucked the entire economy and are fucking the entire world. Their entire model is a scam.
They did this not me.
If this shit would have crashed years ago not as many people would be affected, and more will be affected the longer this scam goes on.

It's really not my problem it's theirs and they just use force to prolong their problems. Fuck them and fuck all the bootlickers supporting it.
I'm working on solutions that eliminate their control instead of blindly going along with it like a faggot.
The entire things is a scam and unjust and accelerated over the past 100 years and especially over the past 50 and now we're in a state of uncontrollable debt.

Listening to these fucking idiots and accepting their rule is the most pussy thing you can do, and you should kill yourself like OP wants to

So suicide is as easy as just pushing an easily available button that says "Die painlessly now"?

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