ATTENTION FAGGOTS (message for white males on this board)

This board is a psyop to keep down the socially outcasted young white males who frequent this desolate shithole know as (((r9k))).
The best thing you can do for yourself starting tomorrow is stop wanking, start lifting, and stop visiting this board. Try surrounding yourself with positivity and strong, intelligent white people.
If you don't heed this advice you're fucked. If you do, welcome to the path towards the good life, brother.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>giving up 2D
No, kill yourself.

sounds like a lot of effort user. can i just kms instead

Or just don't buy into the obvious b8. Its obvious a psyop of some sort is going on (not just on r9k, b or even on social media).

This is true for a lot of Jow Forums, but not /uglyr9k/

I know all of that, the problem is the habit of coming here, it's deeply stucked in my brain.
I left Jow Forums many times and always came back.

>Faps to cartoons and tells to kms.
wew lads

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>tells others to stop fapping to cartoons on an anime imageboard

That's ok. Just keep yourself busy. Lift, read, run, walk, bike, hike, swim, listen to music, make music, do whatever hobbies you do. You'll forget about this place and it'll seem boring.

Nah nigger, this is my thread. Get fukt.

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>haven't fapped for 2 weeks
>precum keeps leaking out and my prostate hurts

Yeah fuck you too, OP.

>be manlet and dicklet
also surrounding myself with "positive and strong, intelligent white people" is code for building a echo chamber (aka normalfag behavior). I was screwed from birth, so kindly fuck off

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You will killed anyway in the coming civil war if you don't take this advice. Your choice. Live free or die like a bitch.

Obvious shill is obvious. Fuck off nigger.

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I'll will try one more time and hope it's the good one. Thanks.

>muh height, muh dick
yeah, you should probably kill yourself if that's how you think. Shill harder.

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No problem, sounds like you're already on your way considering unlike these other faggots you accept sound advice with open arms.

>implying non of these matter
as expected you will deny all the evidence that in contrary to your point

You're probably literally a nigger so just fuck off.

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Ah so you're one of those Jow Forumssheep that can't think for himself.

Thanks for discrediting nofap even more.

>not fapping to superior 2D waifus

What a faggot

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>live free
>you will be killed if you dont live your life in sexual deprivation

I've been working on both, quitting fapping (relapsed today sadly) and lifting weights. For women originally, but now to do better because it is what my ancestors would want.
I still come here though for uni threads, music, and nostalgia threads, as well as the ocassional green text.
My life's pretty fucked up it feels like, and I don't seem to know what I'm supposed to do. Meanwhile Ive been told Im sexist, Ive been attacked for mansplaining. And Ive watched as my once very white home town has begun its descent into niggger/spic ville.
This video helps with the pain, even though I'm not south African. Thankyou for making this thread op. Whether others realize it or not, we have to do better, or we will cease to exist.

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I work out primarily to lose weight and be healthy. I dont see the point in lifting since I work a sedentary desk job and dont need to max out my str stat.

Nofap is a faggot meme fapping regularly to 2D waifus the only way to prevent degeneracy. The other way is to get a sex doll.

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>Everything is a (((pyops))).
You know where you belong.


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>when you are a loser but you pretend that it isn't truth because you exercise

>nice thread
>ruins it with Jow Forums

have fun being a socially outcast nazi freak