What is your race? Also, if you could make one race disappear from the planet instantly, which would you pick?
What is your race? Also, if you could make one race disappear from the planet instantly, which would you pick?
Brown spic
None really I like everyone
I'm white. Can I just collectively destroy all brown people? Leaving just the whites, eastern asians, and the jews.
>tfw unironically have wished this before
burrito boy
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
I hate Neanderthals
can you post a pic of a non-brown spic?
Also if any of you say black you're going to miss the root of human genes. I mean it's not like Africans aren't being milked for their genes.
Blacks, arabs or gipsies, I don't care.
Anyone in India and surrounding countries save for china.
I wouldn't erase a race, only people who live in major cities. The most pretentious along with the most violent can go away.
Senor Marco Rubio
And you evolved from apes, who cares? We are more evolved than you and you are more evolved than apes.
100m dash
Tyler Lockwood
jews obviously. i love all other races.
w*ite boy
>more evolved
man ur retarded
All you cunts saying you want to get rid of Jews I hope you realize you're saying you'd rather live under rule of ISIS
That's not how evolution works, mong.
Asian (far east)
the wh*toid scourge
Can I just pick poor people? I hate white poor people more than non white rich people
looks like you pushed too hard with the BLACKED porn, bro.
Human race
he's clearly brown
Can I only make loudmouths and troublemakers disappear?
That means a good portion of blacks and Hispanics, but that also leaves the good ones and removes the white trash.
Your misguided heart is the true problem. Bedouins and Druz Arabs have been peaceful in Israel for decades, and most Arabs don't support ISIS, which is mostly killing other Arabs anyway.
>only poster to made that joke itt
Wtf I love Jews now??
The difference is the most Arabs would cut your head off given the chance. We just don't give a fuck about you. You can decide which sounds better, but in reality you aren't the ones in charge.
what the hell is going on with the site?
i keep seeing Jow Forums threads in Jow Forums, and Jow Forums threads in Jow Forums
is this just a test for april fool's day?
wtf castizo mean?
White and I'd get rid of the Jews. I don't care if jewspiracies aren't real, Israel is a crime on humanity and all the news organizations suck.
literally the only reason arabs are a problem is jewish meddling. they wouldn't even be in the west without it.
Spic that has more spanish than native
Basically the spics that get mistaken for italian
>We just don't give a fuck about you.
I'm the other Jew user. I've met many kind Arabs who have fought in the Israeli army. You don't even have the brain to realize the hypocrisy in your post. Those who want Jews to die have the same antipathy for you that you seem to have for Arabs.
Spanish Soap Opera stars are castizos
italians are mostly brown
east asian
not original
More like orange but okay
Al Pacino is brown, not orange
Black since my country is getting invaded by them as we speak
>black jews
If I was forced to pick one I'd pick the one that includes me.
I think the idea is wipe them off at this point in time. And currently we're more of a drag on the world than a boon.
white (atlanto-mediterranid, but nords and amerimutts hate me)
and i would erase.. none, we need black slaves.
I really dont give a fuck about race but if i had to wipe one off the planet it would be black people, they seem to be the loudest rudest and most violent of most
But again, i dont see why what color m&m you get matters all that much
I'm white.
Blacks have to go.
jew isn't a race
Unironically Blacks.
brazilians. oregno comentorina
im italian, i know its not a race but some people dont consider them white
100m dash
most people from argentina, they are even whiter than the united states and most countries in europe
Mixed: Native American and Mexican. luckily i didn't get either races uggo genes
>remove the blacks
100m is the easiest fucking one
I represented for 100m/200m but I would definitely get rid of the 400m
im white, and i would make maroon people disappear forever, im incredibly racist against them.