Have you ever wondered if you were retarded?
Have you ever wondered if you were retarded?
Bitch I know I'm retarded.
How do you know you're retarded?
>ftw feel retarded but keep testing well
>try to step away from responsibility and lower expectations but too retarded to say no and people thing I'm just being humble
>this is all going to fall down around me in flames
I always thought I was smart because test scores but I just day dreamed all day and never did anything, I can't perform well in anything or situation but am still somehow capable of judging how well others are doing something, in arguments in real life everyone is well versed and more knowledgeable and politically correct than me and I don't know how to refute them when I disagree, same thing on the internet except people post graphs and shit that I don't understand and don't really care to. Very prone to brain fog, don't know what the fuck is going on, awkward as fuck all the time.
Basically the definition of brainlet right here.
Not retarded but I often wonder if I have autism, aspergers, or ADHD and never been diagonsed
im 31 and still count on my fingers and I dont know my multiplication table very well i miss spell shit all the time
I have several autistic relatives so the gene is there
>can't draw
>can't play any instruments
>can't do math beyond basic addition, division, multiplication and subtraction
>can't get a gf
>can't become a master at one certain type of video game
>can't concentrate for more than 10 minutes
>can't hold a conversation beyond "the weather is pretty bad today huh"
>can only sleep when I'm exhausted
Either retarded or suffer from ADHD or some shit.
He posts on Jow Forums.
This. Always tested well but I've never had friends/gf or decent opportunities in life.
I know I'm a fucking retard.
I don't have to wonder.
the fuck is this?? they tell you this?
I'm not sure if they still do it, I did it a while ago. But they don't have to tell you. Scientists have discovered certain genes and alleles that are associated with increased intelligence, memory, and even larger brain size. You can export your raw genetic data from 23andme or similar genetic testing sites and comb through it yourself looking for genes that are associated with certain traits or diseases.
don't have to wonder, i know am nigga
yes. Jow Forums made me realise im in the spectrum, r9k is making me realise im a schizoid.
Never. My mother refused to let me be stupid and did everything she could to make me appreciate wisdom. I am a genius.
yep youre retarded
im an underachiever and a depressed person and i act autistic online so i most likely am
>24 years old
>never had a job
>feel like I ruin everything I touch
Gee I wonder if I'm a retard...
If you aren't good at putting your thoughts into words, you have a low IQ. This was how I found out I was a brainlet, I would fail every presentation while acing all of my STEM courses.
I think that's verbal IQ. I always feel I sound smarter in writing than what I can actually speak, like that region of the brain was fucked over somehow.
haha bro i gotta tell you same thing here dude