If Kek wills it I write a revelation

If Kek wills it I write a revelation

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Okay if I get good numbers again I really do it

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Ah, nothing
Well whatever .

Kek pls tell me how to get a gf or make my waifu real.

Kek pls tell me if I will get into the only school I have left tomorrow

uhhhhh guys

kek wall (past tense)

Kek willed it! Praise his name

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Rolling for gf if dubs rap career of trips

I remember a thread like this and I said that if get singles i'll kill myself slowly and painfully.
I got dubs.
I was the only person who got dubs.

Christ, show these poor wretches the Way.

Fuck you and your retarded praise kek meme magic garbage. Eat shit and die.

All you have to do is believe and it will happen.

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Will I get a gf?
Please kek, i've been alone for too long...

Kek will send another prophet this year.

i saw, as it were, a mountain of shit fall from OP's computer, and slip into the thread. and the third part of the posters there died.

and i beheld, and heard the voice of one user, saying in all caps: WOE, WOE, WOE TO THE INHABITANTS OF THIS THREAD, BY REASON OF THE VOICES OF THE THREE SHITPOSTERS YET TO COME

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Should I roll for Jeanne Alter

You guys please stop this meme magic is too powerful I thought we weren't summoning kek anymore. This thread already has too many digits STOP PLAYING WITH THE CHAOS

I used to believe aimlessly about the other schools on my list, but then I was rejected by all of them. I guess this one will be my saving grace. Praise Kek once more.


Truly it shall come to pass.

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Kek, please get me a gf in the next 72 days if you will. I'll take dubs and 72 as answers to my prayers. Praise kek

Hmm although you denied my petition, I have to insist
Please approve of my wish

Kek please give me qt gf.

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I think he's getting angry.

The frog poster got approved right after me. Guess Kek has a different destination for me. I'll still ask for some peace of mind tho

you will get nothing. DO NOT TEST THE LORD, YOUR GOD.

I'm not testing my lord Kek, I'm asking for guidance and peace of mind. But if its kek's will that I go insane, I shall go insane, no questions asked.

hey kek should i order some pizza

i guess not
how about some burgers

Kek, could it be that you just hate that I'm tripfagging?

thanks man. i owe you one

Well, guess its time to kill myself and abandon thread